Morning Ladies,
Rotation: Cathe Feb08/Week 4/Day 7
Workout: GS BSB (after work) & Ab Hits #7 (done) / 2m run (done)
I didn't look at my running schedule, and I was suppose to do a 2.5m run today. Either I run a 1/2m later today, or I do 3.5m on Friday. Wish I would have looked at the schedule, because my run was really going well this morning.
Oldest DD didn't have a track meet yesterday, it was pouring rain all afternoon and evening. So her meet is today, and I'm hoping that I can get there in time to see her run. Youngest DD and I did get to the grocery store after her dance class. It was so quiet at the store, so made for some fun shopping with her. How do those kids manage to throw things into the cart. I am always amazed at what appears on the belt when it is time to check out.
Traci, Your workout is making me cry just reading it. I too was impressed with the pics on the blog. Bet you won't be doing those "tuck jumps" though! ;-) Yes the Cathe burn out is what I fear also on the pre STS. I was thinking of the first Barry's, but that doesn't have weighted leg work. I never was able to do a 4DS rotation, but I think I have enough time to do about 3-4 weeks of 4DS weights, and then change to the Barry weight work. At least that is my plan for now. Loved the pics!
Tracy, Glad your run was a good one. Can understand your need to be at work, with all the stress at home. I am leaning toward the 4DS. ;-) So did the weight loss that Ali had on TBL surprise you? If sure as heck did me. How much more weight can the girl loose? Do they tell how tall she is? I must say she looks good, I hope she wins.
Patricia, Glad you enjoyed your yoga class. I'm sure those pretzel poses will get easier as you do yoga.
Debra, Dang on the bad knee! Traci is right about the lower body lifting. I found that my knee felt better after I did leg exercises. Not Plyo, but lifting. Until I did that my knee would be in awful pain. We have the rain cloud over our heads too, and it is so much colder than when we where in your area. They have snow in the forecast for Saturday, dang I hope not. I took a look at the ren festival, and the jousters are the same ones that are at our faire. Zilch the Storyteller is a hoot too.
Sandra, Glad the dental visit is a thing of the past. I think the frequent visits are a good idea. Once she gets comfortable with the dentist the visits should go better. I am going to be making a couple of dinners from the WW book this week. Of course I don't have the book with me, but I am making one Mexican and a Greek. Can't wait to try them. I would love to think that DD had a tailwind, but she was running indoors. Guess she still has the right to be superior in the running department. :7 :7
Jeanette, AKA Skipper! :7 I went through the travel tired body too, so understand your need to skip the morning workout. My mom used to tell us about the underwear thing too. But she has thyroid issues so has never had to shave her legs. :7 She couldn't understand why we needed to shave. Did she ever see my legs! :7 I did manage to get my stack of paper taken care of yesterday, and 30 purchase orders later..... :7 Now I have to sort all my e-mails. :7
Nicole, I bet they all where happy to see you home, but being MEN they didn't want to show it.

Did you have a good time with your sister?
Kim, Good job on CC#7. Love the doggie story. Funny how animals are creatures of habit.

How does you DS feel about being at home by himself. My DD, who is 11 also, actually wants me to leave so she has time to herself.

Now that we have the dog, I think she is more comfortable.
Wendy, LOL about your late night workouts. :7 Oh yes the muscle soak oil, thanks for the reminder. ;-) That will help with the GS Leg DOMS that I have too.

Or is that just an excuse to attack the hubby? :7 :7 Dang you are starting to sound like Sandra with all your cooking of pizza dough and wheat bread.
Have a great day!