Have been keeping a diary in the FitPrime diary section, but can't seem to pull it up and I want to keep track of my progress and so I'm going to post my rotation here, just to keep track of it.
My intention in my rotation is to work all muscle fibers -- slow, IIa and IIx, as well. To do this, I need to vary the workouts and mix and match with aerobics,anaerobics, plyometrics, strength and flexibility.
I varied my rotation a bit because I wasn't as sore after Monday's workout as I thought I would be.
Monday: Mindy Mylrea's Body Bar workout -- this one gets about 10 cycles of aerobics and anaerobics, plus plyometrics and some weight training.
Tuesday: Did Janis Saffell's Quick Fix workout, did all 4 sections for a full body workout. Did not work in the anaerobic zone.
Wednesday: Rest plus stretch -- stretched to Janis Saffell's stretch tape.
Thursday: Muscle Endurance -- love this tape -- had to pause it mid-way through due to technical difficults with my machine.
Friday: IMAX2
Saturday: High Step Advanced or Cardio and Weights -- depending on how sore I am from Thursday and Friday.
Sunday: Rest;-)
My intention in my rotation is to work all muscle fibers -- slow, IIa and IIx, as well. To do this, I need to vary the workouts and mix and match with aerobics,anaerobics, plyometrics, strength and flexibility.
I varied my rotation a bit because I wasn't as sore after Monday's workout as I thought I would be.
Monday: Mindy Mylrea's Body Bar workout -- this one gets about 10 cycles of aerobics and anaerobics, plus plyometrics and some weight training.
Tuesday: Did Janis Saffell's Quick Fix workout, did all 4 sections for a full body workout. Did not work in the anaerobic zone.
Wednesday: Rest plus stretch -- stretched to Janis Saffell's stretch tape.
Thursday: Muscle Endurance -- love this tape -- had to pause it mid-way through due to technical difficults with my machine.
Friday: IMAX2
Saturday: High Step Advanced or Cardio and Weights -- depending on how sore I am from Thursday and Friday.
Sunday: Rest;-)