The New Workout Manager - 1RM Tutorial

SNM Videos

Next week we will launch the beta 2.0 version of the Workout Manager (aka: WM). This is a much improved version and it should make tasks like printing your STS workout cards and taking a 1RM test a snap.

To demonstrate the new WM and to help you understand how to use the WM we have created several video tutorials that we will begin sharing with you today.

The first tutorial will instruct you on how to use the 1RM calculator in the new Workout Manager. With this release we will only have pictures for the STS exercises, but in a future release we will replace the pictures with video clips and verbal instructions from Cathe on how to perform every exercise in our database.

To view the 1RM Tutorial go to:

Beta 2.0 Workout Manager will be released next week.
This looks great. I hope to have all of 1RM tests done by the time this is released and will quickly be able to enter all of the data.
entering wt of ONE db

THANK YOU for including (in the audio) Cathe's preference for entering the weight of ONE dumbell instead of both when two are used. Hopefully this will make the Cathe Nation Average have some meaning if enough people listen to the tutorial!
How great to see this! Like Snowbelle said, it was also nice to hear that we use the weight for just ONE dumbbell for those exercises that require two. Thanks for doing this -- it's fabulous!! :)
SNM...a ?

When I go to view the 1RM Tutorial it quits playing at 1:28. I have tried several times and it stops exactly at 1:28 each time. Any suggestions on what I can do to see/hear the whole 2:54? Thanks!
This is so great! Thanks so much for "holding my hand" through this stuff. Now I'm glad I procrastinated on my 1R's. The tutorial makes it look fun. Tee hee!
I am SO sorry if this a silly ?, but the workout manager a free service, or do we have to pay to use it? I am not up to date on the latest Cathe site/services since I just had my 2nd child, and have just been around the pregnancy/post partum forums. I am anxiously awaiting STS, and am interested in the workout manager! Thanks in advance!:eek:
Workout Manager

The Workout Manager is a Free service we provide to everyone who is registered on our forums.
Do 1RMs carry through in new WM?


I love the new version, much easier! Quick question - does the 1RMs we've already done carry through to the new version of the workout manager? That would be really helpful!

Oh my gosh!! This is soooooo cool!!! I am soooooo excited!!! Now, I am really motivated to do my 1RM tests. I think I'll start tomorrow!!!

Thanks so much for this, SNM!!!

I love the new version, much easier! Quick question - does the 1RMs we've already done carry through to the new version of the workout manager? That would be really helpful!


Yes, your data will transfer. It is still a good idea to keep a hard copy though as our current 1RM calculator has a few exercises that are wrong.
10 reps???

When doing the 1rm thought it was pick a weight and do 10 reps with good form and that was it but can you do anyway weight and lets say you could pump out 15 reps enter that number and that will give you you 1rm?
10 reps ?

For a 1RM test to give you an accurate result you need to select a weight where you will experience failure somewhere around 10 reps. The closer to "10" when you have failure the more accurate the test results will be.
AWESOME!!! I was feeling a little intimidated about the 1RM testing but it looks like it will be a breeze. Thank you so much. You truly have made this easy!

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