My new product release this week (holy grail body transformation) has
brought up a couple of HUGE questions from the BFFM community:
1. What's the difference between BFFM and the new Holy grail program
(explained below)
2. Who is the program for? will it benefit me even though I already
have BFFM?
The latter in particular is a VERY important question because
the answer for many of our BFFM followers at this time, is to
STAY focused on BFFM!
So let me answer both questions
The Holy Grail program is not the right program to start with if
you're currently carrying a lot of body fat. If you are overweight
or if your body fat is still high, your best strategy right now is
to stay on a focused fat loss program such as Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle.
Once your body fat is in the average or better range, then you
would be ready to follow a program like the Holy Grail Body
Transformation system and... you'll get better results on the
Holy Grail when you have a lean or semi-lean body already.
Suggestions: Men, ideally, get your body fat into the "good" range
(10-14%) and at least the "satisfactory" range (15-19%) before
starting the Holy Grail program.
For women, shoot for at least 21-25% body fat (or less) before starting
the Holy Grail program.
There are similarities but BFFM is a fat loss book,
while holy grail focuses on gaining muscle.
So, first point is: people who do not want or need
to gain muscle would not need or want the holy grail.
(Although I could argue that almost everybody needs to
at least maintain the muscle they have and that
includes men and women over 40 who have to think
about sarcopenia - the progressive loss of muscle
with age and even bone density - which can be
improved with good resistance training programs and
proper nutrition)
What is different about holy grail and other muscle
gain programs is it avoids the classical muscle gain
program problem: gaining fat, with the muscle, aka
"bulking up" see my report: the end of bulking:
These "lean gains" are accomplished by using -
coincidentally - the same concept we use in fat loss
in BFFM - cyclical nutrition (zig-zag method).
The difference is, this is a (lean) muscle gain
program, so we go into periods of caloric surplus
to optimize the muscle gain (you just wont gain
significant muscle if you stay in a calorie deficit)
Another major difference is, in Holy grail I spend
MUCH more time focusing on nutrient timing, and in
particular, the post workout nutrition (the window of
opportunity)as a way to improve nutrient partitioning
and increase the chances of getting better body composition
results out of the same daily intake (calories / macronutrients)
I also discuss hormonal optimization throughout the program,
making all recommendations from training to nutrition to
lifestyle (stress, sleep alcohol habits, etc) based on how
they will improve (do more) or worsen (do less) hormonal
response, which also improves the chance of a positive body
composition and better partitioning effect, given a particular
calorie and macro intake.
All this being said, If you already have BFFM and if you are
well versed in cyclical dieting and well versed in nutrient timing...
and if you are familiar with the roles of the hormones in body
composition, then most of this holy grail material will be already
familiar to you...
In that case, instead of buying another new program, it would benefit
you the most to work hard on more efficiently applying the knowledge
and programs you already have...
And if you're having trouble sticking with the program you already
have, then a good book on behavior, compliance and "sticking with it"
is THE BODY FAT SOLUTION, which focuses on the emotional, social,
behavioral, environmental and psychological aspects and challenges
of getting and staying leaner;
the publisher (very temporarily) has the trade paperback version
of that available on amazon for only $6.80
I have NO idea why the publisher (penguin/ avery books/ NYC) marked
it down temporarily, so don't ask, LOL)
Anyway, if the info about gaining muscle without gaining fat or
gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time (the holy grail)
sounds new and interesting to you, and if your body fat is "average"
or better, then you will enjoy holy grail and find it helpful for sure.