Autumn very true, everyone is different and especially every female cycle, and even from month to month for some, while others only experience bi-yearly changes.
The pill is getting more confusing, but there is a reason for it. There are so many different type of women on it now. It's like all drugs once it becomes, the hand out drug. IE, about any and every doctor will hand it out to you, there are more and more side affect, more and more, oh it doesn't work with this, works too well with that, etc. Because there is no way, that any medicine can be tested completely with everything and everyone. If we even tried to do that for one medicine, and made it in 1800, today it still wouldn't be out on the market for there would still be a few billion things to test with it, and that would before it even touched a human..
This is also why modern medicine is scary, we are just now learning about the *pill*. And we now have enough willing takers of the drug to have in-depth studies as well as what happens, when you take it long term, say until menopause. This is something that's not really been test, sure they tested women who were 20, 30, 40, and 50 with the drug to see if it was safe and effective, but they didn't give it to a 20 year old and have her take it until age 50.
Now look at all the other drugs that are in your house, some maybe OTC, others prescription. If they are hand me outs, or have been around for 100 years, they you'll have an idea about the long term side affects even you believe it can't happen to you, but a lot we still haven't found. If they are in the *new breed* no one even has an idea about the long term side affects of what your currently taking. Nor how it reacts with everything out there, so when your taking meds, use very little herbs, even to season food preferably none, as most aren't tested to see if there safe, read up on your drug, see what type of tests it's been threw, and don't mix and match by yourself. This is why, there have been so many drugs in the news, as we find out about this side affect, and if used that way it doesn’t work. If used with herbs it kills you, etc. It is very confusing an for those who don’t have time, or up into the medical knowledge your very dependent on the doctor, to tell you all the bad things. Just the problem is, the doctor doesn’t know, no one does.
So in many ways we are still in the stone age of medicine, and we are now just learning what we can do to ourselves, good, bad, or other. So keep your ear to the news, understand what it’s warning you about, try to find out the reason behind it. Mostly for your own safety, especially if you or family take it. Or maybe taking it, like medicine for when you get older, or over the counter stuff, and birth control if you do that. This will allow you to go to your doctor and ask questions that you really need to know the answers too. This will keep you healthier longer, and you’ll have the ability to help keep yourself from the harmful side affects. As you’ll have the knowledge of what your putting in your body, why, what it does, etc, and what it has at least been tested with. This will at least give you a base as what to take with it, and what not to try without consulting a medical professional.