Time Finding your one rep max


I was wondering, I want to start the STS. I'm really excited about it! But, it's been two weeks and I'm still find my one rep max on the first couple of discs! Is there a faster way to do this? At this rate, I might get started by June! Not only that, but I'll pick a weight that I think I can do 10 reps and end up doing 25 reps so then I wait until the next day to do the excersise again with a heavier weight. It's been a very slow process....

Also, I love the music on the STS discs. I would absolutely love a CD of the music that is used. Any possibility of a CD music compilation?
I took a suggestion that one of the other forum members made: treat your 1 RM testing as a workout. Instead of doing a regular workout, I spent 1 hour doing 1 RM tests. I printed out a list of all the exercises, and chose to do the 1 RM tests only on the 5-star and 4-star exercises. I was able to complete all my tests in 4 1-hour sessions, doing them every second day - 7 days elapsed. I chose to do a mix of tests, hitting all body parts in one session - this gave me some rest time after doing, say, a back exercise test, before I had to do another back exercise test.

If I had chosen to test all the exercises, it probably would have taken me about 2 1/2 weeks. This is still not too bad in my opinion - a bit longer to get ready for STS, but then you would have absolutely no guesswork.

Hi Stebby,

What you have suggested, is exactly what my husband did to find his one rep max prior to doing meso one- STS. It worked like a charm for him.
If you have not found this already, this pdf was priceless:


It lists all the exercises you need to test and rates them, as the other poster mentioned. Do the 5 and 4's first, I found the 3's to be important too, but the 1's and 2's you can sort of fill in with other exercises you have already tested.

Also, you don't have to wait a full day to re-test, just move on to another body part, and then go back and do a retest, just make sure to allow for at least a 5 min. rest before retesting.

As you mentioned, you are picking up too light weights, if you are getting to 25 reps, you might want to start with double the weight you thought you could do then if you immediately know you can't do that one, then drop a weight. I was doing the same thing at first, then started really jumping up in my tests. If you can get 6 good reps out of it, you are good to go.

Do them as a workout.. I did 3 sesions 1 hour each... (upper-lower-upper) it has been 2 days that I finish and I still have DOMS! those exercises are killer!
Do them as a workout.. I did 3 sesions 1 hour each... (upper-lower-upper) it has been 2 days that I finish and I still have DOMS! those exercises are killer!

That's how I did them. Although I haven't done lower body yet. Waiting for problematic foot to behave.

To the original poster: I think I read somewhere that SNM was discouraging doing the 1RM testing based on the actual dvds.
Thanks for the suggestions

Thanks for the suggestions. I don't know why I didn't think of doing some of the things you suggested. I've printed out the one rep max chart and I'm ready to go. I'm starting today! I should get my 1RM's by the end of this week. Once again thanks.
I've only done 1RM for disc 1 & 2 so it's pretty slow for me too. And I'm finding I'm not choosing a heavy enough weight. I'm going to do as suggested and split it up into 3 days and treat as a workout.
If you have the STS workout guide, page 104 is where you will find all of the exercises and their star value. I printed mine out way before I received STS, and had to guess at the disc number, but I noticed in the guide they have already put in the disc number,so this is much easier and a lot quicker. Hope this helps!! Kris

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