The Imax Series


Hi All! Just curious, it seems IMAX 2 is the clear favorite. What is it about this workout? The first time I got Imax 3 (I have Interval Max and Imax 3 and Imax 2 is in the mail) I did the entire thing, then the second and thrid time I couldn't (the first time the excitement I think, got me through it). Just curious to hear everyone's opinions on Interval Max, Imax 2 and 3. Thanks!
Hi Jane! Well, I don't know what it is - I think it has a different spunk or spark to it and many people like the music better. It's like it's peppier or something. I think also of the three, Imax 2 is the easiest and just has a higher fun factor so it appeals to more people. But to be honest, I'm one that likes Imax 3 the best! I did happen to do Imax 2 today though and I do love it, I just love Imax 3 more. I rotate all three regularly.

Let us know what you think after you get your DVD.

Hi, I am not quite sure what the big difference is, all I know is after doing Imax 3 I don't go back to Imax 2 as often. The music in Imax 3 is so great, as are the moves, you just want to keep going. Even when you get to blast 10, the step and music is so fun it gets you through. I guess I am another one who loves Imax 3 a little better. Imax 1 is very straitforward and is also fun. Her comments in this one always make me smile, especially the one about jumping over a basketball, baseball, golf ball, marble. Have fun.
I think IMAX2 has the right combo of athletic and fun.

The music is fun and motivating, and fits the moves perfectly.
I like it better than IMAX3 (which I tried a few times, but couldn't get into) because it doesn't have the fatal-for-a-workout-for-me combo of 'ultra-high impact' and "more pivoty, not-as-well-cued choreo'in the step segments as #3).
Interval Max has you do one move during each blast, while IMAX2 does combos, but which are not too complex.
It's just the perfect balance, IMO.

Also, Cathe's pigtails and outfit are just so cute! It just adds to the athletic, fun aspect of it.
I like Imax 3 the best! My first ever Cathe step was Imax 2. It was alot of fun and took me a long time to get all the step combos.(and to get all the way thru) But once I found Imax and Imax 3 I seem to use them and their premixes more than Imax 2. I feel Imax 2 is fun, Imax 3 rocks and has great music and Imax one still chanllenges me!

PS I agree with Katherine, I like Cathes look in Imax 2 the best(love the pigtails!)
Another vote for IMAX3. I can't get enough of this one. It combines fun and challenging moves to produce one helluva sweatdrenching workout. I still like to do IMAX on occasion. It has wonderfully straightforward athletic moves that don't require much concentration. IMAX 2 I do rarely now. It simply doesn't challenge me enough.

For me, Interval Max The Original remains my favorite for its purity and intensity; I do like the IMax3 blast-only premix and the IMax2 blasts only from the Mix-N-Match selection (usually I do the IM2 blasts at the end of IMax 1, after The Doom Interval and before my beloved Boot Camp cardio-only premix).

I'll say this much, though: aerobic and blast cycle #6 on I-Max 2 (the beloved straddle-tap interval) has a song (I think the title is "Rainmaker") that stays in my head for hours after I've heard/done it - very haunting and pnemonic. I love it so much I may even buy it some day.

I love Imax 2, but that may only be because I haven't done Imax 3 very much, yet. I've only used Imax 3 as a supplement to other workouts right now. Maybe it's the fear that the recoveries are shorter, or maybe it's that I was injured for several months and just didn't want to try something "new" for fear of reinjuring myself. I'm more confident with Imax 2 because I know the sequence, whereas I'm not as familiar with Imax 3 and that could create a misstep that will screw up my ankle again.

However, I did do the first 3 rotations of Imax 3 last week and thought that the step sequences aren't as intense, offering a bit more recovery after the blasts since the actual recovery is so much shorter than in Imax 2.
I love the original IMAX, it's straightforward, athletic rather than dancy, excellent cuing, the intervals don't seem as exhausting as the later ones, and it does seem to build in intensity so you have a good long warmup period. To me it's a classic. To me, IMAX2 is also a good workout and well cued, but I don't LOVE IT LOVE IT the way most do. And I have several problems with IMAX3 - on the very first combo, it's a not-well-cued facing-backward-to-the-step combo that's frustrating, and the first interval is a KILLER KILLER, and then Cathe says the intervals will just get harder and harder. Even though I think the first interval is harder than almost any of the others, and the others will be easier, and even though I now know the first step combo after having done the dvd several times, I STILL can't overcome those two sort of "psychological" problems - I just sort of feel like a failure right from the start of IMAX3 - I can't get the steps and I can barely struggle through the first "easiest" interval. BUT with IMAX and IMAX2 I feel more empowered and accomplished :~)
I have just ordered Imax-3 so I haven't tried this to compare yet. To me it seems like Cathe is almost a different person in Imax and Imax-2. She seems quite serious in Imax whereas I would say she seems at her most light-hearted in Imax-2 and because of her hair style she looks different also.

I don't know which I prefer. I have only just got the hang of Imax-2 and I am enjoying the challenge of the choreography but I don't think it is as hard physically as Imax. So I sort of prefer it because I have an easier time, but then at the same time I prefer Imax because I know I get a better workout with a heart rate that it is up there in all of the intervals. I think Imax is pretty much a perfectly designed workout. The long warm-up really helps me get through the first intervals and then everything flows so smoothly without too many transitions and changes to break up the intervals.

I am looking forward to getting Imax-3 to compare.
I vote for the original Imax. Intervals done on the floor seem more intense to me than intervals done on the step, and Imax has lots of 'floor-oriented' goodies (airborn jumps, plyo jacks, power scissors, etc.). In my opinion, nothing can beat the original Interval Max in terms of intensity. And nothing has done a better job at increasing my cardio endurance than Imax 1.
I just did the original Interval Max the other day and thought wow, what perfect straightforward get the job done cardio!

Imax 3 I feel is harder, but I love it too. For some reason it intimidates me though - but I look at it and think you won't beat me! Ha ha!

Imax 2 is wonderful - I happen to get a great workout and I find the whole atmosphere of that workout uplifing and fun. I love the music, I love the build-up of Interval 9 - makes me smile each time. And that happy dance Cathe does after that interval is over - so cute.

All three of these workouts are awesome.

IMax 2 is light hearted and as others have said, just fun! Cathe is very encouraging in it, and everyone just seems to have a blast (no pun intended). IMax 3 is serious business and even Cathe seems to want to get through it to say she's done it.

That being said, I do IMax 3 more because it's more in tune with my fitness level, but I will admit that if I wake up and don't feel like moving but know I need a decent workout I pop in IMax 2 and I always finish it. I will fast forward through some of the breaks, though.

The original IMax bores me as it seems to be all power 7 and power 15's. They get boring to me after a while.
To me the Imaxes are defined by Cathe's attitude in them.

Imax - Cathe is somewhat serious, but is also very supportive throughout. She really gives you encouragement during the moments you need them the most.

Imax 2 - Cathe is at her happiest on this one, and at times gets playful in her demeanor. She is obviously having fun and wants you to have fun as well. Probably my favorite of the imaxes.

Imax 3 - Cathe is a lean, mean, fighting machine in this imax. She is chiselled in appearance and really takes the level up on this workout. I get the impression that she knows how complicated this one gets and makes no apologies for it, and takes no prisoners either!

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