The Runaway Bride

I find it interesting that the majority of serial killers (the ones we know about anyway) are white males. The only black one I know of was the Atlanta guy named Wayne something who killed young boys.

Like Allison, don't want to make this racist but it is me anyway.
I just wonder, don't these people watch TV? I mean, how often do they think someone actually gets away with a stunt like this? Tsk.

I have no idea why she did this, but I feel really sorry for her family and especially for her fiancee... I am guilty of assuming he stuffed her in a dumpster somewhere... isn't that the usual story?

Also not wanting to get into a racial debate, but I worked for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children for many years, and the vast majority of our cases (both children and abductors) involved caucasians. One of the first things profilers learn is that people tend to kidnap or sexually exploit someone of the same race.

I am so surprised this woman didn't realize that this would become a media frenzy, especially after the Laci Peterson case. She obviously didn't think this one through! I feel sorry for her fiance - I immediately accused him in my mind.
Just a thought.

It isn't illegal for an adult free from military or court retrictions on travel to go "missing". Whether planned, or spur of the moment...she had that right, and no authority has a right to charge her for an investigation instigated by her friends and family. While common sense, and love for family would dictate that you would never put them through that kind of stress and heartache...she did nothing illegal until she called authorities, and concocted the kidnapping story. Even after that...she came clean. So...charge her for a false statement...but for the investigation? Nah.

Look at it this way...have you ever been on a highway, on your way to an important meeting, and all of a sudden you come to a dead stop? You realize there's been an accident. Some jerk going way over the speed limit has caused an accident, and there are numerous emergency workers, and emergency vehicles, and investigators, and life flight, and let's see...hundreds of people that are prevented from getting their work much do you think that costs everyone involved? Should we make the jerk, providing he's still alive, pay for ALL the costs involved because he was speeding?

The emotions are very high in this case...and these people have become water cooler fodder. If anything...this should teach people...smaller is better. 600 people!!! Ridiculous!

As far as this being racial...please. She could have said a white guy and a white girl, but because she said an hispanic guy and white girl...all of a's a race thing. I'm a white girl...should I cry foul because she named my particular demographic.?


It is not illegal, you are right, to head off somewhere without telling anyone, nowever irresponsible it may be. It is, however, illegal to report a crime that wasn't commited, such as kidnapping.
I don't want to get into racial debate either. The reason why there's more white pedophiles out there is because more are reported. Serial killers, I only know of 3 black serial killers but the rest are white. There were a couple of hispanics. It depends on the area you live in and what the press reports. Some areas have more minorities than whites. I know in Harlem, NY it's 98% black. So that means majority of people arrested in that town are blacks. If you live in Manhattan, it could be half and half or more white than blacks. I used to work for the law enforcement so I see more than you, Allison. I have nothing against whites, hispanics, blacks, etc. Every single race commits a crime but some race commit certain crime more than other race. When I lived in NM, it was mostly hispanics and Native Americans that were arrested. In Virginia where I used to live, it was mostly a mix.

The bride was stupid to say hispanic male or say people kidnapped her. Anyway, this discussion was last week and it's an old news to me now. I just wanted to clarify some things.

Well, the guy still wants to marry her so now I don't know who's crazier, him or her, LOL!

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