The Monday Watercooler..."Not in THIS Lifetime!"

RE: The Monday Watercooler...

Hi all,

Ttom arrived unexpectedly with a vengance and I really didn't feel like doing anything. But, I did. I just finished 4ds bi/tri/sh and then MM of the same. That will take care of my upper body workouts for the week:)I'm going to shower and probably do a little yoga.

I have to go to the dmv tomorrow; wish me luck.

Sandra - Are you tempted by the sugar? What brought that on?

Lea - Glad to see you around.

Kim - Which yoga did you choose? Is that power yoga 1 by B kest? I got the intensive body sculpt and it was hard.

Laurie- Are you off today or just Thursday on?

Traci - Oh come on, I thought you'd be doing one arm, one leg pikes on the ball.

Debra - Great job on the test. I'm sure I didn't do that well on my final.

Jeanette - Maybe you and Traci can chat tonight when you post and she gets up.

Wendy - We still haven't caught our mouse, but I haven't seen as many tell tale signs recently.

Off to shower. I think we finally got Debras rain.

RE: The Monday Watercooler...

Let me just is after 8 o'clock and I am just able to sit for a couple of minutes and catch up!! Although...the nap was a bit of down time, obviously...But let me say, that I had a dream about doing SH bis and tris during my nap which guilted me to get up and actually DO the workout...LOL! I won't go into the rest of my day...just suffice to say I am here in one piece and I had a very good workout!


As you know my main wardrobe consists of pjs....I sometimes even wear my pjs to workout in...I imagine that you will be dressed waaaay better than me on during our weekend...LOL! Speaking of workout clothes...I have to say, I looked at the blog and Cathe has on some olive spandex pants...Only VERY few women in the entire world can make that work!!! I am certainly not one of God bless her fit heart!! So funny about Wendell being clueless about his sexiness in the turtleneck...maybe if he knew he would wear that more often...LOL! Also...had a HUGE chuckle about the banded penis...Who knew?? I guess they don't let the guys hold it since if it hurts they might let go...and then of course, something else may get snipped by accident! OMG!! I just heard the funniest thing...someone was being polled about the election...and this good Democrat said, 'After the last 8 years, I would vote for anyone (democrat) they dragged off the street!' What's up with the TLT endurance...I thought you were doing 4DS??

Well, glad at least part of your house is clean...The most important part anyway!! Sorry to hear about FIL...It is so tough when we have ailing old parents. There seem to be a lot of ups and downs during that time of life. I keep my house pretty cold CBL is always turning up the heat while he is here...LOL! I will make sure and keep it warmer while Traci is here for the retreat. Sorry about the tough ttom! Hope that eases soon. Eek! The DMV?? Wear a surgical mask so as not to catch anything yucky.

So happy to see you shining face today! Glad you guys had a good visit with the in-laws. Good workout today, little lady.

I promise there is already cat and dog hair flying around, and I just cleaned yesterday!!! There is also cat litter all over the floor in the laundry room...Have no fear, there will be plenty of mess by the time you arrive on Wednesday!! Hope you are having a great ride...And please tell Father Tony we all said hello!!

Look at you on vacation and posting all the time!!!!! So nice to see more of you. LOL about he lack of USA in curling...We just got into hockey down here in the South! I would suggest doing PY4H the magically hips section first since I think that is one of the most effective yoga segments on the market right now. If you want to do something a bit easier do the Pure and Simple....It is just basic poses..and there are 2 versions on the dvd so you can learn the poses easier....But the magically hips will turn you on to Eoin like you won't believe!! Can't wait to hear your results from the X!! LOL about DH not needing the 'recovery'!

So nice for you to have a great weekend with DH...I didn't realize the girls were gone all weekend...I was just thinking they were gone on Friday...good for you guys! It is always nice to have some adult time. Poor Cami and the storms...Polly doesn't seem to have a problem with that...although she scared the heck out of me on Friday...She came running in the bathroom barking while I was in the shower....So I was scared there was someone in the house since she stayed with me until I got out...Of course, there was nothing...Who knows what the crazy thing was doing...LOL! You'll see this week..She's silly! How are you liking SH after your last round of the X??

So glad the mouse has been disposed of properly!! That would totally creep me out. CBL house some mousey issues in his apartment...In fact the critter was out the other night when I was there. I didn't actually see it, but there was some evidence...IYKWIM. Have fun at yoga tonight...Is your favorite gay/guy teaching?? I won't really mind if DD doesn't have as many playdates with the fundamentalists since the have a new 'club' and you can only be a member if you have Jesus in your heart. Not that I have a problem with Jesus in your heart...but I don't like that it is a prerequisite for being included in the play sessions!

Glad to see you pop in....I hope that you can get some help from your loan guy. The whole mortgage thing right now is out of control. is after 9 now, so I guess I should eat a little dinner...and then read my next that I can start working on my presentation on Monday. I have a short presentation on Wednesday....but it is an easy A. Gotta take the cat to the groomer tomorrow to get shaved. She should be in a really good mood by the time I pick her up...LOL!!! And then to the grocery store and to the Pet Smart....I also need a pedicure...Maybe tomorrow or Thursday...Busy, busy, busy!!


To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

RE: The Monday Watercooler...

Hi girlfriends,
What a full day today! Decided not to do a workout as I had a bike ride planned for noon. Okay, I was being a bit lazy. Anyway, I did a little yard work while DH scraped trim on the house. After that, went on a climbing ride with 4 other riders. Think we did 16 miles (8 mile uphill). It was a good ride and my legs felt strong. Really think the leg workouts are making a difference. I think I'm in better shape than what my breathing shows as I'm still fighting the mucho mucous. I hope to ride more with the gal who initiated the ride today. She's pretty strong, though she didn't ride during the winter and X-country skied and snowshoed instead. Anyway, there were 3 of us girls and 2 guys that rode. After that, I rushed home, changed out of my cycling clothes and into some golf duds (really only golf shoes and regular pants/shirt) and rushed to get to the golf course for my 2:00 golf date. Well, Father Tony never showed up. I waited until 2:30, then started without him and played 9 holes. When I got done, it was 4:00 and I saw him. He thought we were playing at 4:00. Just a mix up in communication. I wanted to give him 4 Our Fathers and 3 Hail Mary's for penance for being late. After that, I ate some dinner and took a little nap on the couch. DH reminded me of some rocks that needed to be removed from an area in the front yard so I got busy and worked there for a couple hours, raking, sweeping, etc. Okay, now I don't feel so guilty leaving a big project like the painting to DH. Lord knows I've done my share of painting inside the house. He sure can do the outside.

Oh yes, Lexxie is feeling much, much better. Back to normal and eating just fine now and very perky. Guess the meds and the good vibes from you all worked. Thanks for the thoughts for her.

After posting here, I need to pack my bag as I'll be leaving after work tomorrow for Reno, spending the night with DS and leaving for Greensboro airport on Wednesday morning. I'll arrive on Wednesday afternoon at 4:40 p.m. I'm so excited! I've never been further east than Oklahoma, and that was in 1997.

Traci, so glad you are feeling better, and just in time too! LOL about the LSD experience. I never did any kind of drugs at all in my youth, but I did have that experience with the cough syrup at work the other day. I tell you what, I was floating along. LOL about trying to kill Wendell with a pork chop. I remember when DH had his tonsils out many moons ago. Well, he was still healing up from it and about a week or less after the surgery, I accidently threw my arm across to his side of the bed, hitting his throat and dislodging the clot from the surgery. The blood began running down his throat, but finally stopped. He claims I was trying to kill him. Hmmmm, no one would have figured that one out. ROFL about Wendell's snip-snip!!! These guys are so damned proud of their anatomy and tend to exaggerate at any opportunity! I just read your post to DH and he's going on now about how he went back to work the next day. I reminded him that he most certainly did not. He had the weekend to recover. He's telling me how prune-like his ba**s were. Heck, they'd never survive a pap smear.

Tracy, don't you just love it when someone comes early and you're not ready? When that happens and depending on who it is, I just enlist their help. Otherwise, I pour wine and keep them occupied while I try to finish up. So sorry about your FIL. Hope he can hang on. I think they just get tired of fighting. The ride today was cold, not bad while climbing, but very cold coming down the hill. My eyes were so cold I could barely blink them. Still felt good to ride. Will be another week before I can get back on the bike. So TTOM arrived already? I know you thought it might hit during the retreat. Maybe you will be about done by that time. My periods are only a few days long, max.

Lea, glad the visit with the IL's went well. Back to the grind, huh?

Kim, your day sounds wonderful, a leisurely start and then some shopping. What is a build a bear? Glad you have someone to run with. I've got a few ladies that I can ride with now that the weather is getting warmer. Guess I'm the dumb one that rides all winter. They only ride when it gets over a certain temp. Okay, thanks for describing Bandit. What a dear little dog she must be. So sad when they get older. Bet she's a cutie. My new expensive cycling jersey will be arriving when I'm gone. Wait till DH sees that. Probably more than your yoga DVD's for sure.

Laurie, busy weekend for you, as usual. Glad it didn't involve any epic driving events. Poor Cami, they've got to be so miserable when the thunder and lightning is going on. My neighbor across the street has a golden retriever that will not stay in the yard when the weather acts up. She's a sweetie so we don't mind if she comes over. Laurie, you and I could be twins with our housework abilities. My DD is a good housekeeper, but she sure didn't get that from me. Yep, Debra has GOT TO STOP WITH ALL THE CLEANING!!! Glad you feel the same way as I do.

Wendy, I started sneezing again too. Usually, that's the start of a cold for me. I somehow don't think you have a big butt. How uncouth of that lady. It would have made me mad and I'd have walked out. I'll have to check out Bootay Jeans. I used to have a big butt and small waist. Now I have a big butt and not so small waist. So birthing was easy for you? Not a blessed event for me. Hence, only 1 child. Really, we had 2 other kids at home so I didn't feel the need to go thru all that again. So KFC is popular in Thailand? I'm rarely have fast food and it's been ages since I've had KFC. My sister worked there when she was in high school. She said one of her co-workers had a bandaid on his finger when he started putting batter on the chicken. It was gone when he was done. Years ago, DH found sunflower seed shells in the batter of his chicken. Oh well, if we only knew all the stuff that we've eaten we'd probably never eat out again. I try not to eat at the prison snack bar too often. The food is made by inmates under the supervision of free staff. Lexxie is back to her old self. DH was really worried about her for a few days there. So was I. Wonder where she got the infection. DH thought maybe it was from a desert water hole we were at. He said he saw bones around the water hole. Who knows, maybe it was some bad water. I'll tell more about the pay raise when we get to the retreat. It's such a source of irritation to me right now. Hope yoga was good tonite. I miss my class where the instructor gave us all scalp massages and ear rubs when we were in shavasanah. That was the best part.

Nicole, hope you have a good trip. Wish you were going to be with us, but we all understand. Hope you convince the bank about the house values.

Latrese, so glad you dropped in. I would have loved to meet you on this retreat. I don't have any of Amy's new workouts, but I want to order her Advanced Step Challenge II, which I think was from the series before this most recent. I like her choreography. Good for my mind and body.

Sandra, great workout this morning. Doesn't look like I'll have any high intensity for about a week, unless we try to wine taste at as many places as possible in one day. I'm hoping the one legged pikes are what you explained. I hadn't even thought of that. I just got a Quantum notice of the delivery for my new jersey. It will be here on April 3rd, while I'm at Deb's. Something to look forward to when I come home. LOL about sending your grandkids to your Mom's for her birthday. How far do they live from you?

Debra, good job on the test. LOL about the bast**rd! Father Tony was a bad boy and stood me up. He did feel bad and I'm sure he thought it was supposed to be 4:00 instead of 2:00. A priest wouldn't lie, would he? Thanks for saving some cat/dog hair for me. I feel much better now. You are eating dinner at 9 p.m.? I felt guilty getting something at 8:30 last night. I usually eat around 4 something.

Better go pack now.

RE: The Monday Watercooler...

Good evening, Group. I'm all settled in bed, and want to go to sleep real soon, so I can wake up all bright-eyed and see you again in the early morning. So, I'll try to catch up only a bit for now.

Wendy....A youngster hit on you? Come on now, admit it: a small part of you was flattered. DS has gone to Germany, has he? Argh. That must be super tough. I hope he gets to come home frequently. The cycling shorts singed my fingers, for sure, and if Walmart sold a cheap pair of chamois shorts, believe me, I'd be all over those. Please don't think I feel disparagingly about anyone spending a lot of money on clothing or such. I have no doubt that the quality and the fit are heads above anything you'll get at Walmart. We just can't afford for me to have any vanity right now. One day I'll earn an income, then the whole family can look purdy. Eagle pose must target the muscles in your shoulder that are the most fatigued by that point. It sounds like it requires a lot of endurance in the tops and fronts of your shoulders, to hold your arms up for that length of time. And yes, perhaps you're doing it with such good form that you aren't cheating and getting the support from elsewhere in the upper body. I often wonder how much I cheat, without knowing it. A live yoga class or two might teach me a thing or two....or twelve. Whatever :p Thank you for your comments about wishing I was Retreating with you all. I wish I could have put together some kind of trip, but it didn't happen this year. Maybe the next one ('cause there will be another one, I hope!).

Laurie....Oooh, which WW cookbook did you find, that had Indian bread in it? I'm thinking maybe the "Take Out Tonight"? I'll look for that recipe, for sure! Entertaining people is probably more relaxing and enjoyable for you than for me, if you're able to have such a laid-back approach. My problem is that once I start tidying or cleaning one spot, the rest of the house becomes noticeably messier in contrast, so I have to set about cleaning it alllll, to make it look the same. So, I save myself the bother and just don't start, until I'm forced to by an impending visit from a friend.

Traci....I'll remember the webcam-adds-30#s thing works both ways!! But since webcams usually only show head shots, it's a mute point. I can confidently say that my nose is not fat. Hey, if pikes on the SB aren't your thing, I'm not going to try to tell you otherwise! That Ab Circuits dvd looks like it's going to have so much variety in ab work that there will be something for everyone.

Debra....Excellent job on the test!!! I knew you'd do fine! And obviously that other guy cheated. Or slept with the teacher. You're number one! You're number one!! I truly do wish I was going to be there on Thursday, too. Oh, why'd you have to move so far away? Weren't you closer to me before you moved?

Kim....I think you are now the proud owner of Eoin's entire collection, sans the newest one. I phoned London Drugs today before rushing over, and they don't currently have it. I think there's been an exclusive deal with for that one, for the next little while, anyway. Eoin's philosophy is "All levels, all good", and all of his dvds show a wide range of ability levels. The Pure & Simple Yoga has 2 seperate versions of the workout: beginner and intermediate. I don't know what yoga experience you have. If you're a beginner, then start with PS Yoga beginner track. But for pure enjoyment, Power Yoga for Happiness, and the various premixes on it, can't be beat.

Lea....Kids? What kids? Oh damn! I KNEW I left something at my friend's house!!

Tracy....Wow, that was a pretty short cycle for you wasn't it? Didn't you just have a visit from AF, after an extra long time in-between? Oh, the sugar in my coffee was just a bit, to get more simple carbs into my recovery meal/breakfast. After a heavy duty cardio like HCE today, I knew I needed to replenish the muscles quickly, or I was going to run out of steam in the afternoon.

Okay, that's as late as I can possibly stay up and still be civil in the morning. DH has crawled into bed beside me. Wish him luck that he doesn't start snoring again tonight. His life may be on the line }( }( }( }(


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