>Carolyn, poor, naive Carolyn, don't you realize that if you
>don't agree with this administration's views, you really
>shouldn't say it out loud. Not unless you want to be seen as
>a coward, a traitor, a terrorist-supporter, or worse, (I’ll
>try to whisper this because the word is just too horrible…) a
>liberal. Thus declared "the decider," and it was good, so we
>had better step in line! You're with us or you're against us,
>baby. You want peace...what's wrong with you, you
>lefty–don’t-want-to-stay-the-course-cut-and-runner? You think
>this war is unjust....This is a noble war. They had WEAPONS
>OF MASS DISTRUCTION, for god’s sake. Oh, wait, we didn’t find
>those, did we? Okay, hmmm, let’s see, ah, we went there to
>get rid of Saddam!!! No, that's not it. M-a-y-b-e....
>somebody over there talked to someone who was involved with
>the 9/11 attacks!!! Yeah, that's the ticket!! No, Bush just
>said in a press conference recently that there was no
>connection between 9/11 and Iraq. I KNOW!!! It was because
>they had the MEANS to make WEAPONS OF MASS DISTRUCTION!!! That
>sounds good! NO? Ah, who cares, there's a lot of oil and
>muslims over there...bombs away! And it'll be all over in just
>a little while. No muss no fuss. We’ll just get in there and
>get out, just like daddy did. Hell, it's already over.
>"MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" was declared on May 2, 2003. The
>thousands who have died or been maimed since then don’t count.
Te Te,
ITA with the sentiments expressed in your post. It's sad that we have lost our ability for moderation in this country, that people are so quick to anger and more than willing to see anyone who does not agree with them as ignorant or evil. Whatever happened to hearing the other guy (or gal!) out, and trying to understand why s/he believes what they do? Of course it works both ways. I'm a Republican, so to many that means I am ignorant, intolerant, and a blind patriot. Those of us who have an interest in meaningful discourse must cling to tolerance like a life vest, IMO!!
One thing about the WMD -----> everyone believed Saddam had them, on both sides. Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, to name only a few, all have given speeches specifically mentioning the threat that Saddam posed due to his WMD.
Two good books on this topic:
Scandal! How Gotcha Politics is Destroying America by Lanny Davis (former Special Counsel to Bill Clinton) and Empire! by Orson Scott Card, a fictionalized account of the coming American civil war. I'm still reading this one, as it was just published. So far so good, but cannot vouch for it 100 percent.
My garden is filled with papayas and mangos
My life is a mixture of reggaes and tangos
Taste for the good life, I can live it no other way
- Jimmy Buffett