<--Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'


<--comes in to say hi to any of youse <-- around
<--wonders what everyone has been up to
<--really wants this day to end already
<--but alas it's only 9:40
<--will suck it up :rolleyes:
<--pops in to say hello to Catherine and all the other OALers who follow
<--sees that <--'s weighted vest, slanted risers, and topper will be delivered today
<--once again does the in office happy dance
<---is sitting at work wishing she was laying in a hammock at home
<---hasn't had much to say lately so has been lurking a lot
<---wonders if Catherine has any big plans this weekend?
<---will probably go see the new Terminator movie (I heart Christian Bale!) this weekend and MAYBE open the pool
<---also plans to go to 2 wineries at some point with DH for some wine tasting :)
<--is doing the happy dance for Beavs and her new stuff
<--thinks Christian Bale is hawt!!
<--has no plans this weekend and is ok with that :)
<--would love to hit the wineries, especially with Liann
<--will have to hit the liquor store this weekend instead
<--is counting down to the end of turkey season in a few days and SO has yet to bring one home....gobble gobble
<---wishes Beavs and Cat could come hit the wineries with her!!!
<---says she has 2 of them within just a few miles of her house ;)
<---admits to having never gone to either of them, so plans to remedy that
<--may also join in the consuming of wine
<--thinks that is an excellent weekend idea- drink wine
<--thinks it is weird when Liann doesn't have much to say
<--may have to text her a little later to remedy that ;)
<--hopes Catherine's weekend is eventless and relaxing
<--takes a pic of Beav's happy dance
<--is so looking foward to the end of the work day
<---was thrilled to log onto cathe.com and see an arrow thread
<---wrote a l-o-n-g post and deleted most of it
<---has been suffering lately from a severe case of the Nasties
<---is glad cathe.com has a preview button
<---wants to go to multiple wineries with the OALers
<---thinks drowning Nasties in wine is a good, albeit temporary, cure
<---Waves to all the loverlies this fine Thursday
<---Has been lurkin', workin' out, losin' weight
<---Is generally pretty happy
<---Thinks DH and <---are very lucky
<---Would love to enjoy wine but admits that <---is a cheap date :)
<---Joins Liann in the hammock day dream
<---Waves to Catherine, the pull up queen ;)
<---Thinks Beavs is funny as always
<---Is with dear Megadoo...wants this day to be OVER!
<---Adds a hearty wave to dear Robin
<--- just got a nice surprise and spotted the OAL thread!
<--- is working late otherwise would have missed it
<--- says me too, me too, for the winery tour
<--- hopes Beavs has fun with her new purchases
<--- thinks Catherine's no plans are just as good as plans :p
<--- throws a bucket of wine over Robin's Nasties ;)
<--- is going out for end of term drinks with the tap class tonight
<--- waves a big hello to everyone else
<--- better get back to work :(
<--- is barging into this thread uninvited. :p
<--- is happy to be almost over a nasty spring cold
<--- want's Beav's to know the slanted risers rock but <--- hasn't used the weighted vest yet. :eek:
<--- is looking forward to a 4 day weekend
<--- loves wineries and the samples even more, but <--- will live vicariously through Liann.
<---wonders where Ffte's avatar was taken
<---loves white water rafting, but hasn't done it in years
<---is old and frail these days and sticks to kayaks on still water
<---thinks still waters run deep
<---much like me....
<--thinks Robin is never nasty except in a Janet or Ms. Jackson if you're nasty kinda way
<--waves to Melissa and thinks she's a great cheap date
<--has missed Ronne and is lol at the idea of drunken tappers ;)
<--warmly welcomes Ffte and gives thanks for the riser tip
<--can't wait to try the weighted vest when doing the LX workouts because <-- needs heavier dumbbells and the money to buy them :p
<---tells Beavs someday I'll email you some of the posts I've deleted!
<---also waves hey at Ronne and Melissa and says long time no arrow
<--- avatar was taken in the Grand Canyon in 2000 on a fabulous six day trip ending in a hike up the Bright Angel Trail.
<--- thinks kayaks on still water are fun too.
<--- waves back to Beav's
<--raises her imaginary glass (cause she's at work) and says cheers!!
<--will have the real thing later ;)
<--is glad to see so many around and some new ones stop in
<--must get back to work
<--hi-ho, hi-ho,.....
<---is whistling a sad little tune, waiting for this day to QUIT DRAGGING! :)
<---thinks the day is dragging because <---watching the clock :)

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