
This is so cool! Thanks so much!!!!! I don't think, I have the need for any other fitness videos - you are covering it all.
Er... judging by the pair of feet in the air (is that Cedie?) it looks like we're in for a one armed plank as in hold it there for aaages... or worse... a one armed pushup!! Blimey
- Lisa :)
I just showed the pic to DH - he snorted and said "I can't even do a one armed pushup! Well, maybe one."

Boy, I hope that is a plank!
I called my husband over to look at this picture. I said, I think this is a plank, not a one armed push up. What do you think? He says, WOW! As good of shape she is in, is got to be a one arm push up!

Mommy! Take me to a happy place!:eek:

You're too funny!

We're all doing the same thing, I see. I'm sitting here with a small glass of wine o' the vine, happily doing my evening habitual browse thru the new pictures. My jaw dropped and I called my hubby in here immediately. He didn't even hazard a guess at what Cathe's doing -- he just stared and said "Wow. Wow. (long pause, staring) Wow. Holy cow."

Then he looked at me and said "Can you do that???"

I have to confess I may have just weaseled a bit on my answer... I mean, I'm sure I can EVENTUALLY do that... Gotta save face around the DH, ya know! ;-)

http://www.clicksmilie.de/sammlung/sport/sport003.gif Kathy S.
Kathy S.

I'm still laughing at his comment of "Can you do that?"
Of course I, have no doubt that you can do it. I mean.. I can do it too.....eventually?? LOL!
Crap! Ever since weird whackiness has been happening to the server I hook up to, I can't get the pictures on my home computer! I'll have to wait until tomorrow when I go in to work to see them.
Oh My!!! Everyone relax.... The plan is simple...practice for one hour straight all CTX+Intensity Series core work every day. :) Then maybe just maybe we will be able to try to hold whatever Cathe is doing in that picture. Whatever it is, I'm a little (no, make that a lot!) scared! Heather
I'm sorry, that's just evil (in a good way). Guess I'll be working the planks/pushups even harder than I have been!!

I can't wait! I would insert rows of smileys, but they don't work for me.

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