<---tonight's gonna be a good, good night


<---actually recognized this tune on the RT thanks to my DD
<---will always associate it with Cathe now
<---is glad she took a couple days off work post RT
<---is trying to decide if she should go for a run or do a step workout
<---made flight arrangements and reservations for a kayaking trip to the Sea of Cortex next spring yesterday
<---thinks many of you have heard me mention my dream of this vacation for a long time
<---shows you where <--will be next March: http://www.seakayakadventures.com/baja.htm
<--waves good morning to Ms Robin
<--is super :eek: over her kayaking trip
<--wishes <--didn't have to work today :(
<--hopes all have a good day!
<-- waves good morning to Robin and all who follow
<-- wants to go on a kayaking vacay to CA with Robin
<-- is glad Robin took a few days off
<-- has to take the doggies to their 5:30 am herding class in a bit
<-- got up too early
<-- is glad because that gives <-- the chance to catch up
<-- has been working ungodly hours and is usually too brainfried to say much anymore
<-- hopes everone has a fantabulous day

<-- hi Catherine :D
<-- says good morning to her girls
<-- would LOVE to go kayaking in CA with Robin
<-- reconsiders, and adds would LOVE to go anywhere with Robin!:p
<-- commends Carola for her early doggy schedule
<-- would probably hand the dogs the car keys and say "take you own selves to herding class," then roll over for a little nap before getting up
<-- wants to go play hooky with Catherine; we don't need no stinkin' jobs!:eek:
<--somehow managed to hurt <--'s back yesterday. How? By putting down an empty box. A big box. No bending. Just put it down and now has mysterious and unpredictable shooting pain. Sometimes it's there; sometimes it's not. So, every once in a while <-- makes little painful sound when <--walks. Yeah, work is going to be fun today!:rolleyes:
<-- loves looking at RT pics of the gals.
<-- is so glad everyone had fun!
<-- is not the least bit jealous:( Okay, maybe a smidge
<-- has urges, too, you know :p
<-- has to go hobble down the stairs and wonder which step will or will not cause pain.
<-- hopes everyone posting here today has a wonderful Tuesday!
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<---wants you all to know that there is lots of room on the kayaking trip
<---and DH are the only ones signed up for that week
<---will have to pay extra fee if we are the only ones
<---encourages all of you to call Nancy at 1-800-616-1943 and tell her you want to kayak with Robin
<---hopes Catherine has a good, good day at work
<---hands TeTe an Icy Hot patch for her back
<---is LOL at the suggestion of giving the dogs the car keys
<---bets Carola's dogs are smart enough to drive
<---is sure the dogs would drive better than 80% of the drivers out there
<--- *skips in* and says good morning to all
<--- apologizes for the annoying skipping, still feeling endorphins from workout this morning
<--- is happy to see all the RT's back from their great adventure
<--- would like to go play hooky from work with TeTe and Catherine too
<--- thinks Robin's kayaking trip looks amazing
<--- likes going kayaking too
<--- is taking the day off on friday to go kayaking with big brother who decided to fly into town later this week
<--- sprinkles magic pixie dust on TeTe's back to help it survive through work
<--- wishes everyone a good day today
<--- *skips* out of thread
<--- (knows the endorphins will die and the annoying skipping will stop once it sinks in that <--- has to leave for work) ;)
<---waves GM to all
<---is very unhappy to be at work today! :(
<---spent most of yesterday floating in the pool with DH
<---also spent a lot of time wondering if there was a different career out there for <---
<---still hasn't come up with any viable options
<---wishes she could find a government program somewhere that would pay <--- not to do certain jobs - kind of like how they pay farmers not to plant certain crops
<---may have to look into that more
<---can't believe the RT is over :'(
<---plans to run out and pick up a bottle of Shiraz tonight in memory of the trip
<---thinks it was over too quickly
<---hopes that Carola, TeTe and all the other OAL'ers can make the next one!
<---thinks Robin's trip sounds awesome!
<---would LOVE to go kayaking with her!
<---wonders how Carola has been?
<---can't imagine dragging her wieners out of bed at 5:30 a.m. for anything
<---says they would be the ones rolling over and saying "Forget about it!"
<---misses Cat and wishes she had her saying F%#$ on video so she could play it back when from time to time
<---is LOL at TeTe & Robin's urges ;)
<---came home on Sunday to a jury summons - ick
<---has to report for duty sometime in November - has almost 4 months to dread it! ;)
<--pops in to wave to all the OALers
<--needs to get back into working out now that <-- was broken back in on the RT
<--sleeps so hard <-- cannot get up in the morning as of late
<--is off to a meeting and will try to check in later
<--is afraid of kayak but would wait on the shore for Robin....with a bottle of shiraz
<---Waves to all the loverlies this fine Tuesday!
<---Tells Robin that <---have been to Baja Whale watch and it is AWESOME! You will love it!
<---Wishes Catherine a splendid day at work...<---doesn't want to be at work either! :)
<---Waves to Carola and wishes her a fun day
<---Hopes TeTe's mysterious back pain is not too serious
<---Sends her some Motrin and an ice pack :)
<---Waves to the little fire top
<---Thought of Liann last night during the dog show on Animal Plant
<---Thinks the weiner dogs were gorgeous!
<---Waves to the busy Beavs
<---Sends her an immature armpit fart!
<---Wonders if any news was distributed at RT?
<---Thinks mums the word?
<---Better scoot...long day ahead...UGH
<---Wonders if she mentioned that <---is down to 3 cups of coffee a day.
<---Thinks all work and no coffee make <---a dull girl ;)
<-- absolutely LOVES Robin's planned kayaking adventure!
<-- thanks Liann for posting all the great RT pictures. It looks like you ladies had a great time! :)
<-- hopes Carola's brain gets a rest, hopes the doggies have a good herding class.
<-- hopes TeTe's back gets better. <--thinks TeTe's back trouble is a good reason to go get herself a massage.
<-- hopes LFT's endorphins last a long time this morning!
<-- sends Liann some Shiraz...it's afternoon somewhere. :cool:
<-- waves hello to Beavs and Cat!
<-- has some time off coming up soon and so is trying to get caught up before.
<-- should probably make some lists.
<-- hopes everyone has a great day!

ETA: <--waves hello to Melissa!
<---waves back at Gayle and tells her that <---thought about her and her baby whilst watching the doggie show too! :)
<---thinks the only news from the RT was about the touring RT's
<---is going canoeing with DH
<---will see you all later
<--- is really tempted to call Nancy
<--- thinks <--- would get in trouble with DH
<---'s next big trip is supposed to be AK
<--- gives Carola a "brain tune-up" (don't ask, just assume it'll help :rolleyes:)
<--- joins the masses in not wanting to work today
<--- reminds <--- is lucky to have a job
<--- sends a hunky masseur TeTe's way
<--- wonders if Liann's work could get her out of jury duty
<--- then wonders if Liann would prefer jury duty ;)
<--- tells LFT to enjoy her Kayak trip with BB
<--- is looking forward to a trip up-north this weekend to attend a "Polish Regata" with another couple
<--- knows the activities will mostly involve lots of 'beverages' and watching people make fools of themselves. :D

<--- comes back to wave GM to Gayle and Melissa who snuck in while <--- was busy posting!
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<---pops in to send appreciation for well wishes, pixie dust, and drugs
<---says :eek: and extra big thanks to Dawn for hunky masseur!
<---feels better just thinking about it!;)
<---hobbles out (Ouch! OW!) and gets back to work!
<--tips her hat to all of youse who did 7 workouts in one weekend or even 6 or 5 or 4...
<--cannot believe Robin is contemplating a WO so soon after the RT!
<--is so sorry to hear about T's backache :(
<--tells Gayle <-- loved seeing her pics on FB
<--thanks her for sharing
<--didn't realize Pinky was there
<--says Pinky, wherever you are, you look awesome as usual
<--was also glad to be able to put a face to the name of LSass
<--tells Liann that <-- really enjoyed her recent jury duty
<--spent the day reading a novel in a comfy, well-air-conditioned room with lots of snack and beverage machines and got to go home at 4:30!
<--would be happy to spend every work day that way
<--says so don't sweat it
<--cha cha cha back atcha!!
<--waves to all above
<--must run back to work so apologizes for lack of personals
<--tells Liann <--misses her too :(
<--see you all on the flip side
<--- says good evening to all the ladies!
<--- has just been reading the RT highlights thread and is now, officially, sick as a parrot! Sounds like sooo much fun.
<--- cannot remember much below
<--- hopes TeTe's back is on the mend
<--- is glad for Robin that's she's booked that trip she's been planning
<--- is impressed with Melissa cutting down on the caffeine
<--- tells Liann not to worry about jury duty - like Nancy says it's got to be better than work!
<-- laughs at LFT's skippiness (new word!) today
<--- hopes Catherine's having a good work day
<--- is hoping that things calm down for Carola workwise
<--- apologises to anyone <---'s missed but is boring herself and must go before head hits keyboard ... ^HDSH&*)*kld78932rld

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