Tomorrow is my surgery

Hi Dave

Wishing you a quick and pain-free recovery. Take care of yourself and check in when you can. I'm sure you will feel so much better when it all over with.

Ouch Dave! Just thinking about it hurts. I hope the surgery went well today and I really wish you a speedy recovery.
I'm Back

Thank you for all of the well wishes, I'm trying to get my blog up to date. The hospital had wifi but it was one less thing for me to worry about.

So the R & R begins. movies books all the stuff I never had time for.

My PT OT experts are working out the details. I can get up and down the stairs to my "gym" and they told me I could do all the upper body I wanted to. In a few days it'll be back to the bench.

thanks agin for the well wishes it's great to be back.
way to go dave glad to hear you doing good. hey at least you can get some exercise done even if its upper body. hopefully you will be back to 100% before you know it.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
Dave, I'm glad to hear you are on your way to recovery. Just make sure to rest as needed. You just had major surgery and you need to allow your body to heal. You will be back to working out at 100% in no.

Hi Dave. Wow that was pretty quick ha ha. I hope you're doing well. You can go up and down the stairs already? That's great! Keep us posted.

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