To all and each of you, What is a good plan?

People don't stick with the plan and it doesn't work because they make it too difficult. Changes must be done gradually. The goal is to eat only what the body needs, so I scan that list to see what the taste buds love and then enjoy...but no more than the body needs. I have been in "training mode" for quite some time so the goal is to eat for performance. Junk doesn't help my performance so it is easy to stay away from it. Besides...the healthy stuff tastes better anyway (at least it does if you have detoxed the crap out of your system. Then your buds are able to detect the wonderful flavors of natural foods).

Do I have 'junk' on occassion? Yes. Often? NO!!! Is it in my house? No. Am I too lazy to go to the store to buy it?? Perhaps...but it is probably more likely that I can talk myself out of eating crap and think up a healthier alternative instead.

You can't say "I'll never eat X again"...unless you really don't like X. You can say, I will only eat X when I really want it and no more than once a week.
Right now, my plan is following the Jenny Craig program. It fits my lifestyle with the convenience food and the pre-planned menu structure.

I also faithfully go to the gym; I especially enjoy the live classes. :)
A plan huh? Well I try to make my plan my 'lifestyle' I try to remember an apple is always sweeter than a cookie and carrots taste better than brownies and there is no guilt with overindulging in either. Never eat dessert without having eaten something else previously or you will end up eating the whole box. Try to eat slow and wait before going back for more. Water water water!!! Especially since my coffee addiction leaves me dehydrated more often than most. Exercise not for looks and vanity, but rather because the way it makes you feel afterwards. Eat little, but often so you aren't hungry all the time and won't tend to overeat. Try to eat healthy, but don't kick yourself if you cheat and eat something that you know is not the best for you. Lifting weights with Cathe is motivating and makes me feel strong. Live life!
I have seen it mentioned here a few times before. Check out the Body For Life website. Better yet get the book. It is REALLY good at taking you step by step through eating and excercise. Eating is many small meals throughout the day. Your portions are measured by the size of the palm of your hand. Very simple and effective. The excercise part is easily substituted with Cathe workouts.

I try to eat at the first sign of hunger. That way I don't lose control. And believe me ladies, if I let my hunger get out of control keep your hands and feet away from my mouth!

I always keep apples and oranges and a water bottle in my car. Since I have 4 kids this is were I live. The absolute best part is that my kids are constantly eating my food and drinking my water. Not a diet but a lifestyle.

I try to plan my work outs ahead of time, this way I am not left floundering trying to figure out what to do next...

I do not, however, plan out my meals...I do a pretty good job of choosing the healthier alternatives when I am home. :)

In my house, the crap IS there...DH wouldn't have it any other way!;) I just have to avoid eating it and I must say that I do a darn good job of it too!:p
Hi, Norma. I gotta thank you for getting me thinking this morning! LOL. I read your question, then the responses, and thought about MY PLAN while taking a shower.

Warning...this post may be long! LOL

Well, I am a creature of habit. I like having a routine and a plan. Nothing set in stone, written down, or in concrete, just a mental image of what I want to do in different areas of my day.

My workouts: I USUALLY like to have a goal or a rotation. Right now, I'm following the March rotation so I know what's coming. If I want something different for that day, I either ADD to the existing workout or just switch the week up. When I'm not following a rotation, I would set a goal like training for a marathon (which I just finished) or for a half (which I am doing now WITH the March rotation for end of April).

My food: I am a Weight Watchers member and have had great success over the last 2 years. They really promote a lot of clean eating, as is talked about here on these boards. Someone above mentioned Body For Life. I did that once and just re-read the book the other day. I HIGHLY recommend to read. Bill Phillips explains the WHY behind the purpose of eating the many small meals, WHY you should eat carbs, WHY you should bulk up on veggies. Great info in this book.

My day: I like to workout first thing in the early AM (5am or so) before the boys get up. I almost always have a breakfast smoothie, fresh veggies for a mid-morning snack, homemade veggie soup or lean protein sandwich for lunch, mid-afternoon snack usually is veggie or fruit, and dinner almost always consists of a lean protein, a carb/starch, and tons of veggies. I almost ALWAYS have an evening snack as well, like hot air popcorn or yogurt or ff/sf pudding.

Now, that's my plan. BUT...I do stray from it occassionally. I just adjust. Oversleep??? I'll workout mid-day. No fresh fruit in the house??? I'll grab something else. Fall off "my plan"??? I'll sleep on it, figure out why I strayed, and get right back on.

OK...sorry to ramble, but you really got me thinking!

Hi. I have been following Body For Life for the past 6 weeks.
I really needed a plan that was not gimicky and that could help me eat better for life, rather than something designed to help you drop 10 pounds fast and then leaves you with no clue of what to do next since so many plans are impossible to follow long term and could be even be dangerous.
I was walking 40 minutes per day and using my Total Body Gym as my strength training workout. I was not seeing great results as far as losing inches and building lean muscle, so my "Plan B" was to stay on the Body For Life eating plan, but to kick up my workout. I started doing Cathe's workout on Fit Tv and now I am hooked. I feel that following the BFL diet plan and following Cathe's beginner rotation is exactly what I need to get the results I am hoping to achieve.
>Hi. I have been following Body For Life for the past 6 weeks.
>I really needed a plan that was not gimicky and that could
>help me eat better for life, rather than something designed to
>help you drop 10 pounds fast and then leaves you with no clue
>of what to do next since so many plans are impossible to
>follow long term and could be even be dangerous.

Same here but change six weeks to almost 4 years now. I love it. It's simple and easy to do.


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