Things our kids say!!

I have sooooooooooooo many!!!

from DD:

on why she has to have a boyfriend at the age of 9: "mom, how am I going to know what kind of man I want to marry if I don't try them all out???"
on boys: "they really can be pretty stupid, can't they?"
on her body: "I can't help it if my feet stink - after all, I do look like daddy, why wouldn't I smell like him?"

from DS#1:

on God: "in Heaven, do I get as many yu-gi-oh cards as I want?"
DH: "Heaven's BETTER than yugioh cards, son."
on feeling his heartbeat for the first time: "I feel Jesus! I feel Jesus!!!!"
on cleaning: "the only reason the you and Daddy had kids so that you could have someone to clean for you."
me: "if there were no kids, there would be no mess to clean up"
DS: "it's all DS#2 fault. maybe we should give him away or sell him or something."

DS#2 (he is 2 1/2, mind you!):

"I don want, NO! I don want [at bathtime]!!! I want watch da da da datada datada (Star Wars theme)! I want watch it!!!!" (imagine a fit here)
and when I say no, it is time for bath he says "Pleeeeeeeeeeeese!" in the sweetest tone and most charming smile!!!

How cute!:)

My son Seth, age 3.5 at the time,was making a boat out of a cardboard box, he calls to, "mom, can you draw a ramp so daddy can get in?"

Same age, there was a huge crack in the wall of our rental house, Seth says, "Daddy, I live in a crack house."

Almost 4, We got a real Christmas tree, as I dragged it into the house it left a trail of needles, dirt and small twigs, Seth asks me, "Are those Christmas tree crumbs?"

Age 5, My SO always wears Tommy brand socks, I found some in Seth's size, I thought he'd like them because they were just like daddy's. When I showed them to him he looked offended, I asked him what was wrong he said, "those are wheelchairmen socks, what, you want me to be in a wheelchair?"

Ok, I'm done. I have so many more. Kids are so precious.
>One evening my family and I were in a restaurant, there was a
>boy about 11 or 12 who I assumed had epilepsy as he was having
>a seizure, it was alarming but the Dad was great with him then
>the ambulance came. Months later my daughter Faith who was
>about 4 said to me 'remember when we were in a restaurant and
>a boy got sick from the lettuce?' I told her that he didn't
>get sick from the lettuce but that he had epilepsy, she said
>'Ohhhhh, I thought he had a 'seizure salad'

oh my gosh!, that is hysterical!!! :+

I love this thread and what's been shared! :)

This is just one of my favorites. DH is an attorney who represents mostly murderers on death row. When DD was 4 and in preschool her teacher asked her who was picking her up today, mommy or daddy. "Mommy", said Samara, "Daddy went to prison today." The look on the teacher's face when I picked DD up - priceless!!


Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6
I don't have kids, but I was a nanny for the same little girl for five years. I got married when she was about two and a half so I wanted her to be my flower girl. Someone asked her what she was going to be at my wedding and she replied, very enthusiastically, "A flower pot!!!"
My oldest son was about 3 years old and we are at Christmas Mass in a very small, intimate historic church. He steps into the aisle, spots the nativity scene and hollers, pointing for the benefit of all, "There's the baby Jesus!!!" x( :p
One more: on a family trip through New Mexico, we pulled over so the boys could pee pee on the side of the road. There was a big donkey standing at the fence watching them intently. Very curious. So the older son slowly walks over to the donkey with his hand outreached. When he got about five feet away the donkey slammed his ears back, let out a raucous hee haw bray, turned on his front legs, kicked his heels at my son and let go with the loudest FART on earth!! We still fall down laughing at that memory... You should have seen the look on my son's face - priceless.:eek:
Sheesh, I'm laughing my head off!

Here's another. My older DS, Jerry, was 7.5 when his brother was born. When his dad brought him to the hospital to meet Josh, Josh was screaming his head off. Jerry noticed the green pacifier in the bassinet and asked, "Can't you put the green thing in??"

When we got Josh home, Jerry was so proud to be a big brother, he went outside and asked all of his friends, "Do you want to come in and pet my brother??"


My oldest (who is six) told me one day that he remembers being in my tummy. I said, "oh yeah, what did you do in there?" He said, "I watched food drop."

Yesterday, my second son (age 4) was eating a pudding cup. When he was done, he said, "Mom, another round over here please." (I swear, he has never been/seen/heard any type of bar talk!)

Well, no way can I remember all I hear around this house, but here's my most recent fave comment. This was overheard without the boys knowledge and I do not want to know more...

"We could take turns sucking the jawbreaker."
OK .. these are hilarious .. I have tears in my eyes . :D

I don't have any kids .. but claim my nephew .. (sometimes) .. LOL

.. his father (my brother) is a Sherrif's Deputy (now the Sherrif elect).. and while at nursery last year (he was 3) his mother went to pick him up .. the teacher had a very annoyed look on her face .. pulls her to the side and says .. "um .. let me guess your husband is a cop?" ..
she says "yes he is . . what is the problem?" ..
teacher: "well .. your son is going around singing the theme song to "Bad Boys" and making all the kids on the playground drop to the ground and empty their pockets" .. LOL ...

... from a co-worker .. she sang Wed. night at her Church .. afterwards she heard her daughter singing in her room .. she said she walked in and she was singing "Hark the Hell All Angels sing..." .. :7

priceless ..
My DS was about 4 years old. We lived close enough to church that we could walk there. So one Sunday I asked him "Do you want to walk to church or do you want to drive?" He replied "You better drive because I'm not big enough."
This was a heated conversation between Chase and COnnor earlier today.

Chase~~"Mommy, you better change my brother"
Connor~~"I Connor, you the brother"
Chase~~ " No, you are the brother"
Connor~~ "NO! I COnnor, YOU the brother!"
Chaes~~"NO Connor you are MY brother!"

and so on and so on....................Connor was quite upset over this!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics 12/1/06
December and Christmas Albums
From my niece who was 5 years old at the time . . .

We met my brother, sister-in-law and my niece at the airport. This was before the 9/11 crackdown and we were to meet them at the gate. My niece was a huge fan of the 101 Dalmations at the time and she had the stuffed animal dog named Lucky with her at all times. My brother got off the plane with my niece in tow. We asked where my sister-in-law was and my niece promptly replied: "Mom got back on the plane to get Lucky" We did not know about the stuffed animal "Lucky" and being adults whose brains reside in the gutter, we almost died laughing!!:+
ROTFLMAO - I have tears streaming down my face from Sophie's comments and I'm at work and not supposed to be surfing net for personal use!!!!!!!!!!

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; We grow old because we stop playing" unknown.
Have to share this one about my neice who was potty training at the time:

My sister and Emilie were in the bathroom while Emilie was sitting on the potty to do her business. The phone rang so my sister went to get it. She hung up quickly and came back to see that Emilie had done her business on the floor NEXT to the potty. The first words out of my sister's mouth were, "Emilie NO, Poopy in the potty!".

So Emilie, being an obedient child, picked up the poppy, flung it in the potty and said, "There, all better".

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; We grow old because we stop playing" unknown.
A friend of mine has got so many pricesless moments like this. One that sticks out to me is her son (2 1/2) was potty training. She sat him on the toilet one morning while she was trying to get ready for work.

She could tell something was going on with the noise he was making, so she asks him "did you go potty, son?" He proudly nodded his head and she lifted him off the toilet and saw that it was empty. When he leaned over to see, he got all sad and asked "where did my fart go?":p :eek: :p
My neighbor kids, years ago..... The boy was about 8 years old. Came knocking on my door to see if my kids could play and when I answered he noticed the bandage I had on my chin. He asked what happened and I told him "I had a cyst removed". He asked "What's a sis remoo"?

His sister about 11 years old asked me where I worked. When I told her I worked at a power plant and explained that it was where electricity is generated she told me that her father, who worked at a cable manufacturing plant, made wires too!

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