The Worry Wart Thread


Okay, all, let's hear from those of us who struggle with anxiety. They used to just call us "worry warts" lol but now we have GAD. Or at least I was told that is what I have a few years ago. I'd love to hear what other worry warts on the board do to get through: exercise, meditation, spirituality?

I used to think my anxiety would get better with age, like a fine wine I guess, but honestly I feel like these days I'm worried about anything and everything. Exercise helps tremendously, and I have also been doing affirmations that actually help too, to my surprise. Still, I'm drained from the constant push to talk myself out of worrying, you know? Has anyone tried Lucinda Bassett's tapes/CDs?

Sometimes I wonder what it's like to be a person who doesn't worry alot.


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
I worry too.
Is my daughter eating right.
Will this be a good month at work.
Will i get sick and have to miss work.
Do i have enough savings.
Did i eat too much today.
Is the Granson ok at daycare.
Will my daughter be ok if something would happen to me financially?
I worry all the time.
Always something on my mind...
I lift heavy. it takes my mind off things. DOMS....
Sing on the treadmill . I am awful.
Sparrow and Anne,
I am so with you both-I worry about EVERYTHING!! Yes I too thought it would get better as I got older and sometimes it seems to be worse. I dont sleep well and I know its such a WASTE of time but I cant seem to stop it. I work in a pharmacy in an elderly community and all day long I hear "Just wait until you get older honey!" oh I hate when they say that to me-it makes me feel like they are wishing me bad times when I get old. I worry on the weekends about going to work on monday. How sad-its just such a waste of time I will be interested to hear how others deal with worry because I dont deal well.
I forgot to mention I worry about if I say the right thing on this site because I would NEVER want to offend anyone-so I try not to post too often out of fear my words might get twisted or taken wrong.
I don't know if I'm a worry wart. I am great at understanding others, but when it comes to myself I have absolutely NO perspective, so I just rely on what my DH says. He says I'm kind of a tense, controlled person who rarely actually relaxes. I overthink EVERYTHING. I spend 10 hours thinking about doing something before I actually spend an hour doing it. I'm introverted, so every meeting with another human being causes me substantial anticipatory anxiety. Do I have GAD? Probably.

These days I look at it this way: many professions require people who are relaxed and easy-going. If I were a hairdresser, it would take me 5 hours to cut someone's hair because I would have to measure every hair to make sure it was as long as the next one. The final product would be a disaster. I'm a lawyer for a reason. My clients pay me to worry, examine every detail and think too much. They pay me to worry so they can relax. I figure I was designed this way for a reason, just as we all were. I think we all have a purpose.

I take a lot of OTC medications. I married a guy who is always calm and relaxed and whose mere presence has a tendency to soothe me. He also knows how to tickle my back every night before I go to sleep so that every muscle in my body turns to jello. :D

I worry constantly whether or not those left to do so will care for my special needs sons lovingly and attentively when I'm gone. Will they really understand them and provide the patience, guidance, and understanding they require? I haven't been able to soothe that anxiety.
I struggle with anxiety as well. Cardio helps some, making lists helps some, talking with my husband or other close friends (putting a perspective on things) helps some, but I don't think it will every go away completely. I've noticed that pushing past the urge to procrastinate has also helped a little. I guess it's true that the idea of doing something difficult or unpleasant is much worse than actually doing it. Just keeping busy in general so that I don't have as much time to worry is also helpful, but far from foolproof. I've never done affirmations, but I suppose they're worth a try.

I know what you mean about wondering what it's like to be a non-worrier; I can't imagine, really!

I've never heard of GAD. I just wanted you all to know that I care and it has to be hard to worry like that every day of your life. And if I could help in any way I truly would. I'm so grateful you have some kind of release going on like the workouts Cathe provide. I know everyone has their problems, but I can't imagine going through that and coping with it everyday.

My son is a doctor, and you can be sure I'm going to get more info on this. Fighting this every day, Wow, you are heros in my eyes.

Please take care,


"If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all."
-My mother, Mary Cooper-
As I'm sure you know, your worry is natural, and certainly doesn't "qualify" you as someone with GAD. You probably already have wills that establish supplemental needs trusts and appoint guardians. In any event, I'd be happy to help in any way I possibly can if you think I can be of assistance, even if it's just to help you formulate questions to ask your lawyer, or help you locate organizations that can suggest guardians. Any time, for any reason, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Nancy -

You're a dear.:)

I didn't mean to indicate I suffered with GAD. I just worry that "mother's worry" because noone can or will love my boys the way I do. And maybe my worry goes a little deep due to their special needs.

Fortunately, my DH's brother is an attorney and he takes care of the dear ole family. But honestly, I have questions pop into my brain quite often and just do not want to call him -- you'd be much more fun to talk with and I just might take you up on your offer.:D
I worry non stop. Usually it is financial things. Even WHILE doing RS today I kept screwing up because I couldn't stop thinking about some bills. I am a SAHM, which I love, but I couldn't afford to go to work anyway because of childcare costs for 2 kids. It is very tiresome. I jsut try to assure myself that it will get better, and we can get through it, but sometimes I get so worried about stuff, that I feel nauseas (sp) and dizzy.
I worry about my children all the time, and their safety. I worry about the health and safety of my family.
I also am petrified of disappointing my loved ones. I don't know why.
I had to start reading everynight when I go to bed so that I would be tired enough to fall right to sleep, otherwise I would lay awake forever worrying about things.
Sometimes it is hard to admit all that.
THink I definately qualify as a worry wart!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!![/img] [/url]
I'm so sorry that you have financial worries now. Finances are always difficult when you're young. Your kids are so little now, your options are really limited. Your post reminded me of how much I used to worry about money when I was your age. It's such an awful feeling. I used to stay up nights worrying. I don't know if this helps, but I just wanted to let you know that things got SOOOOO much better as I got older. I almost never worry about money any more. I know how resourceful and smart and determined you are, and I know that you will make a good life for yourself and your boys. I have absolutely no doubt about that. I just wanted to let you know that it does get better, and it will get better for you. :)

I just hope that helps a little.
Thank you so much Nancy! It does make me feel better! I just take it a day at a time. My husband is working on getting another job that makes alot more money and has alot of overtime. Hopefully within a month or so, that may happen.
I am still getting things together and started for the medical billing. It is just hard finding someone who outsources. With all the new HIPPA laws, not very many doctors want to go that route!
As my mom said yesterday, It will all work out!
Thank you again Nancy! All the reassurances do help!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!![/img] [/url]
Oh boy - do I get awfully creative when I worry...I have terrible thoughts sometimes - and it is really an effort to make myself change thoughts and not fixate on the negative.

You mention Lucinda Bassett - I think in her opening chapter she says something like: You have anxiety; Congratulations, you are part of the smartest group in society. (I always chuckle when I think of that line). I guess what she means is that people with GAD overanalyze and overthink things.

My stories and thoughts are very similar to those posted above- so I won't repeat... but I think its worth mentioning that 95% of the things we worry about don't actually come to fruition.

I find that exercising - even something light - helps the psyche. As well - cutting back on caffeine and alcohol is also necessary ( I just haven't been able to do without the java yet :p )

I tend to worry about people becoming sick and/or dying...and then I take the story further in my mind - about what life would be like...I have actually brought myself to tears - based on the 'story' or 'event' that was happening in my mind.

A very wise doctor once said to me: "by worrying about the future - you spoil the present"... and it is so true.. So now when I am with loved ones, I do my best to enjoy the moment, as opposed to worrying about something in the future.

I should also add - that Lucinda's book is excellent; I don't have her tapes, but my SO has been to her seminar and says that she is a very empowering speaker.
Anytime I catch myself worrying about something and getting those anxious feelings, I ask myself "What am I accomplishing by worrying about it, allowing it to run through my brain over and over and allow it to make me sick?" Especially when it is something beyond your control. I try to stay focused on what I do have control over and if there is a part of my life that is out of alignment and it is within my reach to change it, I make sure I have a plan of action in operation. It's all you can do! I promise, making yourself sick thinking of the "what if's" will not help the situation. Stay focused on what you can do to make a positive change and allow your mind and body the feeling of peace!

Worrying about your kids and there future is quite tormenting! That will make you lose major sleep! Instead, I focus on making sure that every single day they feel loved, safe and important. Then, to wash away the "scarey thoughts" I think about their smiles and giggles from earlier in the day.
This is what I am worried about:
-Not being able to purchase new dvds.
-Finding a job.
-Getting my children back into private school.
-Getting my student loan paid.
-Getting these blasted weight off.

So yes I am a little stressed, anxious and worried. I have lots of rejection letters, I can wallpaper my house with them.
I was going to post to this thread yesterday, but I was worried I would just sound silly. Seriously. x(

I worry about *everything,* and have since I was a kid. But mainly I worry about things that disrupt my routine--I don't deal well with spontaneity and change. I worry that I'm going to get sick (because I'm horribly susceptible to colds), and once I'm sick I worry about how long it will take me to be back to normal. At work, I worry that the new project I've been put on will take over my life so that I'm working nights and weekends for months on end and have no time or energy to workout. Or that the project I'm on will involve lots of travel, completely disrupting my life and workouts. Worries that are based in reality--most of the people at my office work so much overtime that they have no home life. Still, I probably spend far too much time and energy worrying about how I'm going to get fired when I absolutely refuse to work late day after day in order to get a project done.

As for coping..I don't! I panic, then talk to the BF, who helps calm me down. But it's a recurring pattern. Not sure if it's GAD--probably just a bad habit that I'm not quite sure how to change.
Well, it's fun to talk to kindred souls. I am a repressed worrier. I'm an introvert like Nancy, so yes, every interaction brings some anxiety. Even chatting to the clerk as I check out. Now, people that don't know me well think I'm one of the most relaxed, laid back people they know. They don't realize the incredible self control it takes underneath it to keep it all together. I am a "sensitive" person, I tend to pick up on others and their feelings and take things personally. However, I work hard at not overreacting and I never, never show it to other people that I don't know well. Maybe it would be better if I let it all hang out? I'm not sure, but I feel too anxious trying to be different! Ha.
Wow you ladies remind me of my dh, he is the worrier in my family. I think it is an unwritten law that if one is not a worrier, the other one has to be!
My husband says he worries for two reasons: one because his mom was a worrier and two, because he grew up poor and never wants to be poor again.
I on the other hand, while I didn't grow up rich, my mother never worried (I think once in while she did but hid it very well from us) and was always cheerful. She was very much an optimist even when things weren't "perfect". She was divorced in her early 40's with 2 youg kids at home, and also just after the divorce lost her oldest son, my brother in Vietnam. So her life was not a bed of roses by any means. I guess what I am trying to say is that my mother gave me a gift. The gift of having faith that everything will work out ok. She was a wonderful mom and I am so grateful to her.
Maybe next time you worry, think about how it affects yourself AND others around you, especially young children. It usually doesn't make you feel better or accomplish anything. Maybe try to talk yourself into using the energy you have been putting into worrying for something else? I don't know, I'm not a worrier! Sorry!
Good Luck to you all and I hope you will be able to not worry so much.


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