The "No sweets for a month" Challenge


So far it looks like me, Jes, Suzanne and Tammy. Anyone else up for this one? The month of June. No cookies, baked goods, cake, cupcakes (all right you can have special dispensation if it's your birthday or the birthday of someone in your immediate family).

I say I don't eat much sugar, but I KNOW that I eat more than I realize. Maybe this will help me drop the last two pounds.;)
RE: The

Yikes. Why'd you have to pick June? Am I supposed to go without birthday cake? If you others can forgive me for one day of cake, then I'm up for the challenge. :)
RE: The long as I'll be forgiven. :) So I guess I have to go out and get something sugary for dinner tonight. }(
RE: The

Ooo, I think I'll join this challenge. Once, I gave up chocolate for lent!!! If I could do that, I can do this :) So, it starts tomorrow right }( lol
RE: The

Excellent question. Do you mean caloric sweetened drinks or is diet soda ok? Is apartame, sweet 'n low, etc. ok? Or are we talking just donuts and cookies here?
RE: The

Shelley ~

I'm in. This is a huge pitfall of mine. If I don't start, I'm golden. One slip of lip and I'm bingeing all day. It's a challenge I'm willing to take.

~ Kim

P.S. Please confirm whether are not artificial sweetners are banned. I'm a diet Cokeaholoic. I'm not sure whether I can abstain the entire month from artificial sweetners (but I'll try real hard!)

"Welcome the challenge...Embrace it...Don't fear it." -Cathe Friedrich
RE: The

I mean caloric sweetened drinks - specifically Coke. Man, if I have to give up Coke and sweets in one month, the world may not live to see the end of June;)
RE: The

What do you think of these as unofficial guidelines (keeping in mind that everyone has their own goals and ideals):

1. If it's something you might get in response to the phrase "Trick or Treat," don't eat it.

2. If someone in your office says, "Oh just try one. I only bake these once a year," don't eat it.

3. If you salivate at the mere thought if it, don't eat it.

4. If it leaves a sugary film on your teeth, you ate it and need to brush your teeth and not eat it again.

5. If it's something you are confronted with everyday at work or at home, don't eat will still be there in July!
RE: The

Now, why would you want to do something silly like give up sugar??? Yum! chocolate! choco chip cookies! How about a fudge brownie with some chocolate icing? June is the beginning of the ice cream season, you know! Doesn't that sound good?

Just kidding! :+ I am only trying to prepare you for the trials you will face in the coming month! After binging on sugar the next couple of days, you may be ready to give up sugar for life with all the vomitting you'll be doing! x(

RE: The

I am in...reluctantly...How will we keep track? The confessions of unclean eating posts have been my favorite. They let me know that I am not the only one cheating!

If you can think of a way to keep us honest, then I will try my VERY hardest. Like someone already said...once I start, then I begin the downward spiral...

I might have to start today.

Good luck, Ladies!!
RE: The

I said on a previous post that I was going to start tomorrow, BUT, I will postpone my start for the official date of June 1st. I won't feel so guilty if I slip tomorrow!

RE: The

Hey I am totally up for this challenge. I do like my sodas, but I'm going to limit to one a day and the rest water or crystal light. How about the sugar free jello pudding? Also what about Breyers yogurt that only has 8 grams of sugar?

I am in with you guys, this is maybe what I need.

RE: The No sweets for a month Challenge

Well I've been trying for a couple of months to drop my daily sugar intake to 50g or less. So far I've been getting better at it, but there are days that I'm weak. I'm a little bit afraid of joining this challenge and then failing to make good on it. I'll think about it. I need a couple of days and I also have to figure out what should I eat instead of the ocasional sweet temptation.

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