Sorry, snakies give me the heebie jeebies. I'd not run over the snakey but run as fast and as far as my legs could carry me

Never had an issue with snakes until I found one stretched over my stomach in my bed while I spent a few months in Ko Samui, Thailand. I TOTALLY freaked out!!! Snakies, spiders and scorpions, you will only see a dust cloud, that would be me running, it just makes the hair in my neck stand up.
Living in Arizona, we have quite few rattlers, fortunately, while we live VERY close to the mountains, our house doesn't back to the mountain preserve. About two years ago, my friend's Golden Retriever was attacked by a rattler right out of the bush by her front door after we came back from a hike. Ugghhh, pretty nasty picture seeing the critter's head came out of nowhere without warning - NO rattling sound and bit the dog right in the face. It took Snickers 5 months to recover and my friend over $ 5,000 in vet bills. And me lots of margharitas that evening :7
My younger son, Tristan is fascinated with snakes, thanks Liann for sending us the pix. Now he keeps bugging me when we can visit Liann to see the snakies x( Would love to see Liann, the Wieners and other critters, but the snakies ------ uuuuuhmmm
Snake phoebic here :7 Black widow spider phoebic and a little lesser scorpion phoebic.