This is really funny! (Name Game)

Wendyloo (person who started this thread) and I must be first cousins - Greetings to Zippy Wafflebiscuits from Zippy Wafflebuns!
That was too funny!
Mine is Goober Cootiefanny.
Funny that my first name is Goober because I sometimes call myself Gooberweezie!

Okay...this is too funny and I just busted out laughing in the middle of a quiet office.

Thanks for a good laugh on a dreary Friday here in Dallas

Goober Applesquirt (aka Shonie)

I've always secretly known I was a goober :)
Oh poo, I am Dorkey Apple Lips!
I've had complexes about a lot of things, but now I have to worry about being dorkey!! AND having apple lips! LOL

What a nice diversion for Friday! Thanks!!!!
>Nice to meet you all!
>Crusty Girdlechunks
>(This name is just NOT right!!)

It does evoke images that one would rather not think about!
Hi everyone, I'm Snotty Liverchunk, much more exciting then going by Sue. How do you think it would look on my ID tag for work?
Fluffy Bubblechunks! Pretty! There was another Bubblechunks up above--we must be related--


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