TMI? TV Commercial


You know nothing good comes out of a tv commercial right? But it got me thinking!

I was watching a show on how often people in general should be going to the washroom. No doubt he was trying to sell something but I turned it off before it got to that point. This Dr claims that one meal meal out}( I don't know about you guys but there is no way I go to the washroom 3-4 x's a day! DH probably does, but not I!More like once a morning...if that!
He also said that there is alot trapped toxicians in our body and we could be carrying around a extra 5-22 lbs of waste!:eek: So maybe thats why people have trouble losing weight...its not actually fat, there is toxicians and waste in their body that they need to get rid of:+ :+ bored!

Was it the infommercial for a product called super colon cleanse or something like that? If so, I've seen it - it is always on around 5:00am!!! Did you see the guy promoting the product though??? He has one of those mustaches that look like it is drawn on w/a pencil. I can't think of the cartoon character that he reminds me of. I just can't get past his appearance to take him seriously.

Sorry but I really didn't provide you with any answers or feedback to your post. :p
I like one per day, and hope it doesn't change....morning, then shower. I like that arrangement!

When I was heavy, though, I had maybe 2 a week!
Lol, it was probably the "Almighty Cleanse". I saw that infomercial a few weeks ago and then when it came on again, I made my husband watch it because I had thought it was hilarious. It was honestly like an SNL skit. I couldn't believe the two people interviewing him could keep a straight face. Not that I don't think he has a few points, but overall he was just really WEIRD! We were dying when he described the stuff that "passes". That is where they lose their credibility with me. If all those weird things are really inside you, why do they never show up on a colonoscopy? I understand that you take medicine to clean you out before a colonoscopy, but those 4 headed glowing monsters they describe still do not come out with the prescription cleanses. Makes me wonder if sea monkeys aren't part of the Almighty Cleanse pills, lol.
LMAO! Beavs - he actually reminds me of that crazy preacher guy from Poltergeist!!! Ever seen that?
Ok, so maybe this will be TMI, but this past fall, the calendar caught up with me and I had my first colonscopy. On prep day, I had my usual BM in the AM, fasted for the day, took the kit that evening and did NOT have any weird stuff come out ... it was basically all clear liquid --- the same stuff you drink. The next day I was semi-conscious during the procedure and watched it on the monitor --- clean, clean, clean! Unless you are chronically constipated, you're not carrying around 22# of crap. That infomecial makes me laugh too. Deb
>took the kit that evening and did NOT have any weird stuff
>come out ... it was basically all clear liquid --- the same
>stuff you drink.

*ding ding ding* We have a winner! EXACTLY! What goes in must come out. If you eat/drink a bunch of weird "super colon cleanse detox magic" stuff, which is usually made of weird stuff like clay, then weird stuff is going to come out of your bum. That weird stuff hasn't been sitting in your colon for 20 years. It's only there because you eat the weird colon cleansing junk.

And Beavs is right. That guy was definitely flushed from someone's colon. :p
<i though 1-2 times is normal! i certainly don't go 4x a day and believe i have no issues with weight or toxins.>

Heck I surprised this guy was off the toidy long enough to give his infomercial!
I've seen that commercial. The guy is freaky for sure! LOL

It's an ad for a cleansing product. Some folks believe in them and some don't. Some cleansing products do what they claim to and some don't. Various cleanses have been discussed on these forums in detail. If you are curious, do a search!:)

When I eat really clean and healthy I will use the bathroom 2-3 times per day and maybe even more!

I know when my eating is going south because I won't go as much and sometimes even get backed up (sorry if TMI!). UGH! x(

When my diet was very poor as a teen I did not even go on a daily basis...
BM's are varied from person to person--some go 1x per day, some 3x per day and some only every other day. It depends on a lot: diet, exercise level (peristalsis increases with activity), hydration level, and metablism. There is no way to say what is normal for everyone, only what is normal for one.

Personally, I have found, garbage in garbage out and clean food in, clean um-hum out. Just my personal experience! :)

This guy is just out to sell a gimmick and make some money! JMO
Okay, this is probably way TMI but *ahem* yes, I am *that* regular. I wonder if it's because I don't eat meat? When I used to eat meat, it was like once a flippin' week if I was lucky. Then after much horrendous testing, I discovered that my system just cannot process meat protein well at all. So, I stopped eating meat and VOILA!!!! Regular as can be.

You now all know me MUCH better than you'd ever hoped to, I'm sure:p
Hey Shelley maybe we should start a BM check-in? Bet we could come up with some great names for that! ;)
I wish my nephew were here...he'd run through the thread yelling "Ah gotsta poop!" like he used to do at the campground bathrooms when he was eight, purely for his own amusement (and that of other little boys who overheard his silliness).

Anyway, I think a BM check in would sure be a hoot. (ROFLMAO!!!!!!!)
OMG! You guys are toooo funny! I have enjoyed reading all your post! I didn't think for a moment I was gonna get such a kick out of this thread.
And yes, this guy did have a tiny mustache...looked like someone drew it on with a marker! And it looked like his colon had gotten the best of him!


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