The "No Sweets" Check-In - June 1, 2005

RE: The

I SUCK!!!!! My kids had end of the school parties today and I ate a cookie without even thinking about it. Then after it was gone and I was looking for another one, I realized what I'd done. :( :( I'm on good behavior from now on.
RE: The

Hang in everyone. It's the afternoon and evening times that are the toughest. YOU CAN DO IT!!!! Yup, that's what I'm telling myself each minute. ;-)
RE: The

Hey guys,

It's 7 o'clock and I have made it so far. Everytime I wanted to get one of my kids cookies, I grabbed a slice of watermelon. So I am swimming right now, seeing as how watermelon is nothing but water.

I also thought everytime I wanted to give in,I'm in this challenge and I will succeed. This challenge will help me alot.

I'm sure I can make it through the night without messing up. If not there is always the handy watermelon or strawberries.

Knowing that I have to check-in will make it difficult to mess up.

RE: The

Hi Everyone,

Well day 1 of no sugar has gone very well for me today. And, yes I managed to reach past the chocolate chips and get the bag of salad behind it without snitching a single one. It is 5:40 and I just finished dinner so I should be okay for the remainder of the day.

Good Luck Everyone,

RE: The

Hello ladies:

I made it to Victoria just a little while ago. I prepared all the food for the trip before I left Chicago so I would NOT be tempted to eat any junk. I have not eaten anything forbidden today. Day 1 only 29 to go.
RE: The

Ok so far so good. It is 8:30 pm here and I have done well. In fact so far this is easy. I had a temptation handed to me and I was able to resist. I went to get a coffee at starbucks and they tried to give me a cookie! They know me well there as I am a regular. So they give me free stuff from time to time. I was able to say no to that huge free cookie!

RE: The

Way to go all of you! Day 1 down the hatch! We did it and everyone survived.....


RE: The

Jes, I thought I cheated but it was 73% cocoa dark chocolate and this is DAY ONE of more than just day one of no sweets. Since there are 2.5 servings in the whole bar and each serving has 10 grams and I ate 1 square, I may not have actaully cheated at all. It didn't amount to much at all. A serving has to be 12 squares so I believe I ate pure cocoa. Those squares are tiny. I have two left for the next two days of when having chocolate on my breath breath and, maybe, my chin, is essential to my well being. I am so sorry to have missed the plotting but my ovaries were too grouchy. Is eating a pound of cherries bad?
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
RE: The

Hey Shelley! Well yesterday I did okay. I mean I had a couple of "fruit bars" which is a fancy name for a fruit cookie but they have 5g of sugar for 2 which is great. I passed by the candy bowl and I ignored it so that's good huh? Well so far it's not that bad. Let's see how I do today.

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