This monthes oxygen mag


Man did anyone read that article about how much these chicky poo's workout? I am amazed.
I have currently been working out a bit more then usual.I don't think I could ever keep up with them. 3 hours a day!:eek: I also know that this is their job.I always assumed that they focused more on weight training then cardio but I was sadly mistaken.
Mandy Blank-does 1 hour of cardio,1 hour of circuit and another hour of cardio.
Jen Hendershott-Includes one to two hours of cardio a day
Kelly Ryan-does 45 min of cardio before breakfast.Does weights and the another 45 min of cardio.
How do these ladies escape injury? Regardless they are still human with the same bones and joints that we have.
Anyway,I just thought that it was I popping and I wanted to share.
Forgive me if I sound stupid but I have never even looked at Oxygen magazine. I have to ask, what are these ladies trying to do? Lose weight...train for competition? I'm just curious as to what their goals are...surely this is not a training schedule they keep up all year long? It sounds over the top to me.
I'm a teacher, and we had a Miss America competitor speak at our school once. She was spending 5 hours a !!!day!!! in the gym. Seems to me you'd run into the problem of overtraining, but she looked fabulous, so something was working.

Yeah these are fitness models or pros.The article is called: Eat like a Pro, Six top fitness athletes share what it takes to look that great. With that title I am assuming that they mean all year around.They always look the same whenever I buy the mag.They are always in there.
Oh I just read in uder that:
" A fitness girls schedule is anything but typical,especially when compared to that of of the average women.Most of us are pleased as punch when we find oursleves leaving the gym for the thrid time in one week.But when one of our loyal readers wrote in asking us what a "typical" day,multiplied by seven looked like for some of our regular fitness models,we decided to find out what exactly "typical" meant to each of these not-s0typical women"
There you have it,I guess that is just a normal week.They probably stay on top of their fitness levels so that they don't have to go crazy when it is time for a competition.
I use to buy fitness and self mags all the time but they don't have what I am looking for anymore.You should pick one up,they have a lot of good articles in there.
That might cut into my computer time! LOL! I am lucky to fit in an hour a day during the week, an hour and a half on the weekend. They are pro's so it's their job but it sounds extreme to me. Miss Ameirca sounds like she should seek help for her exercise addiction and she sure as heck should not be talking to youngsters about it! Moderation is key! There's enough and there's too much. Miss America's are considerably lighter these days. I am starting a movement whereby we base our bodies on say a Bottecelli painting with some curves. Mine won't be exactly where I want them but that's ok too!
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"
I didn't know Oxygen was a fitness magazine. I must have been confusing it with the magazine Oprah runs. The only fitness mags I see sold in local stores are the usually fluffy ones. I'm not going to renew M&F Hers because IMHO, the new format sucks! I'm looking for another hard core fitness magazine. Do you recommend Oxygen? Any others?
My 2 favorites would be Fitness RX & Fitness. I haven't been crazy about Oxygen mag. It seems to have to many ads and too many fitness models (a few real fit people would be better).
I love FitnessRx as well.It as losts of useful info.I am not a lover of fitness mag anymore though,or muscle&fitness hers.I find self,fitness,shape,and m&f to be all the same.I use to buy them ALL,EVERY MONTH, but I gave that up.I only pick up a mag when something catchs my attention.I don't have alot of time to be reading them anymore....only when I go to the bathroom:)
>My 2 favorites would be Fitness RX & Fitness. I haven't been
>crazy about Oxygen mag. It seems to have to many ads and too
>many fitness models (a few real fit people would be better).

I like Fitness Magazine too! Fitness RX...that one leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I got really tired of all of those articles about how great and safe ephedra and caffine are for fat loss. I also noticed that once their main sponser, Hydroxycut came out with an ephedra free formula, all those articles disappeared. And those info bits, they will have the same info bit under about three different catagories. I think the magazine looks great, but I don't think it really has much to offer. Anybody see the info bit entitled 'Caffeinated Beverages Hydrate Like Water'? }(
>I didn't know Oxygen was a fitness magazine. I must have
>been confusing it with the magazine Oprah runs. The only
>fitness mags I see sold in local stores are the usually fluffy
>ones. I'm not going to renew M&F Hers because IMHO, the new
>format sucks! I'm looking for another hard core fitness
>magazine. Do you recommend Oxygen? Any others?

I used to love M&F Hers, and would highly recommend it. Now it sucks! I really like Energy for Women, and (a bit less because the articles are repetitive) Fitness RX for women.
RE: This month's oxygen mag

I used to subscribe to Oxygen but then realized the articles and advertisements were working on my psyche too much (you must diet, you must take ephedra, two workouts a day, breast implants are good and necessary, etc.). The articles and models are nearly all fitness competitors. I did save all my issues, though, as there are some good workout ideas.

I agree that M&F Hers has softened a bit, but I still like it. The hard core fitness information is still in there. There's a great back workout this month that I'm going to try in a couple of weeks.

Body-for-Life devotees have some interesting words for those who think three hours+ a day of exercise are necessary to look fairly amazing. And one only need to look at Cathe and crew (not to mention many very fit folks on this forum) to know that obsessive training isn't necessary.

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