The Nintendo Wii


My 27 year old hubby wants one for XMAS!!! Seriously!!! He loves computer games and such, but we have no kids (yet) and all he talks about is the nintendo wii and how fun it would be for both of us to play imaginary golf games together - - sighhhhhhhh ---

To be honest I do not like computer games or nintendo - or ps2 or 3 or whatever it is as far as entertainment goes for kids or adults, but I sadly admit this one caught my eye because it might be simple enough for me to play and during the winter, I get SOOOOO BORED! I live in NE and so if the roads are super slick we don't go out as much or outdoors as much either - - so it might be kind of fun to have a boxing match with my hubby in a vitual world after a few cocktails on some snowy winter evening;)

I might cave......but they are impossible to find! RALFMOLO or ROTFLOL or whatever :7

If you can't beat them - join them.......;)
Boys and their toys!
Trust me, they never outgrow TOYS!
My 23 year old son wants one too. It looks pretty cool. Both my sons work for Best Buy, and while the Wii is difficult to get at the moment, it won't be for much longer. They will begin to stream into the stores within the next few weeks- or so I'm told.
Apparently, Nintendo is not like PS3 or XBox, they will not create a holiday frenzy. The rumor is they will meet the supply demand for the holidays.
Keeping my fingers crossed:)

Good Luck to ya!!!!
My DH is a huge video game fan...I think we have them all. He was able to preorder with WalMart and we got ours the day after Thanksgiving. Our 3 kids love, love it. And I do have to admit, I'm having fun playing, too.:). The virtual playing is so much fun. I actually feel like I'm getting some exercise playing (the kids move a lot playing the different games). If you can get your hands on one, I would say that it would be well worth it.

Our family wants one bad too! Me included......:+[/img][/url]:+
this is a funny thread - my 24 yr old brother and his gf waited in line overnight to get one - it was partly their xmas present to each other! i actually think they had a lot of fun just in the pursuit of one.:)
Hi Reba,

My son bought the Nintendo Wii and it is great fun. It came with WII Sports and you actually have to go through the motions, similar to virtual games. My DH and 3 sons have been playing everyday since he bought it last Wednesday. Most stores are getting regular shipments of this console so you should be able to get one relatively easy. We did go to Target and Best Buy and they were both out of them on the day we went. We went to Costco and didn't have any trouble picking one up. Good Luck.

I am a video game junkie too...Video Gamers Anonymous maybe? :)

I am still into XBox360 but the Wii does look fun. My new fav is Viva Pinata...I am not into the shooting games.

The fun part of XBox360 is that you can connect to other players via XBox Live and have fun playing with people who you would never meet. I have never encountered perverts and the like and it is really fun.

Let me know how you like the Wii!
Can you use previously issued Nintendo Game cube games on this system? Both of my boys have Game Cube and of course want the Wii, but it would be nice if you could use the old games too.
From my understanding you can use your old nintendo games on it - so its not like you have to buy a bunch of new ones......

I am caving - if i see one, I am getting it :) Happy hunting for me :)
I am buying two of them I believe. I have 13 and 10 year old sons and they both have the game cube and of course want their own Wii's. It does look like a good deal for the money if you can use the older games.

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