Too Much Circuit


Active Member
Hello Cathe and Everyone else!!!!!

I would like to know if I did circuit training workouts 6 days a week would that be too much? Should I break them down by cardio + upper, etc...? I also plan to add Pilates and Stretch 5-7 days.

What's your opinon?

I was wondering this same thing. Look at the Firm's, They are all circuit-type workouts, and you can do those day after day. I have been trying this same thing, and am looking forward to a knowledgeable person's answer. I also add on a Cathe ub workout once or twice a week, and the next day, I use very light weights for the ub work. I have been using lighter weights every day for the lower body. I am kinda liking this!!!!!
Cathe has a couple of circuit rotations. Check out the November 2003 rotation - All circuits and February 2004 rotation/Cardio and Weights.

I have mixed and matched both of these.

I'm sure if you do a search in the rotations section you should be able to find them.
I was doing circuits in the past two or three weeks or so, most of the time doing both upper and lower body segments in a row -- no days off in between. I was using medium to light weights and was never sore after the workouts.
I just simply wanted to do something different, and honestly, I love circuit workouts. (Terminator, SS, BC, PP, HSTA, SJP etc.,)
Result? I'm very toned. No new muscle building, but whatever I have seems to be firmer than before. I suspect also some body fat loss.

I don't think I would want do this circuit thing all the time, but it was fun for a few weeks. Probably I'll do S&H next week, working on only one bodypart a day, just for doing something totally different again.

My body did not suffered from this everyday circuit type workouts, but I think it is a very good idea to mix this type of training with some traditional weight lifting.

I've tried and I can't find them. When I look at the rotation section I can only see one page and there are no links like "page 1 2 3..." at the top to go back in time. Can anyone provide a direct link to these circuit rotations? Thank you!

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