The oddest thing...


So often I see people post their opinion in a certain thread, and then complain that the thread exist!? I don't get that. Why contribute to a thread if you think is shouldn't exist?

Oh well, on to my workout.:)

Great point, DeeDee! Don't read or post if you're not interested in the topic. You're not the moderator, Cathe is. If she lets the thread stay, then it stays.
>Great point, DeeDee! Don't read or post if you're not
>interested in the topic. You're not the moderator, Cathe is.
>If she lets the thread stay, then it stays.

I couldn't agree more. If I see a thread I think shouldn't be on a message board, I don't participate in it. I don't try to shut other people down from participating, nor do I give my opinion and then say the thread should be closed. It seems a bit hypocritical to me to state your own opinion and then tell others that they shouldn't.

>So often I see people post their opinion in a certain thread,
>and then complain that the thread exist!? I don't get that.
>Why contribute to a thread if you think is shouldn't exist?

I don't know if you're refering to a current thread, but sometimes people will post their opinions, then later the thread will go down the drain as people start name-calling, or being disrespectful, or getting over-zealous in defending their POV. Then a person who previously posted may complain about the turn it's taken and feel that it should be removed.
>I don't know if you're refering to a current thread, but
>sometimes people will post their opinions, then later the
>thread will go down the drain as people start name-calling, or
>being disrespectful, or getting over-zealous in defending
>their POV. Then a person who previously posted may complain
>about the turn it's taken and feel that it should be removed.

I agree. It seems some subjects can't be discussed in a calm, respectful manner, with a few participants remembering that ALL are entitled to post their opinion without having it subjected to dissection by another, or without being made to feel as though they have to defend their opinion. That's what seems to happen in the long passionate threads. It's too bad people can't simply state what they feel and move on without feeling the need to pick another person's post apart. I will never understand it. There are people on here who simply can't stand it if everyone does not agree with them. They must be extremely insecure.

I have always thought that conflict rising is inevitable and should be allowed to run it's course, within reason. You can agree with some of the people all of the time, all of the people some of the time but you'll rarely agree with all of the people all of the time, to paraphase an old quote. Lately I have been more vocal in my disagrement and one must love te forums where no one can shout into your face. :D In life, you have to say, whoa I am disagreeing with you, not exercising my ability scream. Not to mention, it's rare that you'll ever opine and change someones point of view so it's opine for the sake of offering one's opinion. All of the emotional things that arise cause a little conflict because we are all so different in our points of view. Name-calling, disrespect and overzealousness are a matter of opinion as well because we are all so different. I have twelve sibs and we can have a rousing argument and disagree like crazy and then sit and chat amiably right after. Oh, we get mad but rarely stay mad. And if anybody should decide to not speak to another, they never last long because we all have such big mouths and have to talk! :)
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
>I don't know if you're refering to a current thread, but
>sometimes people will post their opinions, then later the
>thread will go down the drain as people start name-calling, or
>being disrespectful, or getting over-zealous in defending
>their POV. Then a person who previously posted may complain
>about the turn it's taken and feel that it should be removed.

No, I'm talking about people who state their point of view and in the very same post say that the thread shouldn't have been started in the first place or that the thread should be closed.

I appreciate someone's family may have an understanding about disagreements within its own culture, but people on public message boards are not family - they're basically strangers and this is a public forum with over 9000 members. Outside one's own circle of family and friends you might not be understood in the same context if you were to speak to people like you do to your close friends and family.

I must respectfully say I feel name-calling and outright disrespect is not a matter of "opinion" - it's a matter of name-calling and disrespect, period. There aren't too many alternate interpretations of being called a name other than the obvious - you're being called a name. It may have been flung in the heat of the moment, but it was still flung. Getting emotional and/or passionate about a subject is not an excuse for adding to the downward spiral. We're each responsible for what we say - and in this case what we write - regardless of the reason behind it. We CAN control our own reactions to things, even if we're angry or insulted by something we hear or read. Two wrongs never make a right. Everyone on here knows I've gone off due to something I've read, but that doesn't make it right. And it certainly isn't respectful of the other person.

Mature adults can talk about a heated issue without resorting to childish behaviors. In public such behavior would not be tolerated by too many. It most certainly wouldn't be tolerated in workplaces. I don't see where asking people to be respectful of each other is an extraordinary request. I see it as one of the hallmarks of mature communication. This is a public place, and it's Cathe's house. When you're in someone else's house, you generally respect their rules.

Ah well ... it's only my opinion, after all.


ETA: this post is not meant to be directed at any one person
Yes--I noticed that on the Katrina thread. It registered as very odd with me, too, because the thread was long and if you waded through it, you should be reasonably interested in seeing how it evolved. Other paradoxes cropped up, too. One person said that she never paid any attention to the media because they made things up, but then proceeded to provide her own version of what was going on. I wonder where she found out all of these "facts"???? Curiouser and curiouser.
Carol- you are so right! I can hardly believe it when people call each other names on these boards, like saying "you must be stupid if you think that....". It is so childless and unnecessary, and who is going to listen to your point of view after you say something like that? Your view just loses all of its legitimacy. I just don't understand it.

I believe in this case of Katrina, many people just needed to rant. It's nice that there is a forum to do this. Emotions are an individual thing and each of us express them differently. Case in point, the behavior of the people involved in the disaster itself.

You're right...sometimes we don't makes sense but we're human after all. I think we should be more tolerant...especially in this case.

No one is perfect. No, not even us.


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