Never, ever, ever bring home the chocolate caramel spread from World Market. EVER! Dangerous. Causes marital discord. DH was standing in front of the cabinet containing the chocolatey goodness, and saw me coming his way with a spoon. He took my spread and wouldn't give it back!!! So I gave him a thwack with the spoon on the forehead. It wasn't very hard, but his head sure does sound hollow
So he took off running with my new found treasure. Ended up in a good spirited wrestling match. I tried to get Vlad to bark at him, but I think I have the only dog on the planet that doesn't bark. And, I didn't get my jar o'calories back. Sigh! But I'm better off for it. And it means I can have 2 spoonfuls next time - besides wrestling is a good calorie burner, right?
My nothingness post for today!