To Cathe/SNM - Diversity in your Videos

Speaking of Men in any Industry...

they tend to earn more than females anyway. Some women prefer male hair designers or manicurists. In the world of ballet, although females must have superior skill and style to males, they just don't command the kudos and salaries of the male dancers.

Oh well, I'm on a gender tangent and it could be due to some personal experiences during my lifetime. At any rate, I'll now hush about the gender issue.
Well two of my favs are men....

I like Billy Blanks, but I can see how he wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea. I detest Denise Austin with a passion and don't care for many tapes by Kathy Smith at all...but Billy just gets me energized.

Now my other fav is Mr. Yummy Pants, aka Bryan Kest. I don't think I ever would have like Power Yoga at all if the only tapes I had tried were Crunch's and MTVs Advanced Workout (the end-can't stand the guy who leads the step)...both instructors just bored me to tears.

I think I like to be entertained or talked to while working out, it keeps my mind thinking that way.

But, like others I really don't care who's in the videos in the background--I like seeing familiar faces, but that's not my deciding factor in the videos, it's the workout, instruction, and the music.

Hey Rose and Nancy!

I going to join you in the "shallow trenches"--I never get tired of looking at the guys! Woohoo!!
My opinion on this...

I'm not one of the regular posters on this forum (I do read it all the time)but I wanted to add my own thoughts. I'm a die-hard Cathe fan,I have all her videos from Mega Step Blast to IMax (my videos from other instructors are collecting dust in my closet). One of the reasons I like Cathe's videos so much is because of her cast and how she basically uses the same people in all her videos. To me it seems to make it more personal, almost like they're friends of mine. This may sound corny but it's true. So I'd like to see some of the same cast members come back. As for the men, I know she won't be able to please everyone with her decision to use them in her video. Regardless of who she picks I know I'll enjoy these videos as much as all her other ones.

Ah, dare to dream Melissa!

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON May-17-00 AT 11:42AM (EST)</font></center>

I can just see your husband now! I'm sure he'll do a mean grapevine!

Hi Cathe! I haven't been on the forum lately since I just got married (March - we eloped!) and I've been really busy (actually busy trying to have a baby so I go other websites!).

Anyway, I just wanted to say that I appreciate your response to this issue. I started doing your videos a few years ago and noticed the lack of diversity and I mentioned it on the VF forum at that time. The response was exactly what you said - that you recruit friends and people from your gym. I understand and accept that answer because I realize how difficult it must be to coordinate a video. And now that I've met you in person and see what a great person you are and how great you treat EVERYONE, I know that you were not deliberately excluding anyone from your videos. I just want to say that I am glad that you have been able to find some people to round out your cast. Obviously, I would buy your videos either way, but it will be nice to see some different faces.
Males in Videos

I just wanted to post my views too. If it weren't for Gilad, I never would have gotten into videos. I first bought his beginner's video years ago because I'd seen him on ESPN and he wasn't all fake like most ESPN instructors. Even though I don't do his video's too much anymore, I still consider him one of my favorites. Before videos when I could still afford a gym membership, my favorite two gym instructors were males too, one who was a tough guy and one who was very dance-oriented. I guess I just like a variety of styles. Basically, as long as the instructor doesn't come across as fake (looks or personality) I like him OR her.

Hi Camille!

Congratulations on your marriage. And who knows, maybe I will be congratulating you someday again.....
! It was great to hear from you. Much happiness to you and your new husband!

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