We can't tell you how excited we're that our work on the DVD phase of the LITE series is now complete and all of the LITE masters are now at the replicator. The next step in the process is for the replicator to make and send us "check-discs" which we will thoroughly examine and then make any last and final corrections if necessary. Soon after we sign off on the "check-discs" the replicator will schedule our job for production and packaging. Then the DVDs will be loaded onto trucks in California for a cross-country trip to us in New Jersey (usually 4 or 5 business days). Then, of course, the last phase of this project is for us to send you your DVDs. Though it's still too early to give you a shipping date, we're at least getting closer to being able to do so and we will continue to update you as we know more.
Though our work on the DVD phase is pretty much over, we still have a lot of work to do to get all of the LITE workouts and premixes ready and uploaded to Cathe OnDemand. This actually takes longer to do than the DVD authoring, but we will start to do this work this week and hope to finish by the time the DVDs arrive or shortly thereafter.
Lastly, we know everyone is anxious to see some LITE video clips and we hope to start working on them later this week and we will start posting them as soon as we're done making them. So keep checking our Facebook Page and Forums.
*You can pre-order Cathe's new Intermediate LITE workouts or learn more at https://shop.cathe.com/LITE-s/180.htm Act Now! Current Pre-Sale Prices Will End Soon!!