The Watercooler: Sunday...Happy 45th Traci!



OK...So I figure since the 40's are my most fiulfilled decade thus far I should shout it from the roof tops!

DH woke me up w/ java....a massage...reading paper in bed...a card...a new Stress Relief CD...a Spa gift certificate...& of course my "boys" sat on the bed with me while all of it went on! We are heading out to a Mexican Brunch a bit later this morning.

Only tiny headache on right side of head so I consider myself healed! ZIPPITY!!!

Thinking doing the 4DS series the next 4 days till travel day... seems to be too obvious NOT to do it!

Back w/ personals!

It sounds like Wendell gave you some nice gifts. I am glad that the headache is better. Have a great day.

Hi all,

:):):):):):) Happy Birthday Traci! :):):):):):)

Glad the headache is almost gone. Sounds like Wendall was being very thoughtful. It's always nice to be reminded of one of the reasons that you are with someone.

Today is legs and cardio and core and yoga. I'll never get to all of that, but it would be great if I did.

Jeanette- I hope you have a nice ride today.

Kim - Great to see you pop in. Glad the running is getting going.


Back again….. We FINALLY watched Michael Clayton last night…LUV’d it! I enjoy non-linear movies…just keeps me on my toes to finally get it all clear in my mind.

Thank you so much Ms Lea!!!! I almost put my teeth out trying to eat the Easter Eggs from your Meez!

Hope you got a great session of Ch/BA in yesterday…. Are you starting to pack yet? How long will your drive be???? I would LUV to drive personally. ~ My groceryt bill is so much more these days…I’m doing things now like buying whole turkeys & such when they are .49 per pound & making several meals for a week or 2 out of them. Its just crazy when a family of 2 cant eat the way they want. I’m fuming mad about it all & I told DH would not support the craziness by dishing out the money…I told him to be looking for beans & rice in his future….

Congrats to Carolina!!! I assume its college basketball? Nope don't follow it but am always happy when a friend is happy!!! WEBCAM sounds like a TERRIFIC idea!!! See my post to Netta below about that! Wendell borrowed a WII from a guy at work & was playing Golf & Tiger Woods Golf last night…. He was sweatin’ like a pig!!!

Miss you this weekend!!! Party on!

Cant wait to hear the official results!!! Do you see yourself ever doing another round? I really don't… I can see many STS rounds (3 month not 6) & maybe mixing up X + STS for variety but gosh I think I got my fill of it. EXCITING you are off of work!!! What wonderful things do you have planned?

Pooor tired dear!!! I hope YOU got a massage too! So do tell who you were socializing with??????

Sending lots of healing vibes to Lexie & ear scratches to Tille! Lmao! LUSH! If ya only knew what a cheap drunk I am! Well – I guess you’ll find out Thursday! 1 glass & I’m THERE! Is that a sign of clean living or an aging liver? LOL … NO NO NO – I am no computer guru!!! I am an expert at what I know but anything not already in the brain doesn’t make a lick of sense to me! I think we better have CBL help us if we stand a chance! Better yet…Lets get Julia to do it- children know more than I do about this stuff! ~~ Happy Bike Ride Day & good weather vibes!!!!! Also hoping DGM is feeling a bit better today…Maybe the KFC was just too much grease!

Hope you’re having a great weekend!!!!

Are you relaxing this weekend????

Back later....DH has a fund raiser for a fishing buddy w/ brain cancer today....VERY COOL how that "community" pulls together.
Chinese-Style Broccoli
From South Beach Diet email

Ordinary broccoli springs to life with this garlicky lemon-soy dressing. Serve it with any Asian-flavored dish or even a simple grilled chicken or shrimp skewer.

Makes 2 (1-cup) servings

Prep time: 10 minutes
Start to finish: 8 minutes

1/2 tablespoon plus 1/2 teaspoon canola oil
1/2 (1 1/2-pound) head broccoli, cut into florets (3 cups)
1 tablespoon low-sodium soy sauce
1 garlic clove, minced
1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice

Heat oil in a large wok or high-sided skillet over medium-high heat. Add broccoli and stir-fry for 2 minutes. Add soy sauce, garlic, and lemon juice; continue to stir-fry until broccoli is crisp-tender, about 5 minutes. Serve hot.
*****:7 :7 ******* Happy Birthday to Traci*******:7 :7 *******

Glad that you are feeling better and able to enjoy it!! Hope you have an amazing day! Doing the 4ds over the next few days should be fun. I can't see myself doing another rotation right away and then my guess is that STS will take it's place.
Just really lots of kids stuff planned for the week off. DS's two birthday parties (i'm not sure how he talked me into that). Taking dd and her friend to see the Dr. Seuss movie today. DS has dentist/doctor's appts. I want to get caught up on my volunteer committee work that I have. So really nothing exciting but at least I'm not at work and definitely should have some more me time.

Debra- Yummy, pizza! I adore pizza. Hopefully not much more snow. We often still have snow on the ground on the May long weekend. The biggest snowstorm ever recorded in our city (now named the Storm of the Century which was followed by the Flood of the Century) happened the week that ds was born in April 1997. Was scary because I though I would be snowmobiling to the hospital while in labour. Terrible weather out there this morning. I'm cuddling with a blanket and my coffee enjoying a quiet morning everyone else is still sleeping. Poor Bandit, she had to go outside. I carried her to the backyard in my pj's and she almost got blown away.

LOL on the comment that if one in the group turns out to be dangerous the rest of you could take her.
I'm not much a curling fan but ds is turning into one. It's hard not to be, living around here, it's really an obsession in our city. It's the women's worlds on tv right now. China has beat Canada twice. (The Canadian team is from my city so lots of media coverage) No sign of the USA team though, hmmm.

Tracy-Sounds like you have a busy workout day planned, hope you get it all in.

Jeanette- Hope you have a good bike ride this morning.;-) Our 7 mile run was great yesterday. We were actually overdressed and taking jackets off. The winter storm didn't start till afternoon while we were running it was +1 with a little wind. We took a different route and the sidewalks were less wet so overall a very nice run. The friend I'm running with right now is a new runner and a little slower than me which is fine and makes for a nice relaxed outing with a good friend. DH finished downloading some more of the Cardio Coaches for me so will try those for harder/shorter runs during the week on my own then do the long slow runs with her on the weekends. We're going to do 8 miles next weekend.

Have a great Sunday! Kim
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, Traci!!!....I'm so glad part of your 45 years have been lived here with us. Here's to at least 45 more! What a great morning you had, and your day's going to keep getting better. And the migraine's no more than a small pain now? Good! Stacy's being caged, at last! On the preggo look - that's just from constipation, surely? Aren't pain meds known to bung people up? I really enjoyed Michael Clayton, too. I like watching Mr. Clooney walking around feeling all intense about stuff. I didn't get out of bed until 7 yesterday, because DD#2 had me up from 1:40-4:00 on Friday night. Why, you ask? Just because I'd let her sleep a full hour on Friday afternoon, so she wasn't tired enough to stay asleep. Since I got up at 7, I had to rush to get everything in to prepare for our busy Saturday, plus squeeze in my workout and shower in time to go. As soon as all the Y activities were over, we went over to a friend's house for 2 back-to-back selling "parties". They invited us to stay for dinner. So, we didn't end up back home until the kids' bedtime. The good news is, I didn't spend a dime at the "parties" because as much as I like the products, I think they're freakishly overpriced. So, I don't have to live with that regret today. I'd say that broccoli recipe looks good, but it's too early in the morning to say anything kind about broccoli.

Jeanette....Thanks for the link to the jerseys!!! DH hadn't seem many of those, either. I think he's now leaning towards wanting the Paris-Nice one. The way the road snakes across the front is really neat. Maybe these are all new jerseys, and they'll start popping up on other websites soon? Now I can't decide which sunflower jersey I want! I think I like the new one better than the old. It's hard to decide, but at the price of them, decide I must! Can't afford them all! I'm glad you enjoyed ASCI all the way through! No, she doesn't have a combined-combos segment on that dvd, which surprised me. You'll appreciate ASCII for that feature, plus the large number of premixes. I hope your Grandma is feeling better. All that salt in the KFC probably threw off her system!

Tracy....Funny you ask whether it's a bar for chin ups only, or for pull ups, too. In the blog, she titles the photos "pull ups", yet they are doing chin ups. I didn't see any photo where they're holding the bar in a pull up position. So, I don't know the answer to your question. Obviously it will be sufficient for doing STS, but whether it will take you farther than that, I don't know. Amy's approach to fitness seems to be long and lean, from what I've seen. Her arms are scrawny (but highly toned). She's not an instructor I want to emulate in terms of physique. But I do enjoy her choreography.

Debra....The thought of being the focus of attention over Skype has me feeling like a deer caught in headlights. Or my 2 year old when we walk into a room full of strangers and she buries her head in the crook of my neck. How come you're working so hard on a property you'll be selling? I'd like to do CleanMax around here today. We have tentative plans to go to the zoo with some friends, but I may cancel that. It's a rather chilly day, and I'd rather get something productive done around here, than spend the afternoon staring at animals sleeping in cages.

Kim....Aren't LLL surprisingly expensive, for being a Canadian product? Shouldn't we get the benefit of not having to import the goods? No, we aren't watching the curling, but DH is all over hockey these days. The Oilers are fighting hard for a spot in the playoffs. If they don't get one, he'll be devastated. Until next year, when we get to start all over again. A winter storm??? Oooh, that's awful. March weather is always so bizarre. I look forward to hearing about your P90X results next week!

My mother is turning 60 in 15 days. I'd like to send her something special, preferably something I can order online and have sent directly to her. Anyone got any great ideas?

Ya'll don't have to worry about a thing at the retreat: the stalker/crazy person refused to pony up the money for the airfare. You're safe :)

Well, I'm off to make good use of my Sunday. Okay, that's a lie. I'm off to go lay on the couch and ignore life. Have a great day everyone! Traci, maybe I'll have a piece of cake or pie on your behalf today.


Have a wonderful and relaxing day with all of your boys!!! I would like Wendell to give me a little massage as So glad your headache is pretty much gone for now! Have a great Mexican brunch...that sounds very yummy!!

Okay...back in a bit to catch up with everyone else!

To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Seems like my email Outgoing is still not working due to power outage. I'll have to call about that.

Debra, I'm not allergic to anything that I know of. Wait a minute...I ate some cheesecake and various desserts at Christmastime. They made me swell and that swelling has still not gone down. Not sure what the particular ingredient is in it that caused this, but I'm MAD AS HELL about it!

Off to get ready for my bike ride.

[font=+1][font color= gold] HAPPY BIRTHDAY Traci!!![/font][/font]

Wendell's the man! Enjoy your day!

Love You!!!
Okay...back for a chat...I will let you know that while I was gone, I got a load of laundry done, ate lunch, started the dishwasher, and straightened my shoes...which I know doesn't sound like a big job...but I have a LOT of! Now I am watching the political shows and chatting with you guys. I am planning on SH bis and tris today since I had a lovely session with Eoin yesterday. It is rainy and cold here today, so I have no excuse not to do CleanMax as well.


I will try not to have any of those pesky cheesecakes around since they seem to be so detrimental for your health...LOL! Your weather must be okay if you are heading out for your ride. Glad you will be able to hook up with your friends on Thursday morning! An added bonus of flying all the way to NC. We will have to talk Sandra into the whole webcam thing, since apparently she is resisting the idea a bit! The power is out again?? My goodness, you will think you are in the big city here in my little town since our power rarely goes! Hope Grandma is feeling better today...I am sure she was just having a bit of a bad day. Hope you have a great ride today!!

Micheal Clayton is a great movie...and I am with Sandra...No problem with me watching George walk around looking concerned...Especially the scene where he goes to his boss's house and he has on the turtleneck and then blazer...I LOVE a man in a turtle neck...WooHoo!! Yes, college basketball....I am soooo happy to be back in NC so that I get to see all of my teams play. In Illinois we always had those Midwestern teams that I didn't give a hoot about. I played the golf and bowling last night on the Wii with DD...but I tell you if you want a workout, try the boxing...You can get a nice upper body workout with it!!! I use all of my KB moves and really can get a nice little workout. It is kind of sad in a way, I Get going on Miss Sandra...she is afraid she is going to be 'scrutinized' on the camera...Silly thing...I will promise her that we will all have at least one glass of wine before we dial her up! I have a great recipe book for cooking for one or 2 people...remind me while you are here an I will show it to you..It has a lot of tips for cooking and shopping for 1 or 2.

You are getting on the Webcam, my friend!! I promise we will have all have had at least a glass of wine first!! Sounds like you had a busy day yesterday...all kinds of parties and socializing and kids and whatnot! I have to work on the yard now since the housing market here is so awful. I am probably not going to put the house on the market until NEXT spring...that is going to give me some time to figure out if there is any way I can keep it (which I doubt). I also have in the unsigned separation agreement that XDH has to send me more money until I sell this house...but I have to have it on the market by next year. Since all of the houses are new in the neighborhood and there are still new ones going up, I have to be able to compete with those homes when it does go on the market. Things are selling here, but people are losing their a** on their homes...The equity from the house is a big part of my settlement, so I need to make sure I get as much as possible out of it. Good luck on seeing some animals that are actually awake at the zoo. They might be up since it is a little chilly...Our animals at the local zoo sleep all summer since it is so hot here. As far as your mom's bday is concerned, is there any kind of camera equipment they want but don't have yet?? I know they do a lot of traveling and I am sure that would be appreciated.

Wow!! 2 days in a row! So glad to see you. I know that curling is big up there...and I am sure that in the Northern US there is a following...but I lived in Minnesota for almost 2 years and I had never heard of it. Sandra did tell me that America actually has a curling team, but who knew?? LOL! That is a horror story about your pregnancy and the huge snow. If it makes you feel any better, I had to drive myself to the hospital in the snow (we lived in Illinois at the time) when I had my fact XDH didn't make it to the birth because he was in I spent a while in the hospital by myself until my BFF made it through the snow traffic to get to me. Have fun with 'Horton' today. I need to take DD to see that one too. Maybe in a couple of weeks I will have time to get here there.

Waving as you fly by using your thumbs!

Sounds like you have a busy workout day ahead...I am sure you can blow off cleaning the house so that you can get it all! I forgot to say yesterday that I got a real kick out of your DH dragging you into the bedroom....Does he not know you at all??? LOL!

I guess I am caught up for now...I even got another load of laundry done while chatting with you guys...I must get my arse off the sofa, though, and get to dusting!!


To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Happy Birthday to you..............

Happy Birthday to you........

Happy Birthday DEAR Traci...............

Happy Birthday to you!!!!!!!!!

I sang that as I was typing it:D

I hope you have a fabulous day! I love it when birthdays are on the weekend, all the more reason to celebrate!!:*

Busy couple of days. I keep saying I'll be back to do more in depth personals but I've yet to get in here. Miss you all!!!


Feel the burn!!!
Good news....Downstairs is clean a a whistle!

Bad news..Still working on the darn laundry!

Good news...Most of upstairs is clean too!

Bad news...No workout accomplished today since CleanMax took up most of my day.

Good news...I should sleep well tonight!

Good news...Got some study time in and feeling prepared for my test in the morning.

Oh..and Traci...DD asked what color your hair is in wild anticipation of meeting you later this week...and I wasn't sure what to tell her...So then she asked me if it was blue. And I said, 'Well, honey, I am sure Traci's hair isn't blue.' and she said, 'That's good because that would be weird.' LOL!!!!

Good night all!!

To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Hi ladies,
Good day today. We had 6 for the group bike ride today. Weather was kind of cool and windy. We did around 20 miles I think, with a few little hills. Tomorrow will be a bike ride with a girlfriend and whoever else wants to come along. We will be doing a hill climb ride. After that, I will play golf with Father Tony.

Traci, I hope you had a very wonderful 45th birthday today. How is the stress relief CD? How was the brunch? You are blessed to have a wonderful DH and boys. The 40's have been a wonderful decade for me too. wouldn't trade it for anything previous. Thank you for the good vibes for Lexxie. Must be working as she is really wanting to eat lots today. I think that's a good sign. I do not want to have to worry about her while I'm in NC. Poor DH has a hard time when the girls are sick or hurt. LOL about the wine and an aging liver! I always was a lightweight in the drinking arena. My last drunken incident about 11 years ago pretty well cured me from overdoing it. Bet we all have some stories. Hope Wendell's fund raiser was a good one. He must be healing up pretty well from his surgery now. Better than the snip-snip? When DH had it done about 25 years ago, he swore they cut the wrong thing.

Tracy, did you get all of your workout in today? I did a bike ride today, but still am struggling with mucous issues, yuk! When will this lousy cold leave? I don't FEEL sick at all, it's like it's stuck on drainage mode. Pretty typical for the colds that I've had over the years. I don't get many, but when I do, they hang around for a long time.

Kim, hope you get lots of ME time this week. How was the Dr. Seuss movie? When I was young, us girls received a "Yertle the Turtle" book for Christmas. It was signed from Santa. Loved that book and we definitely believed Santa brought it. Had to, we didn't recognize the handwriting. Funny how stuff sticks in our little brains. Is the runner you were with today the new marathoner? The one that calls any race a marathon? Enjoy the new Cardio Coach workouts. Something about Sean's voice really pushes me on. Is Bandit a dog? What kind? We have a little wienie dog, but it would have to be a pretty stiff wind to blow her over, the little porker. How were your results from P90X? I'm thinking that STS will be much more doable for me over the years than P90X.

Sandra, I'm thinking those Graham Watson jerseys are from earlier tours so maybe they've been around for a while and I just didn't know about them. Not sure there. Yep, they are pricey all right. I'm ordering a medium this time. The small is okay on me but think I would like it a bit roomier. I need to go order that Amy Bento ASCII. Glad to hear she has premixes for it. I also noticed that the pullups were really chinups. The diameter of that bar is pretty big. I have some 15# DB's that are neoprene and have a bigger diameter. I think it's harder to lift them than a narrower diameter. Wonder if that will be the same for the pullup bar. Did you get to go to the zoo? You didn't sound all that enthused about it. I don't have any ideas for your mother's birthday. My Mom is tough to shop for. Right now the best thing I could do for her would be to stay with Grandma so she could get away. LOL about the crazy/stalker person! Sure wish you were coming. I'm thinking the webcam will be so much fun!!! You'll see!!!

Debra, please stop cleaning!!! We don't want you all worn out by the time we come to see you. You'll make us all uncomfortable with your clean house. Please leave some dishes in the sink so I feel at home, clothes waiting to be folded and in a big pile on the hall floor, cat hair floating in the air. I think we can get Sandra to do the webcam thing. She's just a little camera shy, but a glass or two of wine and hey, we may see her dancing on the table in the privacy of her own home.

Hi to everyone else.


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