Thinking about going totally cathe


Hello, Cathe fans!

I need your opinions. I have been doing the FIRM tapes for about eight months (about 4x/week) now and I am not geting the results I had hoped for. I have not lost any weight, which can probably be attributed to not-so-perfect eating. However, I had hoped to at least tighten up a liitle bit.

I am now doing the WW points thing, so I hope to see some weight loss results soon (even a pound or two would be appreciated).

Anyway, I am thinking of totally ditching my FIRM tapes, out of boredom and being discouraged, and investing in some Cathe tapes.

Has anyone ever been in this situation? Did you find more positive results with Cathe than FIRM?

Thanks in advance for you advice.

Susan G.
I used to do Firm tapes but it was always a drag because of the "weird" atmosphere and robot like talk of the instructors. It seemed very fake to me, using people with perfect bodies on every video, all (or mostly) under the age of 30. I have made wonderful gains since incorporating the Cathe tapes. I have found the instruction to be far superior to the Firm tapes and I finally broke a plateau and have lost 10 lbs. since April. I have begun incorporating rotations which I think are very important for maximum results. I am currently doing the "tank top rotation" posted previously on this forum. I have cleaned up my eating habits and try to avoid junk food. Once you start seeing results it will really motivate you! Good luck!:)
I have seen more drastic (muscle tone, fat loss) changes with Cathe than with the Firm in the past, although I wouldn't ditch your Firms. I just recently went on an exercise hiatus (unplanned) and am using my Firms to get back to the point where I can use my Cathe's again. I have unexpectedly, in just 1.5 months, lost many of my strength gains and endurance, so my Firms are working perfectly for me right now.

IMO, I think that Cathe's tapes work you out *thoroughly*, each muscle group is exhausted or fatigued -- that's where the results (strength) come from. Her cardio is intense and seems to produce greater fat loss as well, but again, IMO, Firms and Cathe's both have a place in my collection.
I agree- keep the Firms and ADD the Cathes- as many as you can! Work up to them, and they will bust you through any plateau. They did for me- to the tune of "the last" 6 lbs! :)

Firms are worth keeping around if you ever crave tall box work, floor work, an easier workout, etc.
Thanks for the opinions! I kind of hate to get rid of the FIRM tapes, some of them I really like, but I think I'll have get rid of at least a few to afford something new.

But I will keep my favorite FIRMs. Thanks again for helping my make up my mind.

Susan G.
I say keep the Firms Standing Legs and maybe one of the tough tapes as well as one upper body, but other than that, switch.

I started with the Firm, and while I did see some results, much of it was too foo-foo for me. I like Cathe's more hard core style and have experienced significant strength gains since switching. My cardiovascular condition has improved immensley...I can tell that when I run.

Keep some Firms, but get all the Cathe's!! Janice

Based on your advice and the opinons from the previous posts, I think I'll do just that.


Susan G.
I "started" with the firm and have recently graduated to Cathe and what I find is that cathe's workouts make way more sense to me, they are easier to rotate, and I have seen more dramatic strength results than with the firm.

The firm, however, is pretty good for endurance. I did the firm 90 day and found my resting heart rate went down quite a bit. I'm keeping a few chosen firms (ie, the ones with floorwork like SBHT and LBS, and a few total body tapes with Tracie Long). That way I can do, say, the PS series, some mixed cardio, and a firm total body tape each week.

Just wanted to say, I've Firmed since '91, and added Cathe in 98, and I love them BOTH! They compliment each other wonderfully!
Kathy H
Hello ladies!

I used to be a Firm junkie. But when I discovered Cathe, I found a whole new world of fitness. Her style makes more sense to me to. I hit a platue with the firms also, and when using Cathe regularly, my body started to change. I never had a wt. issue, but I started to become more cut and define looking. No, I wouldn't get rid of all your Firms. Keep the ones you like the best anyway. I think their tall box works great. But Cathe will bring you to a new level of fitness.:)
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-02-02 AT 11:31PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Kathy, my rotation is nothing special. I'm still tring to work up to owning more Cathe tapes. Be here's an example.

Mon-MIS, next 2 days cardio, Thurs-power hour, next 2 cardio
Sunday rest. Then the next week would be the Firms TBSM(I like the tall box work)2days cardio, Thurs-BodyMax, cardio day, then PS: Strong legs and Abs. Then start over again.

I've started to put 2 days cardio in between sculpting days because I became so burned out and tired. Wasn't looking forward to my workouts any more. I notice a big change in my body and my attitude since I changed things up. For cardio I either run or walk, since it's summer. But occasonaly I'll do MIC or cardio kicks on my cardio day, but I'll use those more regularly in the winter time.

Well there it is. Basiclly 2 cardio days inbetween sculpting days. I hope I didn't confuse you to much. Thanks for asking.
Thank you so much for the reply. I just started back after a 2 year hiatus and I have about 15 Firms and 6 Cathes and I want more but get confused (making it harder than it has to be). I do remember a few years ago, I was overtraining. I may try the 2 days of cardio thing.
I like the fact that most of Cathe's tapes are either cardio or weights. I think it's good to make that distinction. When I'm doing cardio, I like to go all out. When I doing weights, I like to do that same thing. That was tough to do with the Firm. Also in the Firm tapes, you're always shifting equipment around which I got tired of.

The one drawback to Cathe is that the impact in her cardio tapes is high, so I'll throw in a low impact tape from time to time because impact bothers me.

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