Things I just don't get...


We all know that there are those things, people, fads, songs, movies, etc. that you just don't get.

Like, I've never found Brad Pitt to be all that. And, I know that they are well liked and won awards, but Forrest Gump and Titanic just didn't do it for me. The popularity of Julia Roberts, Tom Cruise, Celine Dion, and James Blunt leave me scratching my head.

Let's hear yours. Your "I Just Don't Get It" list!!!!
I don't get the James Blunt thing either, and Celine Dion makes me gag.

I don't like most movies that people rave over.

I don't get pajama pants and Uggs.

I don't understand people's complete addiction to reality TV (or any TV, for that matter).

I'm sure there are more. I'm fairly intolerant:p
i dont get why people know better than littering, but think it is ok to throw their cigarette butts on the ground.

i have yet to meet a person who can stand paris hilton and/or britney spears, but they keep giving these girls attention in the media...i just dont get it

i dont get why actors and professional athletes think they are above the law and should be able to do anything they want regardless of how it affects everyone around them

just a few off the top of my head...
Why do people dress for the season when it is 75 degrees out?

When will some people learn to walk instead of shuffle?

When will people learn that fast food is killing them?

Why drive a car if you only plan on going as fast as I can walk? Oh, I know...forget it is a car while thinking they are still on their tractor?

Why do I lift heavy dumb bells and not get any bigger?

Why do muffin tops where low rise? Why do some young men wear their pants down to their knees only to have to pull them up over and over again?

Why do some emo kids walk around looking like owls? Halloween is once a year. One kid I know puts so much black eyeliner around his eyes and other stuff that he looks like someone went off with a paintgun to his face. Splattered mess. Why? Is this cool?
Who is James Blunt?

I don't get people who toss garbage on the side of the road
I don't get people who bring small children to grown up movies
I don't get the current preoccupation with Paris, Hillary, Britany, Lindsay....
I don't get 99 percent of today's fashion (including Ugg boots)
I don't get little girls' pants that have words like "juicy" across the behind
I don't get why I can't be fabulously weathly x(


My garden is filled with papayas and mangos
My life is a mixture of reggaes and tangos
Taste for the good life, I can live it no other way
- Jimmy Buffett
"I don't get people who bring small children to grown up movies"

A few years ago, my husband and I went to the theatre to see Quentin Tarantino's film "Jackie Brown." Sitting next to us was a couple with a babe-in-arms and three other kids who looked like they ranged from three to ten. They weren't the only ones. There were four or five other kids in the theatre who looked to be no older than eleven.

When we left, my husband looked at me and said, "Nothing on that screen was as disturbing to me as knowing those kids were sitting there watching it."
--Why Britney going commando is newsworthy
--Who cares about Pam and Kid?
--"Over and Over Again"--Nelly????
--How Darfur would be different from Iraq, and why would public support be greater? Hussein had genocide on his own people and yet "it's a civil war"
--Movies like "My bosses Daughter" (my fault for watching)
--The current facination with penguins
--Why a concert center would be a basketball court/ice hockey rink the rest of the week

So much more
I don't get why people actually enjoy cardio.

I don't get how anyone could list Borat as a movie that mad them laugh until they cried (I walked out in disgust about 20 minutes into the movie).
">--The current facination with penguins"

Um, guilty here. My DD absolutely loves them!!!! And I say, better a facination with penguins than with pin-headed idiots like Paris, Britney, etc.

And as far as Uggs... the whole family wears them!

"Slinks out of thread....."
How people find that guy who plays "Sawyer" on "Lost" to be sexy (when he has a shirtless scene, I wish he'd put it back on).

Most reality TV (I understand why the networks like it, because it's cheaper to produce than paying actual actors' wages). Especially that the finale of "Flavor of Love" was the most-watched show in the history of VH1.

Why someone would toss a straw wrapper out the window of their car at the drive-through, when there is a highly-visible garbage can for that purpose just 3 feet ahead (and other random acts of senseless littering).

How people can ignore the "NO OUTLET" sign at the end of my street, still drive down it looking for an exit, and then can't exit without driving up onto my property or hitting a light post.

How students who have a very low failing grade at mid-term (and a grade report from me showing them exactly why and where their grade is low) still keep coming to class (at least some days!), but don't change their habits to improve their grade, rather than either improving (handing in work, attending class, etc.) or dropping the class and putting their energy into a class they might have a chance of passing.

How "I'm moving" or "We're having a baby" is a legitimate reason for dumping their pet off at the animal shelter.

How telemarketers can call me, have a wrong number, and still stubbornly insist that it MUST be the X residence! (I assure you, I know who and where *I* am!).

How spammers can think that someone will want to buy their product or service after being tricked into opening up an email by a misleading title.

The adulation many people seem to have for Oprah.

(Edited to correct attocious typos!)
A lot of what you guys already said and more:

-Why we're still in Iraq (sorry).
-Why we think we have the right to change an entire culture, and do it in a couple of years x( (sorry).
-Why manufacturers make clothes clearly made for skinny teens in plus sizes. Let's face only encourages the silly factor x(
-Why parents pay for young girls to have acrylic nails.
-Why people drive slow in the fast lane.
I thought of another one!

The Da Vinci Code! Probably the worst written book I've ever read (hey, I was in a book club). Those chapter endings? I was expecting sentences like, ""I can't tell you what it means right now, because the chapter is just about to end!!!"

As my friend, Laura, who was also in the book club with me, said, "I had no trouble putting it down."

And "Da Vinci?" Shouldn't it have been "Leonardo?" Da Vinci just means that he was "of (or from) Vinci."

Sorry, it just bugs me that something like this gets published and makes so much money, when good authors are ignored.
>How people find that guy who players "Sawyer" on lost to be
>sexy (when he has a shirtless scene, I wish he's put it back


> Especially that the finale of "Flavor of Love" was
>the most-watched show in the history of VH1.

I just don't get how this total crap can be high-rated and a show as smart as Battlestar Galactica can be on the verge of cancellation due to low ratings!! Granted, I am a pointy-headed
but I just don't get it.


My garden is filled with papayas and mangos
My life is a mixture of reggaes and tangos
Taste for the good life, I can live it no other way
- Jimmy Buffett
*how the person swerving in the driving lane beside me thinks that to drink coffee, smoke a cigarette and talk on the phone at the same time isn't dangerous.
*how people can hurt animals or children. I will never get that, nor will I try to understand it.
*how some people with money or higher education think that they are better than others just because they have more money or schooling.
*gambling. seriously, I don't think it is fun to lose money. I don't get excited knowing the odds are against me and when I have money on the line! :p
*how telemarketers will have the nerve to mispronounce my last name and then still try to sell me something! :p
*why the dang kirby salesmen keep coming to my door when I have told them no TEN TIMES IN THE PAST FOUR MONTHS!
*why people put others down
*extreme feminism. men are great! ;)
*people who don't tolerate those who don't have the same beliefs or feelings that they do.
*why people still eat fast food and smoke when it is proven to kill you over time
*why we can't all just accept each other and get along! :7

>I just don't get how this total crap can be high-rated and a
>show as smart as Battlestar Galactica can be on the verge of
>cancellation due to low ratings!! Granted, I am a

I guess most tv-watchers (at least the ones polled for the Neilsen ratings) don't want to think? (Or can't?) Who knows.

Another TV "I don't get it": why networks don't give quality shows more of a chance before giving them the boot. "Seinfeld" rated very low in its first year or so, but it was given time to find an audience and became a huge hit. But nowdays, some promising shows are cancelled after only 3 episodes! (While other crap shows keep going on). I hate starting to watch a serialized show ("Kidnapped" or whatever that was, "Invasion," "Surface") just to have it cancelled before anything is resolved.
* Grown women shopping in the juniors' section (can you say RIDICULOUS)
* The return of the horror known as the "skinny pant"
* Leggings on any one over the age of 12
* Underage smoking - do those children have parents?
* Bush (sorry)
* Jehovah's Witnesses who keep RETURNING TO MY HOUSE even when I am beyond rude

BTW, I think Uggs are cute for WINTER wear only. I loved The DaVinci Code. I think that Borat guy is a moron. I detest slapstick comedy in general and Adam Sandler in particular. I don't think the "Cable Guy" is a bit funny. Flavor of Love was addicting in a train-wreck-happening-I-can't-look-away kind of way. Britney's original handlers should be the multimillionaires, because they certainly saved her from herself (now if only they could save the rest of us!).

I don't get the chocolate thing with women and i am a woman.

I also don't get people who when i tell them i am from Africa, the next question is NIGERIA!!!! NO HAVE YOU HEARD OF TANZANIA? THAT IS THE COUNTRY WHERE I CAME FROM. OR THOSE WHO THINK AFRICA IS A COUNTRY. HELLO AFRICA IS A CONTINENT.

When i first came to the States i had to explain to people that last one.
>"I don't get people who bring small children to grown up
>A few years ago, my husband and I went to the theatre to see
>Quentin Tarantino's film "Jackie Brown." Sitting next to us
>was a couple with a babe-in-arms and three other kids who
>looked like they ranged from three to ten. They weren't the
>only ones. There were four or five other kids in the theatre
>who looked to be no older than eleven.
>When we left, my husband looked at me and said, "Nothing on
>that screen was as disturbing to me as knowing those kids were
>sitting there watching it."

I'm right there with your husband. It's really hard to enjoy a film under those circumstances. It also really bothers me that people bring kids who are too young to understand what's going on or sit for two hours and so get bored and cranky during the film, thereby disturbing everyone else. I was in a theatre once where a woman stood in back, walking and making soothing noises to her screaming infant, but she never made a move to leave the theatre until someone got the manager. Unreal.


My garden is filled with papayas and mangos
My life is a mixture of reggaes and tangos
Taste for the good life, I can live it no other way
- Jimmy Buffett

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