the terminator


New Member
Has anyone used the 3 workouts on the terminator? I can't find anything that tells me how long each program lasts. If anybody knows please let me know. I don't want to have to sit and watch each one to see how long they take. I would rather know ahead of time so I can plan my workout schedule.
Has anyone used the 3 workouts on the terminator? I can't find anything that tells me how long each program lasts. If anybody knows please let me know. I don't want to have to sit and watch each one to see how long they take. I would rather know ahead of time so I can plan my workout schedule.
Terminator times

I've done Terminator (one or two; not all). Here are the times:

Viper is 5 1/2-minute warm-up, 69-,-minute workout, 6-minute cooldown.

Gauntlet is 7-minute warm-up, 60 minute cardio, interval, toning, 4-minute stretch.

Imax Xtreme is 5 1/2 minute warm-up, 65 minutes Cardio, intervals, toning, and 4 1/2 minutes of stretch.

Good luck!

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