The "Latte" generation, my rant

RE: The

I have the Starbucks nutrional information somewhere and in general, if you get a size tall, made with skim milk, no whipped cream or chocolate syrup, you generally come in under 140 calories. The cappucino has the fewest number of calories (and actually you can get a grande cappucino with skim milk still under 140 calories). You can even get a tall skim caramel macchiato for under 140 calories. if you're so inclined....

"Don't forget to breathe!"
RE: The

I had to chuckle at your grocery reference because with no coffee in hand, I maneuver slowly through the grocery because I enjoy grocery shopping, every part, except the piped in music. I always catch myself singing and there goes my chance at appearing hip! :) It would seem you like to get it done quickly. I am diametrically opposed to the fast-paced-ness of this world which always seems ten steps ahead of the present moment. Hence it always seems I am in line behind someone multi-tasking on the phone, perhaps sipping coffee, while checking out and in front of someone so impatient to get through the line they're aghast at the idea of three people online. Life's funny like that!

With no regard to hipness, I think you should definitely wander in and take a taste because from the plainest to the most extravagent concotion, gourmet coffee houses do coffee very well, and whether you are a purist or a sweet hound, and it's a wonderful treat.

I go for a light caramel frappicino, small, with no whipped cream every now and again. I do love coffee and buy organic, free trade so I can't really address the cost of a Starbuck's addiction but I think we all need things like that and one man's latte addiction probably has a similarity to another's craving for something else. Now, come on and fess up to what it is you are fixiated on? ;)
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Man improves himself as he follows his path; if he stands still, waiting to improve before he makes a decision, he'll never move.

-Paulo Coelho
RE: The

I drink my coffee black. Always have and alwasy will. I do like Starbucks, but I again only order the black coffee. I'm a bit of a black coffee snob though b/c since I drink it black and don't add any sugar, cream, flavoring agents etc. the coffee's gotta be good. We roast our own beans at home and grind them ourselves, but if the weathers's bad (we do our roasting outside), Starbucks is my second choice. I can't drink store brands, ie. Folger's, Maxwell House etc, just isn't the same!

Be proud of your black coffee's low cal!
RE: The

I love Folgers 100% Columbian. I drink 1-2 cups every morning. I also love non-fat lattes from Starbucks. Yes they are pricey, but worth every penny. Very addictive, I don't know if that is a good thing.

RE: The

I realize that it might seem crazy to spend $4 for a coffee drink, however, we must all have our vices. For me, Starbucks is not just about drinking coffee, it is about the smile and warmth I feel when I walk into one. It is comforting to smell the coffee aroma, and seeing all of the people socializing.

The smile on my face is worth $4 to me. It is the little things that make life so incredible.

RE: The

I totally agree with Gayla. I could have much worse habits than having a nice warm latte from Starbucks once or twice a week. It is more than just coffee, it's something that I treat myself to because I love coffee. It's the little things that make life so wonderful and fun. It's worth every penny to me. Everyone has their vice...some people have a drink with, I go out for coffee after dinner. What's the difference between someone who spends $4-8 bucks on a mixed drink with dinner and someone who buys a nice coffee after dinner? To each their own.
RE: The

I like Starbucks but rarely go there. Every now and then after a long running race with my friends we stop at Starbucks for something so we can stay awake for the drive home! I buy Starbucks coffee beans at Costco and sometimes add their Expresso beans and have fresh brewed every morning so why go to Starbucks???? I prefer my coffee black most of the time...:)...Carole
RE: The

i don't like coffee at all... including not liking coffee flavored candy, ice cream.. etc!!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
RE: The

I too like just plain coffee. I'll put in a little Splenda. One packet last me about four to six mugs.
Susan C.M.
Nothing should be jiggling, unless it's jiggling off. - Cathe in HSC

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