Time to go High Tech!!

Hey All!!! I am getting more than a little excited about next week. I have everything of Cathe's from StepHeat on but it's all VHS except HSTA. Well my VCR is dying a slow death (doesn't owe me anything, I've had it since '87) so either Cathe sounds deep and throaty like Barry White or way too fast and perky like a chipmunk on amphetamines. Well last night I broke the piggy bank and ordered Terminator, Timesaver and BootCamp & ME on DVD. They should be here late next week and I am giddy with anticipation for my new stuff. Sooooo EXCITED, I can't wait to experience these familiar workouts in a whole new way.:) Just wanted to share my excitement. Have a wonderful Saturday!!

Take Care
you are not going to regret your decision. The dvd will open to you a new world of posibilties. The premix are awesome and useful.I have done the timsaver only one time but I looove the terminator, the gaunlet is going to kill you, in the good sense of course. I have not done imax extreme and the viper. I am going to try those during this new week.I have all the IS but the terminator has been a good investment. And What can I say about bootcamp.I am only going to say Hooooooow . If i have to rate this woorkout it will be 10 of 10 . BC has everything cardio, weight upper body, lower body and a killer abs and Cathe is very motivaiting and fun, as usual. ME is lovely too is an endurance weight workout with a fantstic music. Whit the dvd you are gonna enjoy with the premixes and the workout blender. I was as excited as you when I discovered cathe and knew I can buy,I sent a mail to SMN asking about the regions of the cathe dvd and they gave the gooood new, her dvd because they play in all the regions of the world.I was so excited waiting to the UPS men with my first two dvd of cathe: ctx and the timesaver.Have fun.
Hi Laurie....I forgot to answer a question from another post of yours...NO, I haven't gotten a massage in about a month...:(..I have just been too busy...(yes lame excuse). I'll schedule in a couple of weeks. I do wish you lived in Northern Calif...:).

Hey, I like Barry White...:D . Great Purchases!! I have a combo DVD/VHS player as most of mine are VHS. It seems to work well for me although like most everyone else, I would rather have all DVD's but at least my future purchases will be DVD...if you enjoy longer workouts Terminator is the best! I also have everything except HSTA, and Cardio Kicks. I did like the Taebo Get Ripped workout that I did yesterday...:)...Billy is a crack-up...have a great weekend...:)...Carole
Sounds like you are READY!

I have many older Cathe's on VHS too and the quality of some of the videos are is starting to lack...not crisp and clear like the DVD's. I plan on replacing my VHS Cathe's with the DVD ones when I can't take it anymore...plus it has alot to do with the $$ factor. I just can't seem to replace my VHS with DVD since my vcr still works fine and for the most part my vhs Cathe's are still looking decent.
Now that Terminator DVD I may just get that one as I've been hearing alot about it lately and I'm ready to push it harder ;)it long longer scares me as it did when it 1st came out :p
Hey AGAIN!!! I just think it's so cool that I, a Canadian, can share my passion for fitness and love of Cathe's work with folks from ALL over. If I remember correctly StayFit you're from Spain (sorry if I'm incorrect) and Carole, if my path ever leads me to Northern California you know I'll be letting you know before hand:). ShyWolf, just like you I refused to replace my VCR until it had given all that it could give, I surprised myself that I'd had it since '87, OMG, I was in my mid-twenties, it boggles the mind.
I can't wait to give some feedback about these new workouts, ahhhh the little pleasures of life but from what I've heard about Terminator it may be a case of 'be careful what you wish for', but that's okay it'll prime me for HardCore. }( :)

Take Care
Laurie, I just wanted to add that you're going to wonder why you didn't do this sooner!!!!

You are going to love the DVD experience! You GO GIRL!!! :) :)
Laurie, eventually you'll get ALL the DVD's. Your credit card will be smokin'! But you won't regret it. As has been said, the premixes will more than make up for the cost. And you can tailor your own workouts to suit your purposes. It's all good.:)


P.S.: Another cool thing with DVD's is how portable they are. When I travelled last spring, I took all my Cathe workouts with me in a compact disc organizer. I didn't have to lug dozens of videos in my suitcase.
I have a schedule of what to buy on which payday LOL. Next week = BC/ME and I'm afraid...very afraid. Especially of the ab sections. Laurie, let us know how you do :)
You Guys are getting my PUMPED for my new workouts and already thinking about which ones to get when the budget allows. Maybe I'll give my Kids Cathe DVD's for Christmas, what d'ya think.}( :+

Hey Bobbi, I'm so pleased that you replied, funny enough I was thinking I hadn't 'seen' you around for while and was going to send a 'shout out' to you! Hope all's well with you and that your crew has settled into their new year at school!! Mine went back after labour day and I swear I got more accomplished around the house last week than I had the past 2 months, had a WONDERFUL summer though:)

Enjoy your workouts everyone!!

Take Care
Hi, Laurie. Seems like I get very little computer time these days. I have been checking for updates on Hardcore though. I can't wait until Cathe announces she's ready to film and gives us some details.

I love having the kids in school and we've been busy, busy, busy. They are doing very well. My oldest child got a progress report with straight A's. She has a tough class load this year-German, Algebra. tpw honors classes but she works hard and she's so focused. I am very proud of her. Sam likes first grade and I have been voulunteering in his class. I love how delighted he is to see me. He beams and it is just so cute. May he always feel that way! LOL! His teacher is wonderful. My middle schooler has nothing good to say about school but she's doing fine too. We had her 14th birthday party yesterday and this place was crawling with teenagers. You'd never know I had EVER cleaned this place after that shindig and I am trying to get it straightened away but it's Sunday and we take it pretty easy around here on Sundays.

I am on hiatus from cardio because I has some trouble with the scar from my surgery. It was getting rubbed by my orthotic and causing all sorts of trouble. My podiatrist said she could fix it by removing the callous with liquid nitrogen but she then thought I had plugged sweat ducts within the callous and she sort of bored them out and removed a hunk of my arch. It's pretty grusome. I had a cortisone shot last month which took care of the scar tissue. I am hopeful that this will resolve my current foot woes and I'll be up and running in a few weeks but I was a bit shocked when I unwrapped my tootsie and discovered she'd cut away a chunk of the foot where the scar had been. It's gone and I hope this heals more smoothly than it did the first time. Right now it's yoga and strength for me.

How are things with you? You are going to have so much fun with the DVD's. I need a new DVD player and I hope to get one by the time the new workouts are in our happy, hot little hands! And thanks for thinking of me! :)
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver
Hey Bobbi!! I think it feels more like the 'New Year' when the Kids go back to school than it does Jan. 1st. That's a big change with your little one going to Grade 1! I loved it when my Girls were little and I could volunteer in the class, it made me feel like a celebrity the way the other Kids responded and mine would be so pleased that I was there. I still go on the odd field trip when I can. My eldest went into Grade 10 last week and I jokingly offered to go in with her to pick up her text books and thoroughly mortified her:eek: :).

Sounds like you've had a brutal go around with your foot, my feet clenched as I was reading about your poor foot. I'm sorry you've had such a rough time, hope the worst is over. When I hurt my back in the Spring it was pretty frustrating having to give up the cardio but being fit sure does seem to excelerate recovery time, I'm sure you'll be lacing up and hitting the pavement soon :) . I figure my back is about 95% recovered now. We went to a music festival today and I ended up putting my 10 year old on my shoulders and jumping around some, couldn't have done that 6 weeks ago, it felt so good and we had a lot of fun.

I can't wait to get my new DVD's, should tide me over quite nicely until Hardcore is ready to go. I'll try not to be too obsessive over checking the door or wondering if they'll be in the door when I come home from work but you know how it is when new Cathe stuff is coming your way. I am so curious about Terminator, sounds very challenging.

I'm sending lots of healing thoughts your way for that darned foot to stop giving you grief. Enjoy your yoga and strength workouts.:)

Take Care

p.s. what's tpw honors classes??
Oops! that's two honors classes. I had to laugh, reading about your eldest's reaction to your offer! I always tease mine that I should have named her Prickly Pear. She doesn't think I'm funny.

Jumping around with a 10 year-old on your back is an accomplishment and a great way to guage how your back is coming along. Very well, I think. I'm getting mellow in my old age because I am perfectly content to wait until my foot is properly healed and ready to go. I feel confident that this will take care of the problem and close the book on the saga of my naughty dpgs. The type of yoga I have been doing is very vigourous and I often feel like I need to be wrung out after a tough class. I do it almost daily. I love it. And no impact whatsoever. I enjoyed the bit of running I was able to do but would end up limping and the gait change invariably affected my hip. Sooo, I'll be patient and hopefully have no scarred, callousy area on my arch once it's done. And I still like my podiatrist even though she turned out to be a sadist! :D
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver
Aaahhhhhhh....the mellowing process, I like that part of getting riper.:) It sounds like you are taking a prudent course that will allow you to heal optimally, I bet that wouldn't have been so easy 5 or 10 years ago.
When I first discovered yoga I did sivananda and ashtanga classes 3x per week for a few years as well as yoga retreats, (it was a huge part of healing after DH died). I still love yoga but after moving to 2 different cities have never found classes that were as beautifully structured and as challenging as those. I hear you about needing to be 'wrung out', wouldn't it be great to spend 10 minutes on some type of wrack after a tough class.:)

Nice catching up with you Bobbi, gotta get my little one on the bus!!

Take Care
Hi Laurie,

I know how you feel, my hubby and I just went out this weekend and bought a second vhs/dvd player so now I have one in my workout area. I can finally buy dvd's to workout to.

I keep wondering which Cathe's I should get. I can't do step workouts so I know I can pass on all the cardio ones, but where do I start with the strength ones.

Maybe I should go to e-bay and see if I can sale any of my VHS tapes. That may help lower the cost for me and also get some money in my pocket for purchases....

Can anyone list the strength tapes (dvds) and in what order you would actually buy them???

All this talk about the terminator/gauntlet/viper is sounding way too good to pass up.


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