The Last House on the Left


Oh my gosh! So disturbing! Gave me a nautious feeling! People actually left during the middle of the movie!
great! i can't wait to see this movie. i'm a horror movie junkie. the more disturbing the better! thanks for the review.
I remember seeing the original when I was in high school...yeah, disturbing. This movie really didn't need a remake...but I'm no fan of slasher films.
DH and I just went to the movies last night. This movie was playing but there was no way I was going to see it. I am a horror flick weenie. Especially today's horror flicks. Disturbing is right! Even the movie trailers "disturb" me. :eek: The last horror flick I watched is Scream. Yeah, that was a loooong time ago! LOL I went to the movies to see that one and enjoyed it but since then...nadda.
I read a review of this film that really made it sound disgusting--a very, very long rape scene in painful, gratuitous detail for sadists or masochists, and a camera that just seemed to be ogling a girl's body parts. The reviewer thought the film would encourage violence against women. Just what we need! BLECH!! I like horror films like Aliens, but this I will definitely skip.
I read a review of this film that really made it sound disgusting--a very, very long rape scene in painful, gratuitous detail for sadists or masochists

Now I'm REALLY glad I would never watch this movie....rape scenes bother me to no end...
The original one from the 70s disturbed me so I can not even imagine how violent one made in 2009 would be. I love horror but I like suspenseful horror. Rape scenes really disturb me.
Horror lover here & I have absolutely no intention of seeing the remake. The first one was a misogynistic, twisted, sckening 2 hours of men & lesbians assaulting women. This is not a slasher movie, this is not a horrer movie, IMO it's a hardcore porn movie for people who enjoy seeing women debased & degraded. :mad:
Oh my gosh! So disturbing! Gave me a nautious feeling! People actually left during the middle of the movie!

Interesting! I saw the original film that was indeed very, very disturbing. I read reviews of the remake that said the remake was no way as disturbing as the original. It sounds like the remake extended the rape scene and left out some of the other disturbing aspects of the original film. I haven't decided if I'm going to see this film or not yet.
I read a review of this film that really made it sound disgusting--a very, very long rape scene in painful, gratuitous detail for sadists or masochists, and a camera that just seemed to be ogling a girl's body parts. The reviewer thought the film would encourage violence against women. Just what we need! BLECH!! I like horror films like Aliens, but this I will definitely skip.

If this film (or any other film, song, poster or whatever) encourages violence against women (children, people of a certain race, etc) then that particular person is a timebomb waiting to explode...and they will explode regardless of whatever excuse they use.

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