RE: Kids and eating issues
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-06-02 AT 06:00PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Amynicole,
I don't work for Children's Museum, but I do work right next door. You'll be happy to know that a Finagle-a-Bagel opened up right across the street this spring! The bagel shop has a good selection of healthy items to choose from. For so long I lamented about that d*mn Mcdonald's because there was virtually NO other place for those visiting to eat. So now people have a choice.
Hey, good for you for overcoming your eating disorders!!!! I know what a struggle it is (by now you know I had disordered eating my whole life, I also had a drastic bout with anorexia at age 19) but my whole attitude regarding food is absolutely in another universe now, ever since I decided I 'was worth it' 2 1/2 years ago and decided to take charge of my health. It was a self-love move, and that has made all the difference
. I so agree with you on 'you can't change the past...'. I'm right there with you.
The thing is, I wouldn't be where I am now if not for my past. I learned a lot of lessons the hard way, and I'm grateful for that because it has made me who I am, personality-wise, and a stronger, more resilient individual in the face of adversity. Also, I have EMPATHY for others in situations that are similar to situations which I've faced in the past, which helps me from being any kind of judgemental
As for my mom, well, my moms my mom, I love her, but I know her limitations, you know? People do the best they can, and she just couldn't do any better. She's not at fault necessarily, she just didn't know any better . I've since accepted my mom's craziness, and she leaves me alone in this regard, as do all of my siblings who have seen all my struggles over the years. Now they are all in awe (some in a complimentary way, some not, but that person would NEVER breathe a word, lest I kick his butt, hee hee
) of my devotion and discipline to my fit and healthy lifestyle.
Please keep up your workouts and healthy eating. You CAN do it and have a happy medium for the rest of your life! It's so cool to finally break the chain with yourself. Sometimes I feel like I have to pinch myself because I'm just so happy I started taking care of myself and stopped worrying about how it was going to affect every facet of my life. There is trial and error, though, especially at the 'maintenance' stage, but once you get through those rough waters, it's like coming out of a storm and it's sunny on the other side.
Yes, it is a lifestyle change, but I'm still in love and married to the same guy, he still loves me 'just the way i am' (I just don't ask him 'do I look fat?' anymore!!!
), he puts up with my eating habits (and, let me tell ya, I put up with his, too) my family/extended family understand that I made a lifestyle change and I'll bring food for myself if all they have is burgers, etc.,
people's feelings aren't hurt anymore, they get over it once they understand that it's not an affront to them but rather something you need to do to maintain health. Also, my husband is absolutely positively generous about my workout time. He knows that it is something I 'need to do'.
I so appreciate you for being so smart and having the wisdom to guard against passing on bad behaviors to your kids. They are so so lucky to have a good mom like you who is so aware!!!
And you CAN and WILL find the happy medium.
added: and if you ever want to talk, you can email me at
[email protected]. good luck!!!