No way!!! The market is HORRIBLE! Not used to this, we've moved 4 times in the last 5 years, LOL. And sold 1,2,3 each time. That's AZ for ya. But we're here to stay at this house. We built it so we won't want to leave and our yard is AWESOME. The pool's not done yet, next week. I'm dying.
Yes, I"m due July 25th, actually I think sooner the changed the due date to 10 days later, they did that with Hannah and she came 6 days earlier than they said. Drives me nuts. I'm sooooo ready. I wakeboarded with Hannah up til I was 4 months. Not this time cuz I was 8 months when we started getting out on the boat again this season. Yes, that's my peanut on my site;-) I'm expecting another girl!! Yeah for me !!
Those air chairs are super cool, we know someone who has one and my dh couldn't get up on it, I actually haven't been able to try it yet. Looks like a blast.
Hopefully this real estate slump will pass very soon. We've been using a friend of ours forever, but it's nice to know there's somebody else just in case;-)
Yes, I"m due July 25th, actually I think sooner the changed the due date to 10 days later, they did that with Hannah and she came 6 days earlier than they said. Drives me nuts. I'm sooooo ready. I wakeboarded with Hannah up til I was 4 months. Not this time cuz I was 8 months when we started getting out on the boat again this season. Yes, that's my peanut on my site;-) I'm expecting another girl!! Yeah for me !!
Those air chairs are super cool, we know someone who has one and my dh couldn't get up on it, I actually haven't been able to try it yet. Looks like a blast.
Hopefully this real estate slump will pass very soon. We've been using a friend of ours forever, but it's nice to know there's somebody else just in case;-)