<--the isty bitsy spider climbed up the waterspout


<---is listening to the weatherman predict steady rain tonight through Saturday
<---thinks that's a good excuse to not plan any yard work
<---doesn't like yard work and would rather clean the house then weed the flowerbeds
<---didn't have outside plans for the weekend anyway
<---will be visiting DS - he lives in a group home and the organization is having a Halloween party
<---has to get through another day of work first...
<--Says there was an old woman who swallowed a spider....
<--Knows its not the water spout spider song, but now <-- mind is repeating all the kids songs that have spiders in them
<--wonders if the spider in the rain spout song got washed away to the old woman's house?
<--enjoyed reading the arrow thread from yesterday
<--is glad the magic dust is working :)
<--agrees with Robin on not liking the yard work
<--pays the guy down the street to do <-- yard work :D
<--wishes Robin and everyone who follows a happy friday
<--sings ...That wriggled and jiggled and tickled inside her...
<--skips out of thread :cool:
<---waves GM to Robin and MJ
<---is not looking forward to all the rain
<---really needed to mow her lawn one more time
<---told her mom her news last night
<---was happy not to get a roll of the eyes or a "why???"
<---says she was supportive and she almost thought she was going to cry for a second there
<---wishes she was going to a Halloween party :(
<---says no one around here gets into it as much as <--- does
<---hopes everyone survives Friday! :)
<--is glad Robin will skip the yard work
<--is glad Liann got a positive response from Mom
<--thanks Ms. MJ for the Happy Friday tidings
<--is getting the nails done today and then off to see mom at the horsepistol after work
<--is looking forward to lots of sleeping and reading over the weekend
<--has no plans other than to see mom and relax
<--waves good friday morn to all!!
<--agrees with Robin that it's not a good weekend for yard work
<--is lol at MJ singing the spider song!!
<--remembers that one from grade school
<--is happy Liann's mother's response was good
<--thinks moms can surprise us now and then ;)
<--tells Patti she deserves a weekend of sleep and rest!!
<--has no big plans for the w/e and loves it!!!
<-- waves hello to everyone!
<-- is glad Liann's Mom is supportive. How's Mom's wrist doing?
<-- hopes Robin's work day goes fast.
<-- is not looking forward to the rain.
<-- is going to a college football game tomorrow and dreads sitting in the rain.
<-- would skip it, but team is 2-4 so <-- feels compelled to show support.
<-- likes Beavs weekend plans. Hopes Mom is doing well.
<-- mentions to LFT that The Cure's "Lullaby" has a spider in it too...not a kids song though. :p
<-- is attending a meeting of the Summit Wine & Cheese Club this afternoon atop Birdseye mountain if we can find the trail head.

<-- jumps back in and waves to Cat!!
<---tells Gayle that she still doesn't have full range of motion, but that the wrist is getting a lot better. She is worried that it will never be quite the same though. :( Thanks for asking! :)
<---was pretty sure Liann's mom would be happy to hear her baby was having a baby
<---thinks Beavs mom is one heck of a tough lady
<---hopes and prays she continues her amazing recovery
<---thinks both Beavs and Cat deserve a nice relaxing weekend
<---tells MJ "I don't like spiders and snakes...."
<---wants to join the Summit Wine and Cheese Club
<---thinks it's time to start an OAL Wine and Cheese Club
<---or maybe a Wine and Chocolate Club?
<--did someone say "wine and cheese????" :p
<--would love to hang out with Gail
<--could get into trouble with Robin too
<--is glad Liann's mom's wrist is okay
<--can't believe <--'s mom's constitution
<--plans to make most of the mother daughter time before mom decides she's had enough
<--can attest to the toll dialysis takes on one's body and soul
<--- waves Hello
<--- was in a mood earlier
<--- went back to sleep and now feels better
<--- tells everyone that instead of getting emotional, <--- just gets mad???
<--- is also not looking forward to the rain
<--- DS and DH were suppose to have a campout with a ton of boys from our church...DS will be very disappointed
<--- thinks Beavs is a strong like her mom
<--- is off to return some maternity clothes that look more like tents
<--- tells Liann she can come to our halloween party...of course there will be kids running around everywhere!
<--- hopes everyone has a great weekend!

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<-- says all OALers are welcome to the SWCC.
<-- could totally get on board with a wine and chocolate club too!
<-- hopes today's excursion doesn't turn into another Blair Witch Project...nobody seems to know "exactly" where the trail is. :confused:
<-- better bring cell phone.
<-- hopes today's excursion doesn't turn into another Blair Witch Project...nobody seems to know "exactly" where the trail is. :confused:
<-- better bring cell phone.

<---says she hopes it doesn't turn out like The Decent either!
<---tells Catherine that maybe if she breathes heavily while watching, she can count it as a workout
<---thinks Cat could probably think of funner ways to breath heavily though:p
<-- bouncing into the thread as a result of all the joy dust :D
<-- thinks DS approves Robin's new motto - BTW, he says "we're over or through" and has been known to "break up with" people - oh did <-- mention DS is 5 :p
<-- giggling at MS's songs
<-- glad Liann's mom is supportive
<-- hopes Beavs enjoys her mani and time with her mom
<-- asks if someone said wine & cheese
<-- lol Beavs asked almost the same question
<-- hopes Kelli's mood is gone
<-- admits <-- travels by broom on occ. :eek:
<-- hopes Gayle has fun at the game
<-- asks "it doesn't count as a workout if you just watch?? Next <-- will discover the calories don't fall out when you break cookies in half." ;)
<-- hopes to "see" Gayle back safe & sound
<-- seconds the wine & chocolate club!!!!
<-- needs to ring the school bell
<-- sashays outta here
<--should have told DH "we're over" when he was late for dinner,a romantic and delicious dinner of Mango Glazed Salmon
<---will forgive him since he is spending time with his Mother who is not doing so hot
<---is eating dinner in front of the computer and listening to the rain
<---hope all the itsy bitsy spiders are somewhere warm and dry
<--sends Robin and DH ((hugs))
<--sorry to hear MIL not doing well :(
<--is looking for something interesting to do tonight
<--wonders what they are doing in Daytona
<--wonders who will win the audition??

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