This is so incredibly depressing...


We got another dump of snow yesterday. I was thinking to myself "gosh, this has to be the end of it for this year, doesn't it?". Well, I heard on the radio this morning that Environment Canada is predicting another six weeks of winter weather for us, plus another almost 20 inches of snow before we're all done.


Can I come visit with someone who lives somewhere warm?
*tosses Shelley a plane ticket* "Catch!":) You can come visit me in Sin City!:D

We are already having weather in the 70's which means the summer heat is right around the corner...then the "fun" really begins, when it hits 115 degrees in the shade, you get a little taste of what hell might feel like.}(
Beth - yeah, me too. But apparently the snow is NOT done with me:p

Beavs - oh I'll get through it. But I'll whine about it every step of the way.

Tneah - I'd LOVE 115 in the shade about now.
I'm with you Shelley.
Our forecast for tomorrow is 5 to 10 inches of snow !!!!!!!!
We just canNOT get away from it.
Spring starts this month and we are having December and January weather!

What a long winter this has been !

;( :-(

Yes, I'm a winter weather whiner too !:p


I am so freakin' tired of winter. This has been the longest, coldest, most depressing winter EVER. WHY must it drag on like this? Shelley, I feel your pain. It's not warm here, but at least it doesn't snow as much. So come visit me and we can go to Hobby Lobby and get some Nick N Willy's pizza. That'll warm you from the inside out! :D
Hearing you Shelley. My kids have not had a full 5-day school week since 2008 started. UGH! My parents have been without power since Tuesday. They are hoping to get it back on by tonight - just in time for the 8-10 inches expected for tomorrow. Hey Texas -- can y'all keep those storms under control? Pretty please!

I'm so sorry, Shell.

Here in Virginia we've gotten no snow and we're having unusually warm temps. And then there are the tornados! The Governor declared disaster areas on some counties because of Tuesday night's storms. With all the thunder, lightning, and heavy winds, it was just like hurricane season! I almost grabbed DH and the animals to head down to the basement for the night!

Weather is just so weird these days.
I feel your pain Shelleyx( x( I just spent the last 2 hours chipping at the 20 cm of packed snow and ice at the end of my driveway, the walkway to the front door and around the car. I had no time to shovel yesterday so it was all nice and extra packed. Nice to survey my domain post shovelling but that was gruelling. Makes me wonder why I ever b!tch about the summer's heat 'n humidity:+ I'll be thinking of you when we're shovelling this weekend, YIPEE!!:7

Take Care

Come on down!! I'm in the deep south in Georgia and it's in the 70's today (sorry). I'm a native from Illinois so I definitely know what you are going through.

Hang in there!!!
Laurie - we can be cyber-shoveling-buddies!

Thanks for the invites to visit, everyone. Maybe I'll just leave now and do a tour of non-snow laden Catheites:p
Maybe Al Gore will come visit us people up north and warn us about "global warming"!

I'm about ready to start venting fluorocarbons if it would make this @#$%&!! snow go somewhere else!
Last Sunday it was nearly 70 degrees out, sunny, beautiful (I had to be at work at 2pm). It started raining late Monday night, clear through to Wednesday morning (my gutters need repaired/replaced and my basement could use a sump pump...) and it was wicked cold. I can handle consistent weather but when it's 70 out on Monday and 13 degrees below zero by Wednesday.... I wonder what my brothers Russian in-laws (who moved here this year) think about our crazy weather?
"Curses that darned Global Warming!!!"

I agree...we haven't even had a winter in Virginia this year! And I want one!
Plan to go further South than Michigan then, because we are getting snow repeatedly. Spring still seems a long way off, and yes, it is as depressing as hell, just not as warm!


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