This was an e-mail from a soldier i was told

<I'm guessing the "" people are paid to dismantle the truth by the Left Wingers.> It's purpose is to debunk various things sent through email, urban legends, correcting misinformation of which there is quite a bit floating out there. It's not about a political agenda but hey, if it feels good to flame the "left wingers" out there...
Come on, Beavs, let's go ahead and tell the truth about Snopes. It had to come out sooner or later. It's a left-wing platform for telling people lies about not only new rumors, but those old ones that have been around for so long. Although snopes said it wasn't true, it's time to come clean--the phone calls the babysitter kept getting,WERE coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE and the "dog" someone's second cousin's friend's aunt brought back from vacation really WAS a Mexican Rat.

Our cover's been blown, girl, it's over.
So.... so... Microsoft and AOL WILL send me that cheque for $4,932.01 I've been waiting for for forwarding that e-mail to all my friends??? OH HAPPY DAY!!!
Oh you girls are a hoot. I know that if I ever need a laugh, I can just come on here and am guaranteed to chuckle!!!
ALL TRUE, Shelley!!! I guess I'll have to turn in my ACLU and Communist Party membership cards, but I just couldn't keep the deception going any longer!!!!!!!!!!

Ahhh....the truth has set me free.
You know what? Even if this tale is "bogus", it still resonates something that is true. A woman in her position can speak her mind (no matter how unappreciative) in this country. In her own country, she and maybe members of her family could be killed on the spot. We may have not always had the best results in Iraq, but I believe our soldiers have always had the best of intents and we need to respect that. How many of us would be willing to die for our country or to die for others.?

We have become a fat, complacent society in the US. We have lost appreciation for how lucky we are to have the many freedoms we possess that have been purchased with the blood of many a soldier.

I have nothing against the Iraqis that live here, but they need to acclimate to our way of life and appreciate what our society can offer those who are willing to work hard and are loyal to the US. Those that don't like us or our way of life here are free to leave. The border swings both ways.
>To have eyes but not see........:)

?? Just because people see things differently than you do, does not make them blind. I support our troops as well. In fact, DH is in the army, my dad is retired military, and friends of ours are in Iraq. I'm glad we live in a free country where we can express our views, even if they don't fall in line with the current administration's!

Carolyn, poor, naive Carolyn, don't you realize that if you don't agree with this administration's views, you really shouldn't say it out loud. Not unless you want to be seen as a coward, a traitor, a terrorist-supporter, or worse, (I’ll try to whisper this because the word is just too horrible…) a liberal. Thus declared "the decider," and it was good, so we had better step in line! You're with us or you're against us, baby. You want peace...what's wrong with you, you lefty–don’t-want-to-stay-the-course-cut-and-runner? You think this war is unjust....This is a noble war. They had WEAPONS OF MASS DISTRUCTION, for god’s sake. Oh, wait, we didn’t find those, did we? Okay, hmmm, let’s see, ah, we went there to get rid of Saddam!!! No, that's not it. M-a-y-b-e.... somebody over there talked to someone who was involved with the 9/11 attacks!!! Yeah, that's the ticket!! No, Bush just said in a press conference recently that there was no connection between 9/11 and Iraq. I KNOW!!! It was because they had the MEANS to make WEAPONS OF MASS DISTRUCTION!!! That sounds good! NO? Ah, who cares, there's a lot of oil and muslims over there...bombs away! And it'll be all over in just a little while. No muss no fuss. We’ll just get in there and get out, just like daddy did. Hell, it's already over. "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" was declared on May 2, 2003. The thousands who have died or been maimed since then don’t count.
LOL! Me too. I really liked my Pinko card. You see, I have issues with sending our young people to die in pointless wars under the guise of freedom (free for the folks at home who slap yellow ribbons on their Eddie Bauer Edition For Explorers as they tool around shopping malls, not for the crippled men and women in Walter Reed or countless other hospitals)....that makes me a big ol' Bolshevik I guess! Let me get my hammer and sickle....:D :D
BTW...Lenin was soooooo HOT!
I wanted to thank Bill for his service to our country. Hang in there Bill. It's troublesome to me when people who sit on their sofas and watch this Iraq War on left leaning news channels think they know more about it than people who are actually over there and involved in it.
I have family in Iraq so I know a little about it.
The Iraq War is the right thing to take on and finish in a correct manner. And that means no appeasement. That is a sign of weakness and just what Al Qaeda wants in their propaganda war. The weapons of mass destruction were/are there. We gave Saddam Hussein some of these weapons to fight Iran for us. He also had chemical weapons capability. At least 500 of these were found during UN inspections. Satellite intelligence indicated that many were moved to Syria during the time we allowed the UN to waste time with their endless inspections even during the time that Iraq had been in violation for many months. We should have done something sooner.
Hussein himself is a WMD. He paid 25 grand a head to families who let their children become suicide bombers. Iraq was a major terrorist training ground. Hussein did have ties to Al Qaeda. These things are known. Getting a democracy there will give us a foothold in that region as well.
Unfortunately the war has lost momentum and needs to be hastened. It's mostly political garbage. They have JAG officers in every unit telling the soldiers they aren't allowed to shoot terrorists as they watch these people plant roadside bomb devices. We don't want them to feel bad, after all. We need to become smarter and quicker with the fight. Backing out is out of the question.
Let's remember a few things---I believe the soldier death toll is still below the number of people killed in 9/11 alone. Or at least very close. Every soldier killed is obviously a sad thing. But, they signed up for the military and they knew what they were getting into. It's their job. This war is still the most successful in history based on statistics involving casualties and quickness of the U.S. getting the upper hand. These recent outbursts by the various groups is being fomented by Iranian trained groups who play one group against the other. And who can blame the Shiites? They want to exact some revenge from Hussein's side for the abuses they suffered for years under his rule.
By the way, the fact that a third party is flaming these outbursts technically makes it not a Civil War.
One problem I have with Bush is his policy on our borders. And now that we foolishly gave the Congress to the Democrats, he's going to have his way. All illegal aliens will get amnesty.
What should be reported on CNN right next to the daily soldier death totals that they seem to relish doing reports on, is the fact that since 9/11 over 20,000 US citizens have been killed by illegal aliens in this country. It comes to about 4800 a year. Where is CNN on that particular topic?
I apologize for hijacking this topic but this is something very close to my heart.
>Carolyn, poor, naive Carolyn, don't you realize that if you
>don't agree with this administration's views, you really
>shouldn't say it out loud. Not unless you want to be seen as
>a coward, a traitor, a terrorist-supporter, or worse, (I’ll
>try to whisper this because the word is just too horrible…) a
>liberal. Thus declared "the decider," and it was good, so we
>had better step in line! You're with us or you're against us,
>baby. You want peace...what's wrong with you, you
>lefty–don’t-want-to-stay-the-course-cut-and-runner? You think
>this war is unjust....This is a noble war. They had WEAPONS
>OF MASS DISTRUCTION, for god’s sake. Oh, wait, we didn’t find
>those, did we? Okay, hmmm, let’s see, ah, we went there to
>get rid of Saddam!!! No, that's not it. M-a-y-b-e....
>somebody over there talked to someone who was involved with
>the 9/11 attacks!!! Yeah, that's the ticket!! No, Bush just
>said in a press conference recently that there was no
>connection between 9/11 and Iraq. I KNOW!!! It was because
>they had the MEANS to make WEAPONS OF MASS DISTRUCTION!!! That
>sounds good! NO? Ah, who cares, there's a lot of oil and
>muslims over there...bombs away! And it'll be all over in just
>a little while. No muss no fuss. We’ll just get in there and
>get out, just like daddy did. Hell, it's already over.
>"MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" was declared on May 2, 2003. The
>thousands who have died or been maimed since then don’t count.

Te Te,

ITA with the sentiments expressed in your post. It's sad that we have lost our ability for moderation in this country, that people are so quick to anger and more than willing to see anyone who does not agree with them as ignorant or evil. Whatever happened to hearing the other guy (or gal!) out, and trying to understand why s/he believes what they do? Of course it works both ways. I'm a Republican, so to many that means I am ignorant, intolerant, and a blind patriot. Those of us who have an interest in meaningful discourse must cling to tolerance like a life vest, IMO!!

One thing about the WMD -----> everyone believed Saddam had them, on both sides. Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, to name only a few, all have given speeches specifically mentioning the threat that Saddam posed due to his WMD.

Two good books on this topic:

Scandal! How Gotcha Politics is Destroying America by Lanny Davis (former Special Counsel to Bill Clinton) and Empire! by Orson Scott Card, a fictionalized account of the coming American civil war. I'm still reading this one, as it was just published. So far so good, but cannot vouch for it 100 percent.


My garden is filled with papayas and mangos
My life is a mixture of reggaes and tangos
Taste for the good life, I can live it no other way
- Jimmy Buffett
>Every soldier killed is obviously a sad
>thing. But, they signed up for the military and they knew what
>they were getting into. It's their job.

Wow. That's classy. As someone who has many veterans of wars who are close to me (both grandfathers, father, several uncles, currently 2 cousins and a friend) I don't think I'd dare say this to any of them, especially in regards to Iraq. And I doubt my mom would have said it to her friend whose son died a few weeks ago in Iraq. She said she wasn't sure just what to say (what do you say?), but I can tell you for a fact that she did not say that he had signed up for it so tuff luck. Oh, and I doubt my mom, sister, and dad would have said it to the soldier whose bed was next to my dad's as he was in pre-op waiting for gall bladder surgery. The soldier was missing half of his face and his mom was trying to help the doctor shove tubes down what was left of his nostril. They didn't know what to say either, but I know that they all cried. My dad, a Vietnam veteran and a LIBERAL, would say NO SUCH THING regarding people who he saw lose their lives in that mess (he lost family too). But what does he know about war?

Of course it's their job to do what their government tells them to do. And more importantly it's our government's job to make sure that they think very carefully before they send them into harm's way. Clearly this administration doesn't do too much thinking. As for the rest of your statements on Iraq ("This war is still the most successful in history"), I'm not even gonna go there. There's no arguing with crazy.

You know, I was watching Jeopardy, of all things, on TV the other day, and the answer to one of the questions was, "He said 'We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty."

The question was "Who was Edward R Murrow?", but the point is I thought it was an interesting quote, given the devisive, hostile atmosphere in our country at the moment.

Susan L.G.
Amy, we don't see eye to eye on this and that is fine. But nothing I stated is "crazy". I also have plenty of friends and family involved in this conflict. They all know that getting killed while doing their job is a very real possibility.
I attended the Army-Navy game this past weekend. I think it very telling that Donald Rumsfeld, who by the way is an American hero despite what you may have read to the contrary, got a standing ovation when he was announced. That's the same Rumsfeld who was part of the administration that does little thinking, according to you. I have attended other Army-Navy games in the past and seen quite a few politicians booed relentlessly.
I apologize again for helping take this post way off of topic. We'll see what happens in the next two years and perhaps beyond now that the much smarter liberal Democrats are gaining power. God help us all.
Talk about people sitting on their sofas, I don't see Bush's daughters fighting in Iraq. This might seem like a simplistic comment but truly, if this war is so important to him and the future of the U.S., why aren't they there?
>I wanted to thank Bill for his service to our country. Hang
>in there Bill. It's troublesome to me when people who sit on
>their sofas and watch this Iraq War on left leaning news
>channels think they know more about it than people who are
>actually over there and involved in it.
>Hussein himself is a WMD.

So is the crazy guy over in North Korea so shouldn't we be over there according to your logic???
But, they signed up for the military and they knew what
>they were getting into. It's their job.

THIS is a crazy statement! Their job is not to die in a war based on lies! They are there to DEFEND us. How is invading another country defending us? Oh yeah, to make us 'safer'. Guess that didn't work out too well huh?

This war is still the
>most successful in history based on statistics involving
>casualties and quickness of the U.S. getting the upper hand.

I don't think the current Secretary of State appointed by the PRESIDENT would agree with you. Now it looks as though the last Sec of state wouldn't agree with you either.

Are you aware of the US military death toll? The media only reports the deaths IN Iraq. That means that if they are airlifted away, if they die in surgery in Germany somewhere after sustaining injuries from Iraq, they are not counted. What about all the people that have 'survived' but are now severly disabled! The price we are paying is much higher than what the 'liberal' media says.
> All illegal aliens will get amnesty.
>What should be reported on CNN right next to the daily soldier
>death totals that they seem to relish doing reports on, is the
>fact that since 9/11 over 20,000 US citizens have been killed
>by illegal aliens in this country. It comes to about 4800 a
>year. Where is CNN on that particular topic?

Are you aware of the contributions these illegal aliens contribute to our society? Is your position that people who come over here illegally are here to murder our citizens? WHAT??????
And by the way, we didn't "give" the congress to the democrats. I believe that's called an election. And thank god for those!

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