Too Much in One Day?


Active Member
Hi Cathe!
A while ago I asked you for rotation advice before my upcoming wedding. The rotation is going great, but I do have one question....

You had recommended doing the Slow & Heavy Shoulders portion twice a week, but it is hard to fit it in twice due to my schedule. What works out good is doing all of the Slow & Heavy Chest & Back, and then tacking on either the CTX or Pure Strength shoulders. Then on another day, I can do the Slow & heavy shoulders tape. What do you think? Is doing Chest&Back slow&heavy along with shoulders too much in one day?

Thanks for your help!
Hi Anne! What you have mentioned is fine to do. As far as it being too much, I don't think so, just be prepared for your shoulders to be pre-fatigued from your earlier chest workout. If they are very fatigued you will most likely need to lighten your weight some. Good Luck!
Great! Thanks so much for the quick reply. I am happy to hear that I won't impede my progress by doing strength for so long on that one day.

Thanks again and I hope all is well with you and your family.
RE: Hi Anne!

Hi Debbie!
Yes I AM doing the push ups..and let me tell you my arms are SORE this week - especially after yesterday's workout. (The one I described above with the Slow & Heavy Chest, Back and then the additional Pure Strength shoulder work).

This is my first week of a three week Slow & Heavy rotation. My wedding is in 10 weeks. Thanks for all your help and for your well wishes!

Oh! And I just thought of another question where you might have some advice for me Debbie....
Do you do planks too? Do you do them on the same day as you work out your upper body? They really kill my shoulders, so that is why I was hesitant to do them the day after my shoulders were recovering from a hard workout. Should I stick to doing the planks on the same day that I do the push-ups and shoulder work?

Thanks again!
RE: Hi Anne!

You could do the planks from the elbows, on your toes. That's still a lot of work for the core while sparing your shoulders the full strain.
Me again!

Hmmm, good question! I also feel it big time in my shoulders when I do plankwork. Plus it bothers my wrists at times. In my classes lately, I have been doing planks with my students on my elbows & toes, like Mogambo suggested, and you know what~I think that I feel it MORE in my core area then the full arms extended method! I think it may be due to me thinking about it bothering my shoulders & wrists so it takes the attention off my core. Why don't you give it a try and see if the elbow method feels effective for you. Let me know how it's going. 10 weeks away for the wedding, huh??? Yipeee! How exciting! Keep us posted. Oh yeah, BTW, you are going to see some definition BIGTIME after doing the S&H Series. Super series to see results fast too! Keep up the good job.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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