Too much cardio detrimental to muscle gain??

Just wanted to let you know that I think you are a very knowledgeable lady and I really enjoy your posts on this forum and have gleemed quite a bit of information from you. Your articles are always so informative!! Truly someone to learn from!! Thanks again...Janice
I hate to be cynical but most professional athletes are taking steroids. It's a fact no one wants to admit or talk about but it's true. Take a look at the recent blowup in major league baseball over steroids. Just the tip of the iceberg I am afraid. No one gains 30 - 40 pounds of muscle late in their career just from working out.(see Mark McGwire and Barry Bonds for example)
And the only bikers I see who have nice bodies from weightlifting are the track riders like you see in the Olympics. That's because they basically train like powerlifters when not on the bike. Pro riders like Lance Armstrong, who I admire greatly by the way, usually are VERY thin, spindly in the upper body with large legs from riding. Any muscle these guys do purposely try to build is done in the offseason on a weight program. During the course of their very strenuous pro season they burn themselves up riding. It's the nature of their sport.
And most runners don't have bodies I would aspire to emulate. They are basically bone racks.......I have nothing against that but it's the body type that is most successful for that sport.
It seems to me that in alot of cases sports specific training does not go hand in hand with trying to build what we consider to be a sexy, hard, well proportioned, well shaped body.
I hate to be cynical but most professional athletes are taking steroids. It's a fact no one wants to admit or talk about but it's true. Take a look at the recent blowup in major league baseball over steroids. Just the tip of the iceberg I am afraid. No one gains 30 - 40 pounds of muscle late in their career just from working out.(see Mark McGwire and Barry Bonds for example)
And the only bikers I see who have nice bodies from weightlifting are the track riders like you see in the Olympics. That's because they basically train like powerlifters when not on the bike. Pro riders like Lance Armstrong, who I admire greatly by the way, usually are VERY thin, spindly in the upper body with large legs from riding. Any muscle these guys do purposely try to build is done in the offseason on a weight program. During the course of their very strenuous pro season they burn themselves up riding. It's the nature of their sport.
And most runners don't have bodies I would aspire to emulate. They are basically bone racks.......I have nothing against that but it's the body type that is most successful for that sport.
It seems to me that in alot of cases sports specific training does not go hand in hand with trying to build what we consider to be a sexy, hard, well proportioned, well shaped body.

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