<--- thought she heard someone call her name

<--- wonders if Shelley needs a tissue for her issues and wonders if there is anything <--- can do for her
<--- ^^^5's and congratulates Carola for her AMAZING health and fitness milestone (and WHO CARES what the damn scale says anyway!!

<--- is praying like mad for Carola's lab results
<--- demands Catherine take a coffee break right now!

<--- tells Robin (and all) not to worry about <---

<--- wonders what the thread title has to do with Robin and just feels confused in general

<--- waves to Liann and Bam
<--- has an update on things
<--- will leave <--- speak for a minute:
The arrangements have been made -- calling hours will be Monday evening followed by a memorial service on Tuesday morning. We're waiting because ALL of our relatives live out of state -- including my B'sIL and SIL who were planning to come home this weekend and already had plane tickets. I wish we weren't dragging things out for so long because it's SO exhausting, but it really doesn't make sense to do it any other way. Robin, since you asked, my MIL is requesting that memorial contributions be made in lieu of flowers to the charity of one's choice.
<--- has been busy pricing hotels and trying to get things organized
<--- needs a secretary

<--- thanks all of you again for your love and care
<--- Loves youse