This Is Unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!

Lauramax posted this earlier (but her thread title doesn't make it obvious, it's "My new personal trainer").

I always think walruses look a bit odd: like there's a human being just under the skin, wearing some kind of wet suit.

She (?) is pretty flexible for such a big gal!

But those sit-ups look really creepy!
Lauramax posted this earlier (but her thread title doesn't make it obvious, it's "My new personal trainer").

I always think walruses look a bit odd: like there's a human being just under the skin, wearing some kind of wet suit.

She (?) is pretty flexible for such a big gal!

But those sit-ups look really creepy!

I said the exact same thing when I showed this to my husband, those sit ups just totally creep me out.

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