"Thinspiration" web sites?


Whoah. I found out about these from a news story today and looked at some. They made me very sad! And the pro-ana as well. I know there are some here who have struggled with disorders - don't mistake this for being judgemental. My DD is almost 11 and the thought of her going to these places is so sad and frightening! I graduated from high school in 1990. Was there this much of an obsession with being thin back then? Sure some but this is nuts. And the internet - with these sights and all the celebrity pics - is fueling the fire. The pictures and posts by people were heartbreaking. I'll stick to here. And continue to monitor very closely my kids' computer useage!
I think this has always been a problem, but the internet wasn't as popular back then so there wasn't access to all the pro ana and mia forums. There have always been girls struggling with eating disorders, you just didn't hear about it. Back then, a lot of girls got their "thinspiration" from fashion magazines and learned tips and tricks from other girls and books like "Wasted" which is often used as a how-to guide. Now you can just google anything you want.

There wasn't anything like cyberbullying back then, and teenagers did not have their own cell phones and laptops either. Times have changed. Parents really need to pay attention to what's going on with their kids.
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I agree - I think the internet can magnify issues that have been around a long time. I remember eating disorders were discussed a lot when I was in high school in the 80's. I knew several girls who had problems. In college I remember hearing about soririties that practiced group binge and purge activities.

And Karen Carpenter died in 1983 and that recieved A LOT of attention. I recall a tv movie about her and I think there were others around the same time.

My DD is 13 and from talking to her it doesn't seem any better or worse than when I was in school.

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