The Ultimate Fat Loss Strategy???


I keep hearing about this "Ultimate Fat Loss Strategy" by some guy named Phil Kaplan. The part I have a question about is the exercise program he suggests: weights for 30-40 minutes immediately followed by cardio for 20-30 minutes 6 days a week. This sounds like an awful lot of weight work in a week to me. Any opinions??
it sure does sound like an awful lot of weightlifting. I can see maybe 6 cardio 3 strength and maybe 1 endurance.

I have never heard of this program, but maybe he means working one body part per day, that would come out to 6 days a week. I'm kind of doing a rotation like this. I use the slow and heavy series, and do one section of each tape followed immediately by cardio. For exemple, today I did SH tricepts followed by the 2nd 5 intervals from Imax1. I plan to do this type of rotation for the entire month of January. I just thought this would give you an "idea" of how weight work can be done for 6 days in a row without being excessive.

Sounds about right. Not sure what he is proposing when he says weight lift 6 days/week but if you think about it, you can do a cardio workout like rhythmic step or step blast which is 45 minutes followed by ONE body part - e.g. leg - that would take up good 30 minutes.

So yes, sounds right if you concentrate on a 45 minute cardio session and work on ONLY ONE body part lifting weights each day for 20 - 30 minutes.
Makes you wonder why these people think their information is so helpful, so "unique", so we haven't heard that mantra before........

Not dumping on your thread or anything, but man, this stuff is all the same, eh???

Janice - I'm with you on that one. It's amazing how many people get rich by either restating the good ol' A-B-C's OR restating the urban myths like The Low Carb Diet!

Actually- I have been using this concept...not even purchasing anything and I have dropped about 5 lbs since 1 jan...We'll see what happens. I superset upper one day, lower one day...but different muscles...then do step or run. Most of it is all just old advice...but sometimes I need a kick in butt to get on track again :)
Some of it's new advice...which has come in handy.

Who would have thought...eating right to lose weight...I read the article every now and again to stay on track. :)
I guess you can follow a little bit different then the article in certain areas. Maybe do cardio for 40 minutes and 1 body part a day for about 30 minutes like the other post said. It aslo all depends how active the person is and how much time they have on their hands. I know for me I just couldn't do all of this. I like to do cardio one day and strength the next and then adding a circuit weight & aerobic 1 day a week.

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