
Hi Everyone,

Just wondering how on earth does one use tofu in vegetarian cooking ? How should it be prepared before being cooked ?
Can it go straight into food, raw ? What does it look like when it first comes out out of the packet ? What kind of calories does it contain ? Does it work in curries ?

Phew - loads of questions ! I would be really grateful if any Tofu fans could answer some of my questions please ? :)

Many Thanks

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-15-02 AT 07:31AM (Est)[/font][p]Anna

Short answer as I don't really use it yes some Tofu products need some sort of pre-cooking before using (not sure which) I am popping out to get my lunch in an organic store will check their and get back to you. Darn can't get out our exalted leader is doing a staff seminar I have to go oh dear.


I use a brand of Tofu called Mori-Nu lite tofu. It has reduced fat, and is packaged so that it does not need refrigeration until opened.

One way I enjoy it is to make a smoothie with 1/2 package of said brand (firm) and the fruit of your choice, one packet of sweet & low and a 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. Put it in the blender and enjoy it. My favorite fruit to use is frozen blueberries.

Sometimes I will just use bottled lime juice (unsweetened) with the sweet & lo) It is sublime! No , pun intended.

I also have a white sauce similar to alfredo sauce that I use for pasta, and a peanut sauce that can be used on past or as a dip for veggies. If you are interested, I will be happy to email these to you.

If you are interested in upping your soy intake, find a good flavored soy milk that you LIKE, and blend with one cup canned pumpkin, and sweeet & lo. I warm it up and mix it with my favorite cereal (Kashi good friends or fiber one) for a filling breakfast.

Live by the golden rule: treat others as yourself :)
We buy the extra-firm tofu, cut it into slices, marinade it and then broil it.
RE: tofu...ideas....

Wow, Judy, I love the idea about the soy milk w/pumpin and cereal. I bet steamed butternut squash or sweet potato would work too huh? I too would love the Fettuccini sauce recipe using tofu. Would it be asking to much to have you send it to me also?

[email protected]--Thanks, Dmd
The silken type of tofu is sold in the vacuum pack boxes. It's best for blending: cream soups, sauces, dressings, etc.

For stir-fries, braises, baked tofu, I like the refrigerated type, in a water pack, firm or extra firm. It has a "meatier" texture. Drain it, wrap in a towel & press with a big can of something for about 20 minutes. Then slice as desired & marinate.

You can use both types of tofu raw but I'd bury it into something w/ a lot of flavor. I buy low fat versions which taste the same as the full fat types.

Baked flavored tofu is a terrific convenience food. Cold in salads, as part of a stir-fry, as a sandwich, etc. If you're just dipping your toe in the tofu pool, start here.

Tempeh is a ugly looking soy product that should be steamed for about 15 minutes. Then it can be crumbled like hamburger in chili, pasta sauces, & taco filling. Or marinate & use in stir-fries or braises. Very high in protein.

Fresh soy beans "edamame" are another easy to use soy product. They're sold shelled in the freezer section. They should be parboiled for 4-5 minutes & then used in salads, soups, casseroles, whatever you might use another vegie in (except that these are high protein). The edamame in the pod are great for snacking. Can't believe how fast they disappear when friends visit. Parboil, & toss in a little salt.

Being a vegan, I use soy and tofu all the time! I use silken tofu in smoothies and I also warm tofu up with pasta sauce and put it in my spaghetti. There are all different flavors and I love it! I also eat raw occasionally, but I like it in soups and I make a veggie lasagna with it. Tofu has so many uses it is great!

Cookiebaby (p.s. my name is Anna too!!!!!!)
RE: tofu...ideas....

I'd love that recipe too if you wouldn't mind, I'm a vegan and needing to get more protein, especially on thie TTR rotation, I'm starving!!!! I loved your ideas, thanks!!

Lori [email protected]
You can use it SOOOOO many ways!! I bought a few cookbooks with tons of recipes - the one I like best is "I Can't Believe This Is Tofu" (or some such name) Lots of recipes that are really good!!!
Gosh, you guys have so many cool recipes!!!

Can I have them too?? It is [email protected].

Bobbi..your sauce sounds good. I am assuming you let it cool first. One of the salads that I am ABSOLUTELY addicted to right now is Claim Jumper's Crunchy Spinach Salad. Have you ever had this?? Really to die for. I wish I knew what was in that dressing!!!

Thanks everyone..

RE: Hi Bobbi

Your garlic tofu sounds yummy, are your tofu squares raw when you throw them in the pan or are they wet ? If that makes any sense ! And how do you know when the tofu is cooked ?

Many Thanks


PS: Sounds like you could make a curry out of tofu, too.
Thanks Everyone, for your Tofu advice, I am going to check out Amazon for a dedicated Tofu book. Got to think of a meat alternative now that Quorn is making tummys upset !

Cookiebaby - Hi, it is so nice to meet another Anna, do you find too, that there is not many of us around ? I hardly ever meet other Anna's !!!!!!!!!!

Anna :)

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