This is probably TMI--flatulence question


OK, I just started BFL yesterday and today I have gas like you wouldn't believe. I'm just glad the DH is currently out of town!

Has anyone had this problem with changing their diet? I think I can probably blame it on too much broccoli today, but man, it is yucky.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=purple]***Lainie***
My fitness blog:

If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Her your plans.[/font]
I didn't know that BFL could stand for Be f-rting lots. Sorry couldn't resist.

I know when I switch things up by throwing more vegetables and fiber into the diet, my body does the same thing. I usually adjust in a day or two. I would recommend having some GasX on hand though in case you get crampy from it. The strips work the best IMO.

:+ :+ Poor Lainie! That same thing happened to me this week when I ate too much broccoli and spinach together. Oh boy, whatta mess I was, and my DH WAS home, the poor thing.

Drink your water, and keep the GASX and BEANO on hand for sure. Oh, and get some fennel tea at the health food store, sip a cup after a meal of lots of fiber, it helps cut down on the gassiness. You also might consider taking a digestive enzyme, I pop a few each day and it helps move that protein through your system.;)
Ahhhhh, I feel at home now! Gas is my middle name, no matter what I eat. It runs in my family . . . add to that some fiber, beans, veggies, and for me, red meat (which I virtually never eat), and my abs disappear and turn into a balloon - a very odorous balloon :) I should own stock in Maximum or Ultra Strength Gas-X (the brown ones). Also, try the yogurt with the digestive enzymes. I have that every day. One thing that I am experimenting with, and having good luck with in both areas of gassiness and bloating, are peppermint oil capsules. At first, you will notice some very slight burning (not really the word but close enough) in your stomach/lower esophagus a couple of hours after taking, then you get used to it and subsequent pills are not as shocking! It is not bad, and certainly more pleasant than the alternative!! Good luck - Shana
I understand too that certain vegetables, notable cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower, are notorious for being flat-makers.

And people wonder why I prefer to work out at home, or in a big pool where bubbles are the only give-away.

I deal with this waaaay more often then I'd like! I'm just gonna have to break down and buy some Beano b/c I'm NOT changing my eating habits!

I gross DH out when I go through a "stinky spell". :7
Farting is normal. It's okay to take a big rip once in a while. It can make you feel better, entertain you and your friends, and keep your coworkers out of your office for the rest of the afternoon. }(
Pfffffffffffffffffttttt! (And don't whatever you do pull Dave's finger!)
I have changed my eating up for the better and am having the same problem. Its funny because I thought about asking the same question but glad someone beat to it. I am also eating the digestive yogurt which helps but I thought eating better I would have less gas. I am a big time person that is prone too gas. My DH tells me I am worse than a trucker sometimes. I said ,good thing you love me, he he!
How timely; last night I saw the episode of "Sex and the City" where Carrie farts when she's in bed with Big. Yes, farting is funny, especially when it happens to someone else!
I have a lot of gas too. What has really helped me a lot is to eat a yogurt in the morning (I saw this tip in one of my magazines). It has really helped a lot. I sure can tell when I don't have my yogurt. Kind of like a septic system :)

Wow, I'm glad I'm not alone in this.

I EAT Gas-X like a pheen and my husband still calls me his little-trucker-wife!

Causes an issue at work though! Can be very embarassing!
My dh told me he's going to ban me from eating broccoli & cauliflower!! (my favorites!) It can mean bad news for those around me.... :p
<I was at the store today so I picked up some Gas-X and some yogurt.>
Seriously??? Party Pooper! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
I used to eat lots of yogurt but not such a big fan of it anymore. Perhaps I need to force myself to have a little every day now and see if it helps...Thanks for the tip!:)

ETA: Beavs, you are a nut! I love it!:7
><I was at the store today so I picked up some Gas-X and some
>Seriously??? Party Pooper! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Don't worry, Beavs, I can still make other funny noises--usually in the middle of a yoga class (something that only happened to me after having babies).

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=purple]***Lainie***
My fitness blog:

If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Her your plans.[/font] should bring a remote controlled fart machine to yoga as your cover. A very worthwhile purchase from ebay or Spencer's Gifts IMHO. (BTW, I have yet to what's my excuse??) HA HA

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