The Zone Diet, anyone?

Hi, my doctor recommended tryin the Zone Diet way of eating. I've been reading about it on some websites and it seems like alot of food figuring to me and i'm a bit confused about what you're suppose to eat. ANyone trying this Zone way of life?

Kerri :)
Hi Kerri - I tried the Zone diet for about two months last year and maybe it's just me but I had a lot of problems. Figuring out your meals can be very complicated and difficult to manage if you are in a hurry (or don't have bags of money to spend at the grocery store). I felt shaky and tired all the time, I was crabby and short-tempered even though I wasn't hungry, and I was so constipated that I was just dying (even when I followed all of the recommendations on how to prevent that to the letter). I know a lot of people have had success with this plan, so maybe it's just me - maybe I have a body type that needs more carbs, who knows? Anyway, if your doctor was the one who suggested it, maybe it's right for you. Only way to find out is to give it a try (but maybe get some Metamucil first!!) :-wow Good luck!
Okay I did the zone a couple of years ago. I bought Mastering the Zone and thought the plan was spelled out quite clearly in this book. I hard boiled eggs, got string cheese, and fruit on hand for quick snacks. I just took a cooler with me during the summer if I was traveling that day instead of in the office. I'm lucky to have Ovens of Manotowoc so close to get high fiber bread from, that helped also.

One note, I assume your working out so make sure you increase the number of "blocks" you eat by about 2 or 3. If you use his recommendation you won't be eating enough calories. I lost 35 pounds on the Zone diet in about a years time.

Good Luck,
Dawn W
Hi Kerri,

I am going to start the zone diet next week (7/9). I have read thru the orginal book twice now and like what i read. I would be glad to be your "zone buddy" and compare notes. Let me know when your are starting. I have hit a big plateua using "Body for Life"-I did lose 18 lbs. on that tho. But now I feel I need to take that next step. I am looking to lose 15 more lbs. I am 5'4" and weigh 135 but am very small boned. I have a LOT of fat in my tummy area and need to lose most of it there and my whole body in general. Let me know what you think.

My email is [email protected].
I've been doing a zoned diet for about 2 and a half years it works really well for me.

I switch things around a little depending upon how intense my training is. If I'm doing really intense workouts I make 25 to 30% (rough estimate since I eyeball my portions) whole grains (Quinoa, wild rice or spelt) or starchy carbs like sweet potatoes. I also sometimes add an extra block or two of carbs depending upon my activity levels. (I run distance.)

The thing I like best is that it seems to really speed my recovery.

Hi Lannette,

Do you cook all the food or buy any of it online. Have you stuck to it striclty to the letter? Also, how much weight have you lost? I am starting next week!

I pretty much cook my own food. I do keep zone bars or balance bars around just in case I need something quick.

I have most of the zone books and use the recipes from them. I like to double or even triple recipes and then put them in single portion containers and freeze them. I've also gotten good at zoning just about anything by adding whatevers missing. was giving away a free zone videotape (The Zone made simple and easy) if you purchase 25.00 worth of zone products. I'm not sure if they are still offering that special but the tape has a lot of good ideas for simplifying things.

I can't say that I really lost a lot of weight. Maybe 5 pounds but my body composition changed pretty dramatically.

I initially stuck to it to the letter but then I trained for my first marathon and had to play around with my percentages. I honestly often end up adding an extra block or two of carbs to each meal especially if my exercise rotation is intense.

I think everyone has to find the exact mix that works best for them.


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