This week's rotation


:) Have been keeping a diary in the FitPrime diary section, but can't seem to pull it up and I want to keep track of my progress and so I'm going to post my rotation here, just to keep track of it.

My intention in my rotation is to work all muscle fibers -- slow, IIa and IIx, as well. To do this, I need to vary the workouts and mix and match with aerobics,anaerobics, plyometrics, strength and flexibility.

I varied my rotation a bit because I wasn't as sore after Monday's workout as I thought I would be.

Monday: Mindy Mylrea's Body Bar workout -- this one gets about 10 cycles of aerobics and anaerobics, plus plyometrics and some weight training.

Tuesday: Did Janis Saffell's Quick Fix workout, did all 4 sections for a full body workout. Did not work in the anaerobic zone.

Wednesday: Rest plus stretch -- stretched to Janis Saffell's stretch tape.

Thursday: Muscle Endurance -- love this tape -- had to pause it mid-way through due to technical difficults with my machine.

Friday: IMAX2

Saturday: High Step Advanced or Cardio and Weights -- depending on how sore I am from Thursday and Friday.

Sunday: Rest;-)

Okay, did IMAX2 this morning -- was more difficult than I expected -- and I'm getting used to the tape -- but at least I got through it.

We'll see how sore I am tomorrow to see if I do either High Step Advanced or Cardio and Weights.

Reached the anaerobic zone about 8 times in the workout today. This is a good thing.;-)
Hi Karen Kay!

I saw on the FitPrime board that you were posting over here, so I had to come looking for you!

I'm doing a Cathe Intensity Series rotation this week:

Monday: off
Tuesday: Pyramid Lower Body
Wednesday: IMAX 2
Thursday: Pyramid Upper Body
Friday: Cardio & Weights
Saturday: Boot Camp
Sunday: Muscle Endurance

I should be pooped come Monday!

-- Jeanie
Hi Jeanie,

Wow, that's quite a challenge. I don't have the two pyramid tapes -- yet. Seems to me that I have enough trouble with Muscle Endurance -- can't imagine a full 60 minute workout working only upper on one day and lower body on another -- hopefully I'll be able to work up to it.

However, I have all the other Intensity tapes.

Let me know how this goes. It really sounds like fun. I think I'm going to do Cardio and Weights tomorrow -- it's a little easier than High Step Advanced -- or Boot Camp. I love Boot Camp, except for the one instance, where you drop to the floor, jump back, jump up and then stand up and do the whole thing again. Not sure my shoulders are strong enough for this move -- yet... I remember doing this exercise when I was in High School -- it's nice to see it on a tape again.


I think they fixed the problem over at FitPrime because late this afternoon I became able to post there again.

Thanks for coming over and visiting me here, though, Jeanie -- that's really very sweet of you.

Have a terrific weekend.
Hi Karen Kay,

This might sound confusing, but I find Muscle Endurance to be a tougher workout, yet I FEEL sorer after the Pyramids. ME moves much quicker than the Pyramids, and you did lots more reps at one time. The reason I decided to get the Pyramids is that I'm trying to incorporate a little bit of heavy lifting into my rotation. I just can't lift very heavy with ME -- too many reps.

I love the Intensity Series and the Body Blast Series. This week is a Intensity rotation, and next week will be a Body Blast rotation. My goal is to drop about 15 pounds; hopefully most of that will come from my lower body. My upper body and abs look wonderful, but my hips and thighs need a few inches knocked off.

Have a great weekend!

-- Jeanie
Hi Jeanie,

Once again, I'm not able to get into the FitPrime section to post my diary so I'm going to post it here. I love the Intensity series -- and I just bought 5 more Cathe tapes, otherwise I'd go ahead and order the pyramid tapes and have the entire series. I'll probably eventually get them, just to complete the series.

I don't have the Body Blast series -- but with all these new pictures of the new workouts, I'm thinking more and more about these. I probably won't preorder them, but when they come out, I'll probably get them, as well. I'm really looking forward to Cathe's new stretch tape. I love the stretches she does on her other tapes.

Fifteen pounds, huh? You'll do it. By the way, are you drinking lots of water? Honest -- that really worked for me and still does -- particularly drinking it BEFORE I eat.

Let me know how the series is doing. I'd try to visit you in the diary section, but I can't post there for some reason.x(

Thanks again for coming over, Jeanie, to cheer me on.:7
HI Amber,

Thanks so much for coming over here to my rotation!:p This is really great of you and I really appreciate it.

Yeah, I'll be back at FitPrime sometime tomorrow. At least I can still post in the lo carb section.

Anyway, for my rotation tomorrow:

Monday -- Had an accident over the weekend and neck is a little sore, so I think I'll do a simplier tape than what I usually plan for my Mondays. Either Tae Bo Circuit or Janis Saffell's Quick Fix tape. Or maybe I might do one of the new FIRM's tapes -- one of the 30 minute ones.

Tuesday: If neck no longer sore, will do Body Max -- this is a tape I've had for a while, but haven't done it because of it's length. Hope to get in an aerobic plus anaerobic workout, plus plyometrics and strength. If neck still sore, I'll replan.

Wednesday: Rest -- Stretch -- Janis Saffell's tape -- this is the only stretch tape that I have -- can't wait for Cathe's.

Thursday: Muscle Endurance -- or Power Hour if that tape comes in the mail by then.

Friday: IMAX (if I have the tape by then) or IMAX2 if I don't have it yet -- this is to work aerobics and anaerobics and plyometrics.

Saturday: Circut Max -- this is one of my all time favorite tapes. Or if I'm up to it, High Step Advanced.

Sunday: Rest -- spend time with hubby -- do some volunteer work

Did Cardio and Weights on Saturday -- I found it more challenging this time than the first time I did it. Though it didn't work me in the anaerobic zone, I was really sweating with this tape. Love it.

Well, that's all for now.:p
Hi Amber & Karen Kay!

I love the Body Blast series so I'm looking forward to this week's rotation. I ordered Supersets/Push-Pull this morning, so I should have those by the end of the week.

It is so true Karen Kay -- I can lift heavir with Cathe and not get a sore neck. I experienced a tight neck quite often while doing my Firms.

And no, I'm terrible about drinking water! I really HAVE to get with the program and "just do it!".

Have a great day ladies!

-- Jeanie
Hi Jeanie,

The Body Blast series really does look great. For me it's really true that I can lift heavier weights with Cathe -- and I really do think it's a matter of the combination of doing only one thing at a time -- plus Cathe gives constant instruction on how to do it right -- something I think I really need.

You're have to let me know how the series goes -- it's one tht I dont' have.

Anyway -- Monday -- did Tae Bo Circuit this morning -- love this tape -- love Tae Bo -- another person who gives lots of instruction when you do your workouts -- again, this is something I really need. He had me sweating.

No equipment used. Straight Tae Bo toning and aerobics. Tape is 38 minutes long.
May have to rethink my schedule tomorrow as the chiro told me to take it a little easier for the new few days or so. Give it about 10% less than usual.

Hmmm. Which tape to do? Maybe I'll do IMAX2 but substitute lower impact moves -- we'll see.
Hi Karen Kay,

I hope you are feeling better every day. IMAX 2 might just be the ticket -- it's really easy to modify that tape.

Today is the second day of my Body Blast rotation -- Legs & Glutes is on tap for today. I really love the BB workouts and highly recommend them.

Have a great Tuesday!

Hi Jeanie,

I was so busy today that it isn't until now -- midnight -- that I'm able to get online and post. Sigh...

So glad that the Body Blast series is going well. It really looks like a fun series.

Anyway, I did Mindy Mylrea's Body Bar workout today. Worked in the aerobic zone and anaerobic zone -- some plyometrics and some toning, although I only used a 4 lb body bar, since I was supposed to take it easy today.

Tomorrow I rest and stretch.

Then Thurs -- I'll plan on Power Hour and on Friday, I plan on IMAX, the original -- just got these in the mail.

Saturday -- I'd like to do the High Step Advanced -- one of my favorite workouts.

Need to get to bed. Over and out.
Hi Karen Kay,

Well dear, aren't you just the little busy bee?!!!! I don't know how you stay up that late -- I'm usually in dream-land by 10 P.M.

I'm anxious to get your reviews of Power Hour and IMAX. I don't have either one. Actually, the only older Cathe I have is BodyMax. All the rest of my Cathe workouts are from the Intensity and Body Blast series.

Hope you enjoy your day of resting/stretching!

-- Jeanie
Hi Jeanie,

Gee, I was up even later -- reading Harry Potter, of all things -- I'm a sucker for a book. Love them.

I really like the Intensity series -- I, too, have Body Max, but haven't done it yet -- mostly cause it's so long -- I need to schedule extra time -- which I don't always have. The Body Blast series sounds great, though. Let me know what you think of those.

Anyway, I did stretch today and it was great. I love that Janis Saffell stretch tape. Can't wait for Cathe's stretch tape, as well.

Okay -- so tomorrow I plan to do Power Hour. I'm still taking it a little easy cause my neck muscles are sore -- but the body likes to exercise at this point and so I'm going to keep at it.

Hope you have a wonderful day, Jeanie.:7
Good morning Karen Kay,

I had Cathe's "Kick, Punch and Crunch" on my schedule yesterday, but I received a call from my brother that he found my dad passed out on the floor in a pool of blood. Thank God it appears he only got dizzy from taking too much cold medicine and fell. He's a little beat up (hit his head on the coffee table) and sore, but I think he'll be okay. Needless to say, I didn't work out yesterday. I stayed with him to make sure things were okay there.

How are those neck muscles today? I used to suffer from terrible neck pain which would in turn give me a headache. I've been lucky lately -- no pains.

Doesn't Cathe's stretching tape look wonderful? I can't wait to get my hands on the new workouts!

Talk to you soon,

Hi Jeanie,

Oh, my gosh. I'm so sorry to hear about your father. I'm glad to know, however, that he's okay. It's understandable why you didn't work out.

It's a good thing that your brother found him, though. You know, I've read that pharmeuceduical drugs (I know I have misspelled this word) are the third leading cause of death in this country -- so it's not something to play around with. I'm glad that this was a mistake that can be rectified fairly easily, though.

Did you get back on track today -- or are you still a little shocked? I know it was rather hard for me to get back into things after the accident this weekend, minor though it was.

The neck is okay -- I'll see my regular chiro this weekend and get put back into shape, I'm sure.

Am glad to hear that you don't have the pains any more (knock on wood).

Well, today I did the new tape (new to me) Power Hour, which I thoroughly enjoyed. It's a 60 minute tape and works every muscle.

In my opinion, I like Muscle Endurance better -- I guess mostly cause I come here from the FIRM and so I do like the tall step, which is incorporated into this workout.

Anyway, I have a very busy day today -- I'll try to post on Fit Prime tonight.

Have a good one, Jeanie. Let me know how your dad is.
Hi Karen Kay,

Thanks for your concern -- you are a sweetheart! Dad seems to be doing better today -- just tired (my brother made him stay away all night) and very upset that he can't remember falling. From what my brother said, he took too much cold medicine on an empty stomach, and then decided to unwind with some whiskey and eggnog. Not good.

I plan on doing Kick, Pump and Crunch later this evening.

I've heard others say that Power Hour seems harder than Muscle Endurance. Do you agree? I'm anxious to try my two new workouts: Supersets and Push-Pull.

Hope your day wasn't too busy....

-- Jeanie
:) Hi Jeanie,

How was your workout yesterday. Actually I found Power Hour to be just as intense as Muscle Endurance -- only in a different way -- not sure what the difference is, except that with Power Hour, my muscles were shaking for hours afterwards -- and I wasn't using heavy weights at all -- went even lighter than usual due to the accident. So in that respect, I think it was intense. But fun!

Did IMAX today. I really like this tape. I didn't do as high impact as Cathe -- as I am taking it easier -- and so changed most of the routine to a lower impact version of the same thing. I love the stretching at the end of this tape, however. That was really great!

I'm so glad to hear that your dad is doing well. Yeah, medicine and alcohol don't exactly mix. Well, at least it's a lesson learned.

Have a great rest of the day, Jeanie -- and a terrific weekend.

Plan on doing High Step Advanced tomorrow.:p
Well hi there birthday girl!

My workout yesterday was Kick, Punch & Crunch. It's not one of my favorites, but it sure burned a lot of calories and was a great stress reliever. I just finished today's workout, which was Cathe's "Supersets". It was my first time doing that workout, and I really liked it. There is a lot of stability ball work in Supersets, which I enjoyed. Tomorrow is Cathe's "Step Blast".

Thanks for the kind words about my dad. He is just the nicest person and it scares me to think what could have happened if my brother hadn't walked in and found him on the floor.

Hope you and your husband are able to spend some time together to celebrate your birthday. You really look wonderful -- you are a testimony to what good eating and regular exercise can do.

Talk to you soon Karen Kay!

-- Jeanie

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