To Chris: How are Cathe, Jon and Eric?

Chris, you have a new job

You are now the roving Cathe Correspondent for SNM News!! A good reporter will provide info, interviews, and photos! What have you got for us? -susan p
Just Fine

Cathe, Jon and Eric are doing just fine. Both Cathe and Eric had doctors appointments yesterday and everything was okay.
We should have some pictures up shortly, but I don't want to rush Cathe. I think they're getting pictures developed today. As soon as I have them I will get them posted.
I've seen Cathe twice since she gave birth. She looks and feels great! She is just very busy trying to learn how to be a MOM!
I'm sure Cathe will post shortly. In the meantime she wanted me to thank everyone for all the support and kind words.

Thanks for the update, Chris

You know how we moms are: we worry, we worry. I'm so glad to hear all is well. Hope Cathe and baby Eric get some rest.
Thanks for the update

Thanks Chris,

Glad to hear everyone is doing fine!

Thanks for the update!

Please tell Cathe we're a patient group (as long as we see some pictures soon, we promise NOT to come knocking on her door... hee-hee!!).

Bev K.
Thanks, Chris!

Thanks for the update, Chris. I know Cathe and Jon are very busy with baby Eric. I remember those first days of motherhood myself!

Yes, we do worry!

So glad to hear that everything's fine, and I know that Cathe must be so busy!
I remember that when I had my first, nothing else existed in the world but me, my husband and my son, and no sleep existed for us, either! Please wish Cathe and Jon well for us.

Kristin Aziz

What a perfect description of the first few weeks. It really does take a while to "wake up" and join the rest of the world again.
Cathe enjoy this time. It is such a wonderful time. There is such a purity in those first few days that is lost far too soon. BLinda

I swear I was checking this site every half hour for a baby Eric update. The "mom" in me will always worry. I am SO glad to hear they are all doing well - can't stop thinking about how HAPPY they must be. Life is grand.
Thanks for the update Chris

I'm glad to hear that Cathe, Jon and baby Eric are doing well. I'm sure it's a very special time (and tired time) for them and don't expect to hear from Cathe for some time. Please let her know that we are patient; just concerned that everyone is OK.

Looking forward to seeing the pictures when they are ready,

Chris, thank you for giving us the update and posting up those adorable pictures. So glad to hear that Cathe, John and Baby Eric are doing soo well. Hope that you enjoyed the holidays

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